America is gone


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
OK do not get excited this is not a thread where the answer is going to be a right or wrong answer. I hope an open discussion is all. OK America is gone, how would you start over?
OK do not get excited this is not a thread where the answer is going to be a right or wrong answer. I hope an open discussion is all. OK America is gone, how would you start over?

By simply returning to the constitution and the rule of law. Upon returning to that, and a new continental congress formed by the people an immeadiate ammendment to the effect of removing all rights of a corporation to influence government by monetary means.

Its time to take the government away from the oligarchy and place it back into the hands of the people.
let me remind everybody for the purpose of this thread there is no wrong or correct answer. Just personal opinions of what they would like as a government.
Let's go back to the beginning, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's a great start.

The whole constitution, or just parts of it? If we went back to the Constitution as it was written, when it first was, it may not be the best starting place. For one-you wouldn't have the right to vote.

But I think our political climate has been lost somewhere along the way. Only having two major political parties, special interests controlling the strings (on both sides), and career politicians have all lead us to ruin.

Oh and the Bill of Rights is apart of the Constitution...

edit: But I would start by going by the Constitution, and how it's written today. I personally would change the electoral college into what Nebraska and Maine do, and apply that to every state.
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Let's go back to the beginning, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's a great start.

The whole constitution, or just parts of it? If we went back to the Constitution as it was written, when it first was, it may not be the best starting place. For one-you wouldn't have the right to vote.

But I think our political climate has been lost somewhere along the way. Only having two major political parties, special interests controlling the strings (on both sides), and career politicians have all lead us to ruin.

Oh and the Bill of Rights is apart of the Constitution...

James there is no wrong or correct answer for this thread.
I'd break up the country. The time for compromise and be united is long past. Recognize that and restore the nation to what it was, a loose confedration of independent states with a weak federal government limited to specific enumerated powers.
I'd break up the country. The time for compromise and be united is long past. Recognize that and restore the nation to what it was, a loose confedration of independent states with a weak federal government limited to specific enumerated powers.

Let's go back to the beginning, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's a great start.

The whole constitution, or just parts of it? If we went back to the Constitution as it was written, when it first was, it may not be the best starting place. For one-you wouldn't have the right to vote.

But I think our political climate has been lost somewhere along the way. Only having two major political parties, special interests controlling the strings (on both sides), and career politicians have all lead us to ruin.

Oh and the Bill of Rights is apart of the Constitution...

edit: But I would start by going by the Constitution, and how it's written today. I personally would change the electoral college into what Nebraska and Maine do, and apply that to every state.

Return to the rule of law and then the congress, be it a new congress or the old one, can pass laws agian. Just because were returning to the constitution does not mean that we have to return to 1776. It just means we better have a congress that is ready to actually get to work.

Perfection is achieved through practice, practice, practice. To think that our government would be perfect the first time around is not a thought based in reality.
ummm..... remove the corrupting influence of large amts of $ from campaigns? In fact remove all $ from campaigns to make it more competitive. This is, of course, impossible given the current make- up of the SCOTUS.
Let's go back to the beginning, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's a great start.

The whole constitution, or just parts of it? If we went back to the Constitution as it was written, when it first was, it may not be the best starting place. For one-you wouldn't have the right to vote.

But I think our political climate has been lost somewhere along the way. Only having two major political parties, special interests controlling the strings (on both sides), and career politicians have all lead us to ruin.

Oh and the Bill of Rights is apart of the Constitution...

edit: But I would start by going by the Constitution, and how it's written today. I personally would change the electoral college into what Nebraska and Maine do, and apply that to every state.

Return to the rule of law and then the congress, be it a new congress or the old one, can pass laws agian. Just because were returning to the constitution does not mean that we have to return to 1776. It just means we better have a congress that is ready to actually get to work.

Perfection is achieved through practice, practice, practice. To think that our government would be perfect the first time around is not a thought based in reality.

I'd break up the country. The time for compromise and be united is long past. Recognize that and restore the nation to what it was, a loose confedration of independent states with a weak federal government limited to specific enumerated powers.

Yes, I agree. I believe a limited federal government with specific enumerated powers was the original intention of our founding fathers. States rights become less and less significant when the Federal Government starts handing out money.

Slowly over the course of many years we have allowed the Federal Government to control more and more of our successes and failures.

The Constitution is a living paper, changing and improving based on the good of all US citizens. However we must be ever mindful to keep those in power from dictating to us what "they think" is what's good and what's not.

The left leaning media has has a huge influence in opinion. What ever happened to reporting the news and checking personal beliefs at the door?? Journalism does not have the integrity it once had.
I'd like to see a world based on family, community and FUN.

As opposed to work, work, work, work, family, work work fun work work work work produce produce produce produce
I'd like to see a world based on family, community and FUN.

As opposed to work, work, work, work, family, work work fun work work work work produce produce produce produce

Our society is driven to this work, work, work, work, family, work, work, fun, work, work, and produce produce produce mentality by one thing.

The scarcity of money.

The federal reserve and debt based money. Our monetary system is a huge game of musical chairs. Losers become poor, bankrupt, homeless, and wage slaves.

While other factors influence this such as greed, trade agreements, and governing decisions the federal reserve and debt based money is in my opinion is the biggest driving force.

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