America is crumbling while it wastes trillions on wars.

The question many people miss because of most people’s lack of knowledge of The Deep State is this:

What is going to happen to Clapper’s and Brennan’s Opium Farms in Afghanistan once President Trump pulls the remainder of America’s Troops out of Afghanistan?
Billions of Dollars are at stake there.

Will more production shift to South America?

Will The Taliban take over Opium Production in Afghanistan?

Will Chinese Drug Manufacturers still get access to cheap Opium?

Pretty sure The CIA is already pissed about this and has feared this since Trump announced he wanted to bring our soldiers home.
All I see are Failed Communist-Socialist-Lying Liberal Policies.

This thread probably belongs in The Flame Zone.

America has already spent $23 Trillion on The War on Poverty and all it did was make people like Sanders, Warren and Joe Biden Rich.


Our poverty rate is the same and when the War on Poverty was started.

The only thing it did was buy Democrat voters although the Republicans strongly supported those programs.

Like LBJ said "I'll have those Neggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".
The question many people miss because of most people’s lack of knowledge of The Deep State is this:

What is going to happen to Clapper’s and Brennan’s Opium Farms in Afghanistan once President Trump pulls the remainder of America’s Troops out of Afghanistan?
Billions of Dollars are at stake there.

Will more production shift to South America?

Will The Taliban take over Opium Production in Afghanistan?

Will Chinese Drug Manufacturers still get access to cheap Opium?

Pretty sure The CIA is already pissed about this and has feared this since Trump announced he wanted to bring our soldiers home.
China will take up the slack and keep our society medicated.
I stop voting for Republicans because Bush was an interventionist Liberal.

However, I don't think that Bush's wars stopped the stupid Moon Bats from voting for Crooked Hillary, that Biden piece of shit or Traitorous Kerry who all supported the invasion of Iraq and troops in Afghanistan.
(D) and (R) are trademarks of the same company.
Americans are clueless.

Correct. In reality there isn't much difference between the two parties. They both are parties of interventionism, big government and fiscal irresponsibility.

The only thing I can say is that that the Republicans are always better but that doesn't mean much seeing such the low bar the Democrats set.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but 95% of the time deliver about the same failed government that we would have got had the Democrats been elected.

Speaking of Democrats always promising bad government this Commie Bernie is a duzzy, isn't he? He set a new bar for that. Even lower than Obama's disastrous "Hope and Change" and we never though that would be possible.

I disagree for the reason that you stated:

Bin laden and the terrorists were based in afghanistan

Yes and we had him in the winter of 2001 but Bush didn't pursue him aggressively enough. Then he took the eye off the prize by putting the great majority of the military resources into invading Iraq, that had nothing to do with 911.

If we had managed post 911 right we would have relentlessly hunted down and killed Bin Laden in the months after 911. We had the whole civilized world on our side and it would have been a great swift victory.

However, Bush and the Neocons waylaid that righteous agenda to remove Saddam from power and that was the wrong thing to do.
In many states it's a felony to drive around and go past these barriers.
Some even set up surveillance to catch folks.
Localities crumbling is not a sign of American decline. It is a sign of a Democrat run area that is being severely mismanaged.

Your welcome
Correct. In reality there isn't much difference between the two parties. They both are parties of interventionism, big government and fiscal irresponsibility.

The only thing I can say is that that the Republicans are always better but that doesn't mean much seeing such the low bar the Democrats set.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but 95% of the time deliver about the same failed government that we would have got had the Democrats been elected.

Speaking of Democrats always promising bad government this Commie Bernie is a duzzy, isn't he? He set a new bar for that. Even lower than Obama's disastrous "Hope and Change" and we never though that would be possible.
Kind of like a game of good cop / bad cop for the politicians and media figures.
"You guys be the war cheerleaders and we'll keep healthcare in check. In 8 years we'll
do a 180 and the general public will play along because their collective attention span is zero."
We need another war. Right here. War is not the best way to settle differences. War is the best way to avoid having differences settled for you.
All I see are Failed Communist-Socialist-Lying Liberal Policies.

This thread probably belongs in The Flame Zone.

America has already spent $23 Trillion on The War on Poverty and all it did was make people like Sanders, Warren and Joe Biden Rich.


Our poverty rate is the same and when the War on Poverty was started.

The only thing it did was buy Democrat voters although the Republicans strongly supported those programs.

Like LBJ said "I'll have those Neggras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

We did effectively destroy black family.
Localities crumbling is not a sign of American decline. It is a sign of a Democrat run area that is being severely mismanaged.

Your welcome
Been to Alabama lately ? Lousiana or Mississippi ?
The reddest states in the US.

Last edited:
American homeless are just spoiled babies. Send them to India.

No one cares for your emotional nonsense. Which one of those children is you? You sound like one of them.

Other than that, sure looks like a other success of the democrat mass immigration program.
No one cares for your emotional nonsense. Which one of those children is you? You sound like one of them.

Other than that, sure looks like a other success of the democrat mass immigration program.
It was sarcasm, genius.
The south has always been dirty and old. Nothing new
Texas is still operating 100+ year old prisons with no AC in the summer
for most inmates.

(I know because my son did 2 years on a 3rd DWI fine felony, and he was in a Mental Health Center because of medical conditions) MHTC's are basically prison's still prison though.
The south has always been dirty and old. Nothing new
Texas is still operating 100+ year old prisons with no AC in the summer
for most inmates.

(I know because my son did 2 years on a 3rd DWI fine felony, and he was in a Mental Health Center because of medical conditions) MHTC's are basically prison's still prison though.

Not sure what that has to do with anything. I was in a prison built in the 1800's with no air conditioning. Not supposed to be a vacation. Did it suck? Yup. Is it germaine to this conversation? Nope

Not sure what that has to do with anything. I was in a prison built in the 1800's with no air conditioning. Not supposed to be a vacation. Did it suck? Yup. Is it germaine to this conversation? Nope
View attachment 308387
Back in NYC in 1980, an old black man in the mail room at the law firm I worked at was listening to some bullshit I was telling him from my past and he said something that has always stuck with me ...."Son. I don't want to know where you been . I want to know where you're going."


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