America has lost its mind

I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
Islam has been at war with Christianity for 1400 years.

Islam has been at war with any group that does not believe the way it does, for 1400 years.

I do not recall any recent holy wars (wars with a strong religious casus belli or undercurrent) undertaken against The West at-large by Jews.

I do not recall any recent holy wars undertaken against The West at-large by Christians.

I do not recall any recent holy wars undertaken against The West by Hindus.

I do not recall any recent holy wars undertaken against The West by Buddhists.

Islam, on the other hand, well...









Kiss Muslim ass?


To hell with 'em.
Perhaps you forgot how many military bases the US had in saudi arabia?
Imagine your reaction if Saudis had military base in US.
next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!
Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!

feel free to provide some links.
That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!

feel free to provide some links.
Feel free to remember. For we will never believe you anymore. The race is on who will vote the first pure dictator.
Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.
Under Obama, Muslim military people killed their military non Muslims. Remember!

I remember on Muslim guy killing his fellow soldiers. Are there other incidents that I forgot?

Should we use one example of a group to paint everybody in that group for all groups or just the ones you do not like?
It was more then one. You Rothschild shill!

feel free to provide some links.
Feel free to remember. For we will never believe you anymore. The race is on who will vote the first pure dictator.

translated: I ain't got shit so I will just run and hide like the coward that I am"
. . . . .
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.

I usually agree with most of what you post, but in this instance?

Not so much.

There is a difference between "multi-cultural" and "diversity."

Americans, up until this last past half-century, have always been diverse. Yet we have always strode to create ONE CULTURE.

Since the mid-sixties, early seventies, yes, there are now forces at play that wish to divide, separate and create isolated pockets and balkanize American culture.

Most folks just want to be part of the mainstream, no matter who they are, black, white, gay, straight, male, female, christian, jew. . .

. . . yet some would like to create separate enclaves. It is true.

noun: diversity
the state of being diverse; variety.
"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"
a range of different things.
plural noun: diversities
"newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed"
synonyms: variety, miscellany, assortment, mixture, mix, melange, range, array, medley, multiplicity; More

adjective: multicultural; adjective: multi-cultural

  1. relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
    "multicultural education"

There is no such thing as a nation that ever survived for very long that was ever multicultural. Diverse? Yes. But not multicultural.

Yes, nice catch!! The left has again successfully redefined a word or phrase in the English lexicon. In addition they have co-opted ethnicity to basically mean any group they decide is 'victim' enough to use as political fodder. It's America where we have an American culture based on Judeo-Christian morals and values.

Yeah. I think anyone, even if they are Islamic, are welcome here, as long as they want to embrace enlightenment values. It is part of the DNA of America.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
You forget that trump and pigpence were "elected" by the electoral college, so we now have these two whores as president and vice president..
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

Her rhetoric, which gaslights anti Israel and anti Jewish feelings and violence.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.
next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.

coming from you that just means so much to me. how will I be able to sleep at night at knowing some random idiot on the internet thinks I am a moron? :290968001256257790-final:
next thing you know they will let those vile people into the military to serve this country! :290968001256257790-final:

We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.

You should never call anyone a moron. You cannot even distinguish the difference between men and women. Get out of this thread.
We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.

coming from you that just means so much to me. how will I be able to sleep at night at knowing some random idiot on the internet thinks I am a moron? :290968001256257790-final:

You are many things, Gator but a moron is not one of them.
We have extremists in the military?

Guess we need to define extremists. What makes Omar an extremist?

That's easy. She's Muslim.

Ok, so then what you are saying is that all Muslims are extremist, and there are Muslims in the military so by your logic we have extremist in the military. I will have to let my buddy know that he is an extremist, he will get a kick out it.

You genuinely might be a moron. It saddens me.

coming from you that just means so much to me. how will I be able to sleep at night at knowing some random idiot on the internet thinks I am a moron? :290968001256257790-final:

Morons have trouble with sarcasm. They forget who is who.

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