America has lost its mind

I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
You forget that trump and pigpence were "elected" by the electoral college, so we now have these two whores as president and vice president..

Why is “elected” in quotes? He actually was elected
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

LOL. Democrats are so easily mislead.
Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.

coming from you that just means so much to me. how will I be able to sleep at night at knowing some random idiot on the internet thinks I am a moron? :290968001256257790-final:

Morons have trouble with sarcasm. They forget who is who.

cnm said:
An analysis by Quartz of the same Global Terrorism Database confirmed that the trend persisted in 2017, when most attacks in the US were committed by right-wing extremists.
I Went To Quartz Source
Global Terrorism Database
And They Don't Say How These Were Determined To Be 'Right-Wingers"
Except The Presumption That Victims Of Note
Are Notorious Left Leaders

11,000 Down From 17,000 Global Attacks
Are Still 11,000 Terrorist Attacks
And We All Know What Sect Tops That List
Whether The Count Is Correct Or Not

Here's A List Of 'Hate Crime Attacks' In The USA
And Here's A Comparison Of Attacks By Other Groups
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth

Here's For February Alone
In The Name Of Al-lah:

Jihad Report
February, 2019

Attacks 150
Killed 883
Injured 547
Suicide Blasts 10
Countries 22
Last edited:
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

Yes, but only if they swear an oath of loyalty to the USA above all others. The muslims have not done that, their primary loyalty is to the Koran and sharia law. Why else would they insist on head coverings? Why else would they scream about jews and hate Israel? Those two muslim women are plants in the US congress as part of the long range muslim jihad to destroy the USA.

Damn, some of you are as ignorant as a chunk of road kill. Why TF cant you see what is happening?
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
ya cause after all we have thousands of attacks a year around the globe by evangelicals right? Ohh wait that is Muslims.
Do you support the U.S. selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Yemen?
No. nuke them both and send Delta to decapitate all the royalty. Continue East.
Dont feed me any of this no-livability buullshit for 50.000 years. Have a glance at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Nice cities with a quickness. Repeat as necessary.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

LOL. Democrats are so easily mislead.
Trump did call for total shutdown on muslims entering US, during campaign.

And he stood behind it. Omar called all Jews as basically traitors to the US and that Israel is an evil country. And now she is dancing around it.
You troll. Name one Mostly Muslim country that is not a humanitarian, military or economic disaster. You cannot. Only one mostly Jewish country. Israel. And that is the safest place for a Muslim woman in the Middle East. long as she doesn't live in the West Bank

Still safer than Yemen or KSA
Yemen is in a friggin WAR...that we are supporting. No one is safe there
And the Republican PARTY lost it's mind...when it went all in on Stupid Sarah Palin...and only got worse from there with the Tea Party...the fraudulently named "Freedom Caucus" (rebranded Tea Partiers), and now...TRUMP
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
It's easy to believe this sort of ignorance, hate, stupidity, and bigotry from the right.

LMAO. You an antisemite like your girl, Omar? Come on Clayton, own it. Be a man.
And the Republican PARTY lost it's mind...when it went all in on Stupid Sarah Palin...and only got worse from there with the Tea Party...the fraudulently named "Freedom Caucus" (rebranded Tea Partiers), and now...TRUMP

So you admit your party lost its mind? Thank you. I agree the GOP list it’s mind with Palin and the Tea Party. You’re finally getting it, Lesh. You may graduate from idiot to moron very soon.
Yemen is in a friggin WAR...that we are supporting. No one is safe there

Name one safe Muslim country for women. There are over 50. Surely you can find one. Just one country where she has equal rights to men. I ll Wait patiently
I agree the GOP list it’s mind with Palin and the Tea Party. You’re finally getting it, Lesh. You may graduate from idiot to moron very soon.

Trump was the natural progression from that idiocy...moron...

Same people...same rhetoric

But glad to see you admit that the GOP has lost its mind. The question then becomes how the hell do you still support it...
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

umm the evangelicals are harmless
they are not on a mission to destroy western civilization and impose Sharia oppression on all of humanity
Not so harmless.
Yemen is in a friggin WAR...that we are supporting. No one is safe there

Name one safe Muslim country for women. There are over 50. Surely you can find one. Just one country where she has equal rights to men. I ll Wait patiently
There are many places in the world were women are repressed. Africa has many. Russia is no peach

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