America has lost its mind

I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
Wow evangelical Christians scare you more than Muslims. You obviously don't understand what Sharia Law is.
We certainly understand what would happen if fundies were able to trod on our secular laws. All we have to do is listen to creeps like Roy Moore.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
ya cause after all we have thousands of attacks a year around the globe by evangelicals right? Ohh wait that is Muslims.
Most attacks in the U.S. over the last few years have been by INCEL and Far Right groups.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint:
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.

The GOP evangelicals want to throw homosexuals off of buildings and stone women to death for pre-marital sex?
If they could get away with it....without those pesky secular laws.
And the Republican PARTY lost it's mind...when it went all in on Stupid Sarah Palin...and only got worse from there with the Tea Party...the fraudulently named "Freedom Caucus" (rebranded Tea Partiers), and now...TRUMP
We Could List The Same Thing
-- And WORSE
With Any Name From The Leftist Leadership

Which Is Why We Point Out Your Rising Stars
And Your Fading Stars That Just Won't Go Away
Ya know it's notable...when the IRA was blowing shit up all over the place we weren't attacking Christians...or even Ireland writ large.

When anti-abortion zealots were bombing clinics (one was burned the other day) and even the Atlanta Olympics, we didn't blame all Christians

What's different here?
Because it was our own people doing it, not an alien religion from an alien culture that does not mix well with our own.

And we have 1,400 years of history, including three or four decades worth of sporadic jihads against The West, to prove the point. admit that "our own people" do it. Thanks for that admission, as well as the admission that you are totally willing to accept or at least overlook when "our own people" do it.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.
9/11 Never Forget

1. 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' -- George Santayana

Islam has been around a looooooog time, and yet some people still ignore the past and the lessons the past teaches us. Instead they attempt to project their own values, ethics, morals, common sense, and beliefs on others, turning them into, if only in their own minds, what they wish to see / believe.

Islam / Muslims are like an passive yet invasive disease in that they accomplish what the host allows it to do, uses the host's own freedoms against it. Once into the host, in this case our government, they establish a foothold and use it to their advantage...patiently. History has taught that Islam is extremely patient because they know theirs is a long race, not a sprint.

Muslims being elected into our government is not a surprise to me. All it takes is enough people, enough votes. The massive influx of immigrants in the US have created pockets of immigrants (who have never truly integrated / become 'Americans) from other nations becoming a majority in those areas...leading to one of their own being elected.

D-Omar is an example. Islam, anti-Semitism, 'anti-America' - what we stand for, who we really are, our culture, etc... - now has a home in our political system, and it is not by accident that home is within the Democratic Party.

2. America now 'insane'?!

NOTHING has me more in agreement with you, in part, than the fact that American Citizens (or human beings, for that matter) are not only openly talking about allowing a baby to be born, 'made comfortable, a discussion is then held to determine if THEY want to allow the human being that was just born to live or not...and, depending on their decision, return to the room and MURDER the baby....NOT ONLY is that being openly DISCUSSED, they are making LAWS that will allow that to happen.


These SAME people are writhing in outrage that a child is separated from an adult after they both illegally cross into the US so they can determine if their is a real family relationship between the two for the child's safety......

These are the same people who scream that if an illegal alien mother climbs under a border fence, walks onto US soil, and delivers her baby, the SECOND that baby is out of the mother it is a US citizen WITH ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF A US CITIZEN...

At that moment the newborn baby, born of an illegal immigrant, has MORE rights, to include to LIVE, than a baby born in the United States.



bodecea said:
Most attacks in the U.S. over the last few years have been by INCEL and Far Right groups.
And It Still Can't Be Proven These Are 'Right-Wing'
Except That The Alleged Victims
Are Seemingly Leftist Groups

So Prove These Are Right-Wing Attackers
Not Just Presumed Right-Wing
Because Of The Status Of Their Alleged "Victims"

National Socialists And Socialists Fight All The Time
Over Who's Dictator Will Be In Charge
You troll. Name one Mostly Muslim country that is not a humanitarian, military or economic disaster. You cannot. Only one mostly Jewish country. Israel. And that is the safest place for a Muslim woman in the Middle East. long as she doesn't live in the West Bank

Still safer than Yemen or KSA
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

LOL. Democrats are so easily mislead.
Trump did call for total shutdown on muslims entering US, during campaign.

And he stood behind it. Omar called all Jews as basically traitors to the US and that Israel is an evil country. And now she is dancing around it.
Omar only suggested that AIPAC paid politicians to take pro-Israel positions. Which is a far cry from those at charlottesville.
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
Wow. I actually agree with you.

Who the fuck are you, and what have you done with BlackFlag?

I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget

You troll. Name one Mostly Muslim country that is not a humanitarian, military or economic disaster. You cannot. Only one mostly Jewish country. Israel. And that is the safest place for a Muslim woman in the Middle East.
You're a ridiculous bigot.

That one is Muslim doesn't mean she's a terrorist.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
And DUMP is potus! I fucking kid you not. I attributed a guy named Hussein Obama getting elected to W killing the gop brand with the worst attack evah, losing an elective war, and the worst recession since 1930.
I still cannot believe we elected two devout Muslim extremists to Congress. Honestly the Democrats have lost their fucking mind.

Never Forget
the islamist are exploiting the dumb dem voters
What, now you WANT us to be wary of religious extremists? I see little difference between Muslims and the GOP's evangelicals. 2 groups that need to be toned the fuck down, but only one has any real influence in trying to impose their version of sharia on America. Hint: not the Muslims.
ya cause after all we have thousands of attacks a year around the globe by evangelicals right? Ohh wait that is Muslims.
Do you support the U.S. selling Saudi Arabia weapons to bomb Yemen?
Yes why?What a Nation State does has nothing to do with terrorism from Islam.
The mind of America has always been multi-cultural. America has embraced Catholics, Jews, Buddhist, Hindus, and Muslims as citizens.

It's the right of any citizen to participate in the body politic.
Actually, America has always been a melting pot society . that is early the antithesis of the balkanization brought on by multiculturalism as it brings about ukitu rather than divisiveness .

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