America has lost its mind

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!
(((Rothschild)))....:71: Name the others then.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
This why Obama brought all of these people here from Muslim countries.
To put Muslims in Congress.
Interesting.....Former President Obama was President in 1995 when Omar and her family came to the U.S.?
Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!

feel free to provide some links.
Feel free to remember. For we will never believe you anymore. The race is on who will vote the first pure dictator.
So you cannot provide any more examples. Color me surprised.
. . . . .
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.

Yes, nice catch!! The left has again successfully redefined a word or phrase in the English lexicon. In addition they have co-opted ethnicity to basically mean any group they decide is 'victim' enough to use as political fodder. It's America where we have an American culture based on Judeo-Christian morals and values.

Yeah. I think anyone, even if they are Islamic, are welcome here, as long as they want to embrace enlightenment values. It is part of the DNA of America.
I agree with you....however, I wonder if those who keep insisting that we are supposed to embrace judeo-christian values would agree.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

Her rhetoric, which gaslights anti Israel and anti Jewish feelings and violence.
Does anti-Israel always equate to anti-Jewish?
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

we have allowed the creation of a muslim sleeper cell in the US congress. PC is destroying this country.
So, you wish to disenfranchise the voters of Minneapolis?
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

Yes, but only if they swear an oath of loyalty to the USA above all others. The muslims have not done that, their primary loyalty is to the Koran and sharia law. Why else would they insist on head coverings? Why else would they scream about jews and hate Israel? Those two muslim women are plants in the US congress as part of the long range muslim jihad to destroy the USA.

Damn, some of you are as ignorant as a chunk of road kill. Why TF cant you see what is happening?
You know that members of Congress swear an oath to the Constitution, right?
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

Her rhetoric, which gaslights anti Israel and anti Jewish feelings and violence.
Does anti-Israel always equate to anti-Jewish?
Exactly. I mean I'm not sure Illab understands that, but we have "Republicans' openly saying a muslim has to have alliegances other than to the US.

She does have a point about campaign money. And AIPAC. Where does AIPAC's loyalty lie? That is not a new question.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
This why Obama brought all of these people here from Muslim countries.
To put Muslims in Congress.
Interesting.....Former President Obama was President in 1995 when Omar and her family came to the U.S.?
Nope. Billy Clinton was.
The people that elected her have been coming here for a couple of decades.....and Obama made sure that enough were brought here to swing the vote the last few years. Anyone who goes to her district wouldn't know that you were still in America. It has become an American Islamic society. It used to be Keith Ellison's district. Ellison is trying to become AG for Minnesota......a slow creep to Sharia Law in America.

You really aren't too bright.
Last edited:
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
This why Obama brought all of these people here from Muslim countries.
To put Muslims in Congress.
Interesting.....Former President Obama was President in 1995 when Omar and her family came to the U.S.?
Nope. Billy Clinton was.
The people that elected her have been coming here for a couple of decades.....and Obama made sure that enough were brought here to swing the vote the last few years. Anyone who goes to her district wouldn't know that you were still in America. It has become an American Islamic society. It used to be Keith Ellison's district. Ellison is trying to become AG for Minnesota......a slow creep to Sharia Law in America.

You really are a dumb individual.
Even in Omar's district many are against what she has said with respect to Israel......but the 5th District of Minnesota is slowly moving in her direction.
She only opened up about her anti-Semitic beliefs until after she was elected. Perhaps she feels enough of them agree with her to mouth off about it. The rest can be convinced to follow suit.

This scenario has been applied in numerous countries around the world.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

LOL. Democrats are so easily mislead.
Trump did call for total shutdown on muslims entering US, during campaign.

And he stood behind it. Omar called all Jews as basically traitors to the US and that Israel is an evil country. And now she is dancing around it.
Omar only suggested that AIPAC paid politicians to take pro-Israel positions. Which is a far cry from those at charlottesville.

LOL so she never said “Israel hypnotized the world” and that people who support Israe have dual loyalties? I am Imagining this?
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:
We do now. Who do you think kills our military with insider attacks? It isn't Baptist boys from Kansas. Major Hassan didn't commit a massacre at Ft. Hood because he is Amish.

We let these vile people into our military because a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of political minds.

Doofus indeed.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

Her rhetoric, which gaslights anti Israel and anti Jewish feelings and violence.
Does anti-Israel always equate to anti-Jewish?
Pretty much.
. . . . .
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.

Yes, nice catch!! The left has again successfully redefined a word or phrase in the English lexicon. In addition they have co-opted ethnicity to basically mean any group they decide is 'victim' enough to use as political fodder. It's America where we have an American culture based on Judeo-Christian morals and values.

Yeah. I think anyone, even if they are Islamic, are welcome here, as long as they want to embrace enlightenment values. It is part of the DNA of America.
I agree with you....however, I wonder if those who keep insisting that we are supposed to embrace judeo-christian values would agree.

eh. . . Folks often confuse Judeo-Christian values with enlightenment values b/c many of the most important figures of the enlightenment were nearly always either deists or Jesuits. Protestant Masons necessarily embraced these values because of our modern need for innovation.

Untangling the myth of the founding from the facts is difficult.

The problem with the progressive left is they would like to graft Frankfurt school values onto natural rights of the enlightenment. It seeks to worship materialism and science, not the spirit of creativity and the soul of humanity. The natural "reaction" of conservatives is to glom onto the religious, spiritual natural rights of humanity aspects of the enlightenment definitions. Who can blame them?

Marxism depends on godlessness and a mechanistic universe to give civilization meaning. From the Lucifarian point of view, Rights come not from god, but from government. This IS NOT what the enlightenment philosophers had in mind.

LOL. Democrats are so easily mislead.
Trump did call for total shutdown on muslims entering US, during campaign.

And he stood behind it. Omar called all Jews as basically traitors to the US and that Israel is an evil country. And now she is dancing around it.
Omar only suggested that AIPAC paid politicians to take pro-Israel positions. Which is a far cry from those at charlottesville.

LOL so she never said “Israel hypnotized the world” and that people who support Israe have dual loyalties? I am Imagining this?
Yet another example of the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right.

That most conservatives are in fact as reprehensible as they are wrong.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
You forget that trump and pigpence were "elected" by the electoral college, so we now have these two whores as president and vice president..

Why is “elected” in quotes? He actually was elected

By gaming the electoral college, maybe with the help of Russia. These two white-trash whores are unworthy of any respect, the same with the white trash who voted for him.
For literally decades the knock on Italians and the Micks (I'm in the club) was they'd only have loyalty to Rome.

A majority of Hispanics (and I think even just Latinos) oppose illegal immigration.

I cannot see a rational reason for a Muslim, or even a Latino for that matter, to vote for a party with Trump as potus ... but trying to pit a person's vote or alligance by faith or color is .... racism.

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