America is losing the cyber information war


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

America Is Losing the Cyber Information War

It is the united state who faces a growing threat of information warfare ( get it " info --wars" )
Which is exactly why sheep get fed the wrong information, and those who have an impact on truth get attacked just like alex jones, just like Breitbart, Drudge..........Why they don't want you figuring the game out.
A few years ago we could hear H. Clinton saying they were losing the information war.

ANTIFA freaks are part of their plan, Soro's and they are succeeding just look at the jackasses on here so hung up on being a Democrat they can't see the chit being smeared all over their faces.
What does one expect when fucking 17 of our intelligence forces take the word of a piddly independent company with zero investigation. Lazy fucks. Of course we've got SHIT in the cyber-war... China, Russia, India, they can trash us up and down the map anytime they want - because America in their fucking brilliance made hacking a taboo for so long due to hactivists of the 90s instead of embracing the white and gray hats who were not a threat. They're fools and worse, now they are politicized fools. Other nations were able to take the blinders off and capture those hackers who were not "bad" folks, they stole them from America and now use them against us. My first boyfriend was thrown out because he hacked a bank just to see if he could do it. (He didn't steal anything, didn't change anything, didn't do anything but break into the database.) France picked him up immediately and put him to work...
Perspective. How about the idea that these foreign media outlets were trying to stop America from being on the wrong side of the fight. I, at least in part, believe that, the US was not doing the "right thing" in /many/ instances. I love America, don't get me wrong, but we took the wrong path on some stuff (*cough*globalization*cough*Syria and more*cough*,) and instead of stepping back and saying "hmmm this isn't right" we doubled-down on stupidity and pushed harder to the wrong. Nothing we can do about it now, and I don't think we "owe" anything here, but if we do not put America back on a proper path then we are no better than the countries we oppose. We are ISIS with a pretty face at times and we need to admit our mistakes and move forward with a national commitment not to make the same again; no that does not mean no wars, it does not mean kill em all, it means we need to reassess why we are doing shit against, for, and in other nations and decide if that is the proper course to be taken.

It'll never happen. Shame. We used to be a beacon of freedom, and we've fallen so far we can't even have freedom of speech in our own borders. It's disgustingly sad.

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