America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider

The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (
The swamp was never drained, thanks to Don’s ignorance and inability to understand what he was dealing with.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (
The swamp was never drained, thanks to Don’s ignorance and inability to understand what he was dealing with.
It's true he didn't understand the virulence and utter ruthlessness of the swamp. He even allowed some of these creatures into his administration because he was told they were "qualified." The only thing they are qualifed to do is destroy America and take down the Trump administration at the slightest opportunity.
Folks, the good news is Sleepy Joe is NOT the president, nor president-elect. Hopefully, justice will prevail to keep that ridiculous, corrupt, idiot Sleepy Joe and his treasonous Deep State entourage facing charges not appointments to positions in government!
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (
The swamp was never drained, thanks to Don’s ignorance and inability to understand what he was dealing with.
It's true he didn't understand the virulence and utter ruthlessness of the swamp. He even allowed some of these creatures into his administration because he was told they were "qualified." The only thing they are qualifed to do is destroy American and take down the Trump administration at the slightest opportunity.
You're absolutely right. Trump didn't grasp the depth of democrat depravity until quite late. Too late.
Folks, the good news is Sleepy Joe is NOT the president, nor president-elect. Hopefully, justice will prevail to keep that ridiculous, corrupt, idiot Sleepy Joe and his treasonous Deep State entourage facing charges not appointments to positions in government!
If Trump actually pulls this out, then I expect all the people in his campaign to be indited, arrested and sent away for long prison sentences.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (
The swamp was never drained, thanks to Don’s ignorance and inability to understand what he was dealing with.
It's true he didn't understand the virulence and utter ruthlessness of the swamp. He even allowed some of these creatures into his administration because he was told they were "qualified." The only thing they are qualifed to do is destroy American and take down the Trump administration at the slightest opportunity.
You're absolutely right. Trump didn't grasp the depth of democrat depravity until quite late. Too late.
Some of the people he appointed I just couldn't believe, like all those pompous generals. Jeff Sessions was the biggest disaster of all time.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (
America is going from an incompetent neophyte who knows nothing about, and has contempt for, sound governance, responsible public policy, and the law to a president who understands sound governance, responsible public policy, and the law.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.
Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

For 60 years, all I ever heard was how resigned and disappointed everyone was with their government! What is Congress's approval rating, like 17%? Then they finally had someone from the private sector who really identified with and represented the people and what did they do?

THEY SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER THAT THEY WANTED A PRESSED SUIT TALKING HEAD CAREER POLITICIAN AGAIN whose only real concern is getting rich off the taxpayers again while telling them everything they want to hear.

If Trump had simply acted like an adult he would have won.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.
Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

For 60 years, all I ever heard was how resigned and disappointed everyone was with their government! What is Congress's approval rating, like 17%? Then they finally had someone from the private sector who really identified with and represented the people and what did they do?

THEY SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER THAT THEY WANTED A PRESSED SUIT TALKING HEAD CAREER POLITICIAN AGAIN whose only real concern is getting rich off the taxpayers again while telling them everything they want to hear.

If Trump had simply acted like an adult he would have won.
Plus, contrary to what toobfreak claims, there is no president who grifted and milked off of our government tax monies, than Trump.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.
Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

For 60 years, all I ever heard was how resigned and disappointed everyone was with their government! What is Congress's approval rating, like 17%? Then they finally had someone from the private sector who really identified with and represented the people and what did they do?

THEY SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER THAT THEY WANTED A PRESSED SUIT TALKING HEAD CAREER POLITICIAN AGAIN whose only real concern is getting rich off the taxpayers again while telling them everything they want to hear.

If Trump had simply acted like an adult he would have won.
Plus, contrary to what toobfreak claims, there is no president who grifted and milked off of our government tax monies, than Trump.

While I understand a president needs down time if as president you told me that going golfing would cost the taxpayers around $500,000 dollars I couldn't do it.

Obama had little problem with this also. Knowing all the people who struggle each day just to get by there is no way I would be able to justify this as president.
I like to think that we are going from a retarded President to a sane President.
You mean senile Joe right?

You are tied to Wall Street, so naturally you really love Senile Joe.
The senile old fool that says his own policies failed us. The one that sexually assaults women and touches and sniffs little kids is "decent, moral and sane" :lol:
Its cool to say you would rather have that than trump. Thats honesty. But dont fucking lie and make yourself look stupid. Good lord.
The swamp will now be refilled to the brim with a lot of familiar lifer politicians and bureaucrats.

Joe Biden breaks the mold of recent US presidents in a very important way: He's a Washington survivor.

American voters usually want a disrupter. Most recent presidents came to town after winning the White House on their first try.

President in waiting: America is going from an outsider president to the ultimate insider (

Trump filled the swamp with his own invasive species.
Yeah, people who were actually doing the bidding of the American people rather than just doing what's good for government.

Since when is personal enrichment at taxpayer expense "doing the bidding of American people"?

No. Invasive species with no natural predators. The swamp overfloweth. I'd rather deal with the familiar native species.
So you are saying Biden has never done this?

you are stretching the facts to implicate Trump and truncating any possibility of Biden milking the system for $.

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