America must stop selling weapons to Israel

We’ve been through that .

It’s a lie

Hamas took control of Gaza BY FORCE

Stop telling that lie
OH!!! so the people of Gaza should COOPERATE with the IDF and ROOT HAMAS out of GAZA----right ????

There are Jewish parents in Israel, raising their kids to hate Christians. I know Palestinian people I’ve worked with them they love Christians.

There’s good and bad people in both Israel and Palestine.

Markle chesswarsnow

What are you guys disagreeing with. What are you disagreed with the video evidence staring you in the face. You have to agree that there are hateful Jews living in Israel. You would have to agree with it. You make demands of pro Palestinian people when there is no video evidence showing what your side is claiming.

There is no video evidence of the 40 be headed babies. You say oh it’s too brutal to be put out. No never forget that a Muslim Jordanian pilot who is bombing ISIL …. Was burned alive by ISIL on camera for all to see. No more excuses guys.

Guys, there’s people in Israel and Palestine who engage in propaganda …. you can’t claim one side does it… you don’t agree with the numbers at a Palestine, why would you believe israeli propagandist with their numbers?

We are Americans were not in Israelis were not in Palestinians. We must be open minded.
That article, written by two American Jews, who loyalty is to Israel and not the US is misleading as hell.

Ever since the USS Liberty was attacked and the shitheads in the US government decided that getting money from IAPAC was more important than justice for the crew members Israel has been a welfare state of the US.

We give the sonofabitches billions each year and they have never paid for any of the weapons systems, and we have fought their enemies and we have pissed off everybody else in the region supporting the bastards.

There are no good guys in the Middle East. They are all assholes including Israel. We need to get out of taking sides in a conflict that has been going on for thousands of years.

We are $33 trillion in debt and it is now time to stop funds going to the foreign welfare queens and Israel is at the top of that list.

It is not just Israel by the way. The list of foreign welfare queens is quite long. God only knows how much of that money that we give out to foreign countries makes it way back into the pockets of the American politicians that gave it away. Just look at Potatohead's corruption as an example.

Lets pay off our enormous debt first and then we can decide if we want to be somebody's Sugar Daddy. Sounds reasonable?

Hey, man. Do you think your government represents you, the angry American, or something? Pft. Get real...

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You can’t keep hitting the fake news, that is against Christianity. You can’t be a liar. That’s against the Bible. You have seen the video evidence to back up what I’m saying. it’s on video Jews terrorizing Palestinians. Spitting at Christians. And we already know that there have been Jewish terrorists from previous conflicts who have killed innocents . And even in this conflictPalestinians murdered by Jewish extremist settlers.

Don’t lie to yourself it is against Christianity…, don’t spread lies. When you know what I’m saying is true. You might disagree with my stances, but you cannot call direct video evidence an lie and then claim to be a Christian.
They voted for delegates to the Palestinian Parliament NOT for them to control Gaza. Hamas took control by force a year later.

We need you folks to stop telling that lie

That was enough.

Do you know how Adolph Hitler took total control of Germany?
Markle chesswarsnow

What are you guys disagreeing with. What are you disagreed with the video evidence staring you in the face. You have to agree that there are hateful Jews living in Israel. You would have to agree with it. You make demands of pro Palestinian people when there is no video evidence showing what your side is claiming.

There is no video evidence of the 40 be headed babies. You say oh it’s too brutal to be put out. No never forget that a Muslim Jordanian pilot who is bombing ISIL …. Was burned alive by ISIL on camera for all to see. No more excuses guys.

Guys, there’s people in Israel and Palestine who engage in propaganda …. you can’t claim one side does it… you don’t agree with the numbers at a Palestine, why would you believe israeli propagandist with their numbers?

We are Americans were not in Israelis were not in Palestinians. We must be open minded.
Somehow your handlers seem to miss the fact that you are functionally illiterate. You claim to be "educated".
Did you manage to pass High School "ENGLISH" class? What is your mother tongue?
The Duke

You can’t hit the fake news button when you see videos of Palestinian children living in bombed out houses. With her mothers killed by the beasts in Israel. Show some respect Duke. And have a heart. What you’re saying is against Christianity.

Do you have a video evidence staring you in the face. There is no video evidence of any Palestinians sexually assaulting Israelis, there is no video evidence of babies being beheaded.

There is video evidence of a Jordanian Muslim soldier being burned alive by Isil

show respect for America don’t fall for israeli propaganda

I respect any honorable Jew in Israel, or any honorable Muslim in Palestine. Some of you follow Trump Supporters of mine are engaging in propaganda …show some respect for the good Palestinians
As long as they allow terrorists to rule them and allow themselves to be human shields then they just have to learn to cope with it.

That is incorrect.
It is Zionists who started all the terrorism and is still the main terrorist.
Look at the census and immigration statistics from 1920 on, and you see that the Zionists are almost all illegal immigrants.
When they were sneaking in, they also smuggled in weapons, while the Palestinians had always been kept unarmed by the Turrks.
So the Zionists started murdering, in order to steal land.
When the British tried to stop them, they blew up the King David Hotel, wiping out the British high command.
Then they started wiping out dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
When the UN came in to stop them, they gunned down the UN moderator, the Swedish Count, Folke Bernadotte.
They have blockaded Gaza for decades, only allowing just barely enough food to survive on.
The Duke

You can’t hit the fake news button when you see videos of Palestinian children living in bombed out houses. With her mothers killed by the beasts in Israel. Show some respect Duke. And have a heart. What you’re saying is against Christianity.

Do you have a video evidence staring you in the face. There is no video evidence of any Palestinians raping is rallies, there is no video evidence of babies being beheaded. There is video evidence of a Jordanian Muslim soldier being burned alive by Isil

show respect for America don’t fall for israeli propaganda

I respect any honorable Jew in Israel, or any honorable Muslim in Palestine. Some of you follow Trump Supporters of mine are engaging in propaganda …show some respect for the good Palestinians
Nobody's buying your antisemite crap, brah. Less than 25% will not see through your bullshit.

"Beasts in Israel", aye? Yeah. You're not exactly opaque, dumbass.

Oh, so you want to see the terrorist porn, huh? You sick fuck.
to what laws do you refer----ie the strong action taken against whoever tries to boycott Israel?

Last I checked, our government was elected to represent Americans. To defend and protect the Constitution for the United States of America.

Not to criminalize Americans for exercising their God-given rights in favor of the interests of a foreign agent.

There are no valid whataboutisms. It's Treason.

The Framers are likely turning over in their graves...

But I'll fatter you anyway with just one single instance where the foreign agent made good on its threats and illustrated its influence over State Law in America...

''In January, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the law, finding that it violated the First Amendment right to participate in political boycotts. It was the first ruling addressing a wave of laws nationwide aiming to punish people who boycott Israel. The ACLU is also fighting a similar law in Arizona...''

Americans need to wake up and get their priorities straight instead of carrying water for foreign agents who are consistently hard at work in synergy with the common scoundrels and economic hitmen who have infiltrated the halls of American government, destroying any prosperity America once had while usurping the very fabric of American liberty that good, reputable men fought and died for. Because if they don't, the blatant assault on their constitution is only going to get worse. The neo-con purveyors in D.C. along with their lobbyists and primary constituency are already foaming at the mouth to expand upon the historical efforts to accomplish that very thing if anyone is actually paying attention.

And I welcome anyone to argue against that reality.
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When my son returned from a military tour of duty in the Middle East he came home and told me that everybody over there is bat shit crazy with hate for one another.

Not my war. These goddamn Illegals bring fentanyl across the border killing thousands of Americans each year is my war.
That’s exactly what Tucker Carlson brought up on a podcast recently. 100,000 Americans each year here dying from poison. It should be our number one concern. We should dedicate billions of dollars to health programs. … Instead of giving it to ukraine Orr Israel. Unbelievable what the government is doing with our tax dollars

The Duke

Lighten up cut the personal attacks I have never personally attacked you. Maybe go fight for Israel if you love the country so much.
That was enough.

Do you know how Adolph Hitler took total control of Germany?

Again Hamas took control of Gaza by FORCE. They killed anyone who stood in their way.

Stop telling that lie
standing up for her is different than supporting or calling for genocide like youre doing,,

Moslems never attacked Jews.
The only people who ever attacked Jews was Christians, like the Crusades, Inquisitions, Holocaust, etc.
If there was any historic animosity between Moslems and Jews, the Palestinians would not have asked the Jews to immigrate, and the Jews would not have gone there.

The problem is entirely the Zionists, who want to commit genocide against the Palestinian natives, because the Jews are still only a one third minority, and the Zionists want all the land.

Calling for an end to Israel is not genocide.
The Jews were always supposed to be and pretended to be just interested in becoming Palestinian citizens.
It is the illegal creation of the Jewish state that is a problem.
There is no rational or moral justification for any religious state, much less a Jewish state when the majority are Moslem.
Moslems never attacked Jews.
The only people who ever attacked Jews was Christians, like the Crusades, Inquisitions, Holocaust, etc.
If there was any historic animosity between Moslems and Jews, the Palestinians would not have asked the Jews to immigrate, and the Jews would not have gone there.

The problem is entirely the Zionists, who want to commit genocide against the Palestinian natives, because the Jews are still only a one third minority, and the Zionists want all the land.

Calling for an end to Israel is not genocide.
The Jews were always supposed to be and pretended to be just interested in becoming Palestinian citizens.
It is the illegal creation of the Jewish state that is a problem.
There is no rational or moral justification for any religious state, much less a Jewish state when the majority are Moslem.
Another Kremlin stooge
Again Hamas took control of Gaza by FORCE. They killed anyone who stood in their way.

Stop telling that lie

That is just an outright lie.
Hamas was elected democratically in every single election.
The only reason there is force is that Mossad keeps killing the Hamas leaders.
Moslems never attacked Jews.
The only people who ever attacked Jews was Christians, like the Crusades, Inquisitions, Holocaust, etc.
If there was any historic animosity between Moslems and Jews, the Palestinians would not have asked the Jews to immigrate, and the Jews would not have gone there.

The problem is entirely the Zionists, who want to commit genocide against the Palestinian natives, because the Jews are still only a one third minority, and the Zionists want all the land.

Calling for an end to Israel is not genocide.
The Jews were always supposed to be and pretended to be just interested in becoming Palestinian citizens.
It is the illegal creation of the Jewish state that is a problem.
There is no rational or moral justification for any religious state, much less a Jewish state when the majority are Moslem.

Omfg... just omfg

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