America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump



Read the complete transcript of President Trump's remarks at Trump Tower on Charlottesville

This is for you:

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

what a load of horseshit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

tell Trump to STFU,

Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.

As opposed to Obama being a Muslim spy who’s not even American ?
If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?
ME: Something has to be done. Something is going to snap. This country cannot take the hate and lies and fake news and violence that Democrats and the Left are heaping upon it. Liberals are literally destroying this nation, and its the ignorant stupid lemmings who follow them who are their vacant tools.

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen. This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media......

........It is worth recalling that after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the American media blamed the assassination on right-wing bigotry that, they said, permeated Dallas. That Kennedy was murdered by a communist quickly disappeared from media descriptions of the assassination. Today, it is all but unknown to the American people.........

More: America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

Sounds like the OP needs a nap.
Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.

As opposed to Obama being a Muslim spy who’s not even American ?
If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?

Trump is too fucking stupid to know what his ethnicity is -

I have great respect for Angela, and I have great respect for the country,” he said, referring to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “My father is German, right, was German, and born in a very wonderful place in Germany, and so I have a great feeling for Germany, but they’re not paying what they should be paying.”

Trump’s father, Fred, was born in New York City.
ME: Something has to be done. Something is going to snap. This country cannot take the hate and lies and fake news and violence that Democrats and the Left are heaping upon it. Liberals are literally destroying this nation, and its the ignorant stupid lemmings who follow them who are their vacant tools.

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen. This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media......

........It is worth recalling that after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the American media blamed the assassination on right-wing bigotry that, they said, permeated Dallas. That Kennedy was murdered by a communist quickly disappeared from media descriptions of the assassination. Today, it is all but unknown to the American people.........

More: America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
Might help of you knew the def of liberal.
It's Latin darlin, not knees news
Pathetic, read no more
I assume your link is an info wars right wing screed?
Right wing bigotry permeates Dallas?
Ever been there?
It still does
Might help of you knew the def of liberal.
It's Latin darlin, not knees news
Pathetic, read no more
I assume your link is an info wars right wing screed?
Right wing bigotry permeates Dallas?
Ever been there?
It still does

I was born in Texas. I was in the military when the best part of you was dripping down your mom's leg. Don't talk down to me you little piece of shit. I squash fuckers like you for fun.

Now,, here is the topic. Address it or shut your fucking dicksucker, bitch:

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen. This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media......

........It is worth recalling that after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the American media blamed the assassination on right-wing bigotry that, they said, permeated Dallas. That Kennedy was murdered by a communist quickly disappeared from media descriptions of the assassination. Today, it is all but unknown to the American people.........

More: America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

]ME: Something has to be done. Something is going to snap. This country cannot take the hate and lies and fake news and violence that Democrats and the Left are heaping upon it. Liberals are literally destroying this nation, and its the ignorant stupid lemmings who follow them who are their vacant tools.
Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.
The ones who really believe that are too far gone. I'm hoping there are enough center-left Liberals and Independents who aren't blinded with personal hatred for Donald Trump. They are the ones who can turn this around. Otherwise we may as well resign ourselves to the country getting more and more divided with disinformation.
Are you kidding? This is just getting started. Cory Booker is already demanding that Trump's entire campaign be cancelled.

A few armed attacks on the venues should bring slaggerds in line.
Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.
The ones who really believe that are too far gone. I'm hoping there are enough center-left Liberals and Independents who aren't blinded with personal hatred for Donald Trump. They are the ones who can turn this around. Otherwise we may as well resign ourselves to the country getting more and more divided with disinformation.
Are you kidding? This is just getting started. Cory Booker is already demanding that Trump's entire campaign be cancelled.

A few armed attacks on the venues should bring slaggerds in line.
Makes you wonder if the DNC types aren't behind these attacks. Wouldn't put it past them.
Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.

As opposed to Obama being a Muslim spy who’s not even American ?
If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?
The lie is you all, claiming Obama ran around and told everyone in college he was from Kenya. The lie is that he used this lie to get a Fulbright Award scholarship for foreigners, of which he did NOT.

the lie is that Elizabeth Warren's distant native American roots, got her a job somewhere.... which it did not.
Democrats literally believe trump is a Russian spy and that Hillary lost because of a handful of Facebook ads.

As opposed to Obama being a Muslim spy who’s not even American ?
If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?
The lie is you all, claiming Obama ran around and told everyone in college he was from Kenya. The lie is that he used this lie to get a Fulbright Award scholarship for foreigners, of which he did NOT.

the lie is that Elizabeth Warren's distant native American roots, got her a job somewhere.... which it did not.
Do you think Elizabeth Warren should drop out of The Democrat Nominee race because a Leftist killed people in her name in Dayton, same as they did in DC for Bernie Sanders?
As opposed to Obama being a Muslim spy who’s not even American ?
If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?
The lie is you all, claiming Obama ran around and told everyone in college he was from Kenya. The lie is that he used this lie to get a Fulbright Award scholarship for foreigners, of which he did NOT.

the lie is that Elizabeth Warren's distant native American roots, got her a job somewhere.... which it did not.
Do you think Elizabeth Warren should drop out of The Democrat Nominee race because a Leftist killed people in her name in Dayton, same as they did in DC for Bernie Sanders?
No leftist in Dayton killed anyone in her name... she has NOT encouraged division or hatred with any of her followers.

We do not know why the Dayton guy went off his handle and killed, including his sister... at least not yet.

Besides the fact that the guy really was not an avid follower of Warren....

Ya'll on the right wing are stretching and spinning the actual FACTS.

From what I read of his tweet on it, ( got his tweets before they disappeared) Another poster on Twitter I believe, put up a picture of Harris and Warren together, implying a Warren and Harris ticket and he said he would never vote for Harris because she's law enforcement or something of the sort, but he would vote for a Warren.

that sure does not sound like he was an AVID Warren SUPPORTER? Just that he could NOT vote for a Harris, and why....
The level of deliberate deception by the Media and the Democrats has reached a tipping point. It is time for rational thinking Liberals to analyze what is being pushed by the Information Twisters and reject it outright. You don't have to buy MAGA hats but God Damn this is getting dangerous we need truthful and independent Media to function as a country.

They'e still grooming their unicorns before riding in to save the democrook party from itself....


Rational thinking liberals....


ME: Something has to be done. Something is going to snap. This country cannot take the hate and lies and fake news and violence that Democrats and the Left are heaping upon it. Liberals are literally destroying this nation, and its the ignorant stupid lemmings who follow them who are their vacant tools.

America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, never said there were "fine" Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen. This is one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists -- and perhaps in all of American history. I cannot think of a lie of such significance that was held as truth by so many Americans, by every leading politician of one of the two major political parties and disseminated by virtually the entire media......

........It is worth recalling that after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the American media blamed the assassination on right-wing bigotry that, they said, permeated Dallas. That Kennedy was murdered by a communist quickly disappeared from media descriptions of the assassination. Today, it is all but unknown to the American people.........

More: America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump
Kennedy was not killed by a commie. The nice man was a liberal , at that time right wing, who feared for America. YOU are the liar and person who spreads so much misinformation. I was a teenager when he got killed.
The level of deliberate deception by the Media and the Democrats has reached a tipping point. It is time for rational thinking Liberals to analyze what is being pushed by the Information Twisters and reject it outright. You don't have to buy MAGA hats but God Damn this is getting dangerous we need truthful and independent Media to function as a country.

They'e still grooming their unicorns before riding in to save the democrook party from itself....


Rational thinking liberals....


More like the cons you love.
She is with The Get Trump Crowd same as Maxine Waters who encourages Violence against Elected Officials. Same as
Clinton who paid felons to commit
Criminal assaults against Trump voters.

Did you know your Garlic Festival Killer was a Leftist ANTIFA associate and had a hit list that included Religious Institutions, Law Enforcement, and Court Houses?

Same as The Dayton Killer, Congressional Baseball Practice Sanders Nutjob, and Same as The Pulse Nightclub Killer, same as The Synagogue attackers

All those things Leftist hate and attack daily.

We aren’t the problem. Guns aren’t the problem.

You are the problem.

If trump ran around college and said he was a Russian spy like Obama ran around College saying he was from Kenya then I would say democrats have a point about trump being a Russian spy.

Democrats like obama and Warren claim to be from Kenya or native American to steal benefits meant for people actually from Kenya or native American. The average Democrats are such standardless losers, they give this behavior a total pass.

Do you really want to talk about Commander Bone Spurs college days ?
Did trump lie about his ethnicity to steal benefits meant for others like obama and Warren?
The lie is you all, claiming Obama ran around and told everyone in college he was from Kenya. The lie is that he used this lie to get a Fulbright Award scholarship for foreigners, of which he did NOT.

the lie is that Elizabeth Warren's distant native American roots, got her a job somewhere.... which it did not.
Do you think Elizabeth Warren should drop out of The Democrat Nominee race because a Leftist killed people in her name in Dayton, same as they did in DC for Bernie Sanders?
No leftist in Dayton killed anyone in her name... she has NOT encouraged division or hatred with any of her followers.

We do not know why the Dayton guy went off his handle and killed, including his sister... at least not yet.

Besides the fact that the guy really was not an avid follower of Warren....

Ya'll on the right wing are stretching and spinning the actual FACTS.

From what I read of his tweet on it, ( got his tweets before they disappeared) Another poster on Twitter I believe, put up a picture of Harris and Warren together, implying a Warren and Harris ticket and he said he would never vote for Harris because she's law enforcement or something of the sort, but he would vote for a Warren.

that sure does not sound like he was an AVID Warren SUPPORTER? Just that he could NOT vote for a Harris, and why....
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These fake Manifestos that they plant are easy to spot when their targets are Country Music Concerts, Trump voters at Walmart, GOP Softball Practices, Churches, Restaurants, and Synagogues, and Festivals, and nightclubs in Republican districts.

They are so over the top Fake that they are obvious plants when their targets that they actually attack have been nearly 100%
Trump voting Demographic.

Do not take these people Lightly. They are stone cold killers and full of hate and rage just like The Nazis were and they think they are on a religious mission to “Cleanse The Earth” with your blood.

If the New DemNazi Party gains
Enough power it will be Open season on their rivals.

Obama weaponizing Government against his rivals was nothing.

Wait until they actually turn their weapons on you.

Makes you wonder if the DNC types aren't behind these attacks. Wouldn't put it past them.

I have an entire thread about that:
> False flag Operation - Democrats are Shooting People Because they are Losing
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