America, I Apologize For the South’s Hypocrisy

The South elected Trump

Shows what they think of moral values

Different moral values for right and left.

If the right perceives the perp is a liberal, he/she is guilty without a trial and should be taken out back and stung up.

If the perp is a far right rabid fundie nutter (like Moore), all of his many victims who have told exactly the same story are lying and the far right fundie nutter is pure as the driven snow.

OTOH, before Anthony Weiner was proven guilty, on the strength of just the accusation, the Dems threw him out of congress.

And of course, a lying sack of shit who has bragged about his many sexual assaults and has been proven to be a life long criminal - now THAT is presidential material. View attachment 159866
And the lefts love affair with Bill Clinton?
The South elected Trump

Shows what they think of moral values

Different moral values for right and left.

If the right perceives the perp is a liberal, he/she is guilty without a trial and should be taken out back and stung up.

If the perp is a far right rabid fundie nutter (like Moore), all of his many victims who have told exactly the same story are lying and the far right fundie nutter is pure as the driven snow.

OTOH, before Anthony Weiner was proven guilty, on the strength of just the accusation, the Dems threw him out of congress.

And of course, a lying sack of shit who has bragged about his many sexual assaults and has been proven to be a life long criminal - now THAT is presidential material. View attachment 159866

So far, and still counting, 57 women have accused Harvey Weinstein of misconduct including rape. And, one claims she gave him red wings! Against her will.
Yes... Harvey Weinstein lost his job and will probably go to prison, Anthony Weiner is already in prison as will possibly Kevin Spacey. We put our perverts in prison.
Your perverts, Moore and Trump, get elected and stay in office.
See the difference?
Reasonable, first of all welcome back. Next "perversion" is a subjective matter of opinion. That is freedom of thought and not a crime. The jewish folks you mentioned actually committed crimes. And for the record, while Weinstein should be in prison for life for raping women, Weiner should only be doing community service if anything since texting is not a physical act and requires a willing participant.
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OP has been unhinged since 11/8/2016. He speaks for his twatty self only, and when he does, it serves to reinforce the notion that he's twatty.
Reasonable is either an amazingly deluded leftist zealot, or paid leftist shill. Observe him and come to your own conclusions.

No matter the conclusion one comes to, that poster is anything but Reasonable.
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The left's harping on the south on racial issues cracks me up. By every measure Boston is more segregated than Mississippi.
Demicrat hypocrisy: President keeping a female intern around for blowjobs in the Oval Office and them use her as a humidor somehow gives them standing to discuss sexual harrassment
As a native Southerner, I'd like to apologize to the rest of the country. My region repeatedly claims that we place God above all else, but our actions tell a different story, especially when we mix religion, politics and the mistreatment of women and girls. We have politicians who feel no compunction, even, misusing the story of a sacred virgin birth to ignore child molestation.

Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter," Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler told the Washington Examiner Thursday, in an attempt to defend Roy Moore, a candidate for the US Senate from Alabama, after a damning story about Moore's alleged past was published by the Washington Post. "They became parents of Jesus," Zeigler added.
Such assertions of support are likely why a man like Moore felt comfortable enough to fund-raise just hours later — while boldly proclaiming the name of God.

That’s right . A man in a high-profile political race representing the supposed "family values" party, after being named in an eye-popping report alleging that when he was a 32-year-old man he tried to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl, not only did not drop out of the race or hide in shame, he doubled down. Moore denied the allegations and evoked the term "spiritual warfare," which is well known in Southern Christian churches, black and white, to elicit as much sympathy from the faithful as possible.

There’s nothing like red state hypocrisy!

America, I apologize for the South's hypocrisy — CNN

Screw you, filthy commie.
... ABC 33/40 located a man who says he's Corfman's former boyfriend.
Mike Ortiz says he dated Corfman for two years, around 2009 and 2010 ...

Ortiz said during his time dating Corfman ... she told him about an experience she had with Moore that included a sexual encounter.

"I believed her," said Ortiz. "I mean, I believe her. I don't you know, I think she always fought with whether to come out with it public or not, you know internally what she needed to do with it to let people know about it. But, I believed her when she told me and I still believe her. She wouldn't lie about something like that" ...

Roy Moore accused of sexual encounter with teen
by Lauren Walsh
Thursday, November 9th 2017
Washington Post: Roy Moore accused of sexual encounter with teen
... ABC 33/40 located a man who says he's Corfman's former boyfriend.
Mike Ortiz
says he dated Corfman for two years, around 2009 and 2010 ...

Ortiz said during his time dating Corfman ... she told him about an experience she had with Moore that included a sexual encounter.

"I believed her," said Ortiz. "I mean, I believe her. I don't you know, I think she always fought with whether to come out with it public or not, you know internally what she needed to do with it to let people know about it. But, I believed her when she told me and I still believe her. She wouldn't lie about something like that" ...

Roy Moore accused of sexual encounter with teen
by Lauren Walsh
Thursday, November 9th 2017
Washington Post: Roy Moore accused of sexual encounter with teen

Second hand hearsay, decades after the fact.
Second hand hearsay, decades after the fact.
collaborating evidence lets put that guy and Roy Moore under oath...LOL...there are m,ore witnesses that she spoke of this encounter coming up...Roy Moore will not deny under oath LOL

Are you claiming there is collaborating evidence or claiming that putting them under oath would FIND collaborating evidence?

Either way, no. YOu've got jack shit.
Second hand hearsay, decades after the fact.
collaborating evidence lets put that guy and Roy Moore under oath...LOL...there are m,ore witnesses that she spoke of this encounter coming up...Roy Moore will not deny under oath LOL

Are you claiming there is collaborating evidence or claiming that putting them under oath would FIND collaborating evidence?

Either way, no. YOu've got jack shit.

If you think this incident of Pedophilia is going away you have another thing coming :lmao:
State Department condemns child marriage as Republicans defend child molestation

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