FYI, according to NBC of all people, the % of people that say we're on the wrong track is up to 75%, with the % of people who say Right track is only 16%.

In a segment of NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, host Chuck Todd warned of a disaster looming for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections. His comments came in light of a new poll from the network indicating that three-quarters of Americans believe the country is headed down the wrong path.

“Voters views about the economy begin to harden in an election year around May. If that theory holds, Democrats are in some serious trouble right now because in our new NBC News poll, just 16 percent say the country is headed in the right direction while a whopping 75 percent say we’re on the wrong track,” he said. “In fact, that number has been 70 plus for the last seven months, which in the past has signaled big losses for the governing party.”

Holy shit, Batman!

Gotta wonder about those 16%ers, WTF are they thinking? By what measure of anything is this country on the right track?

“President Biden’s numbers have hit a new low. Only 39 percent approve of his job performance against 56 percent who disapprove. In fact, the president has become as unpopular as Donald Trump in this poll,” Todd added.

Gotta wonder about those 39%ers too. Never mind the facts, are you gonna believe what I tell you or your own lyin' eyes?

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