America must stop selling weapons to Israel

How does one have a "clear target" when your adversary hides behind kidnapped civilians and the women and children of Gaza? Israel drops leaflets TELLING the people in Gaza to leave certain areas because they are going to be hit by strikes! Remind me...does Hamas do that? (eye roll)
You wait until the target is clear.

I’m glad the drop leaflets. Don’t know why you find that as an adequate excuse to execute innocent people. That’s evil shit
Any particular post you want me to prove?

Like how the Zionists started all the violence, like blowing up the King David Hotel, gunning down Folke Bernadotte, massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin?

Start with Moooslims never attacked Christians.

Then actually learn about the Crusades you dumb downed dumbass
The tunnels we are talking about are the ones Israel is bombing and digging down into right now.
Israel has sound instruments at the border, and it is nearly impossible to dig a tunnel under the border.
There is a huge "no mans land" the Israelis keep obliterated.
The latest Hamas attack was with parasails and driving through fences, not tunnels.
God, you're dense! Israel has "sound instruments" at the border because Hamas tunnels under that border to carry out terror attacks! Duh?
Those elections were just member of parliament. That’s a body that encompassed the West Bank as well.

It did not have control of Gaza. They TOOK control of Gaza BY FORCE. The people of Gaza never voted for that.

Stop lying

That is a lie.
Hamas won the elections for all of Palestine, not just Gaza.
And the vote for parliament is how the Prime Minister is selected, by whomever wins the majority in Parliament.
And that was Hamas.
You wait until the target is clear.

I’m glad the drop leaflets. Don’t know why you find that as an adequate excuse to execute innocent people. That’s evil shit
And when do you think that target will be "clear", Slade? Like never? No offense but you're strategy borders on farce!
Start with Moooslims never attacked Christians.

Then actually learn about the Crusades you dumb downed dumbass

Moslems are really just an offshoot of Judaism.
Mohammed created Islam just to please his wealthy widow wife, by increasing the right of women to be able to own property, inherit, divorce, etc.
Otherwise Islam is Judaism.
But the Meccans did not like Islam or Judaism, so they attacked him.
He went to Medina for protection, because that is where the Jews were.
They became his allies, and we won Mecca from the Meccans, with the help of his Jewish allies.

So Mohammed was very clear, "there can never be any compulsion over religions", that "Jews were Brothers of the Book" (Old Testament}, and that "Jews have an equally valid path to heaven".

The first people to attack Jews were the Crusades.
They wiped out Jews on their way to the Holyland, in Germany, Romania, Hungary, etc., but the biggest slaughter was in Jerusalem, where the Jews had sided with the Moslem.
Was Hamas given a majority in Parliament? BEFORE they clashed with Fatah?
Are you insinuating that Hamas controlled parliament. They didn’t

Again. Hamas took control of Gaza by force and killed anyone who stood in there way.

That doesn’t mean that Hamas didn’t have supporters in Gaza.

But they did NOT vote to give them power

And as I noted earlier, only 1/3 of Gaza residents were in favor of the horror that Hamas had just committed.

Yes. That’s far too many but fully two thirds were against it.
Moslems are really just an offshoot of Judaism.
Mohammed created Islam just to please his wealthy widow wife, by increasing the right of women to be able to own property, inherit, divorce, etc.
Otherwise Islam is Judaism.
But the Meccans did not like Islam or Judaism, so they attacked him.
He went to Medina for protection, because that is where the Jews were.
They became his allies, and we won Mecca from the Meccans, with the help of his Jewish allies.

So Mohammed was very clear, "there can never be any compulsion over religions", that "Jews were Brothers of the Book" (Old Testament}, and that "Jews have an equally valid path to heaven".

The first people to attack Jews were the Crusades.
They wiped out Jews on their way to the Holyland, in Germany, Romania, Hungary, etc., but the biggest slaughter was in Jerusalem, where the Jews had sided with the Moslem.

Save it, you're looking ridiculous
God, you're dense! Israel has "sound instruments" at the border because Hamas tunnels under that border to carry out terror attacks! Duh?

Ony Israel carries out terrorist attacks because they are extorting the people.
Hamas only carries out defensive attacks on valid targets, so can't be terrorists.

But the point is there have not been tunnels under the border in years.
Ony Israel carries out terrorist attacks because they are extorting the people.
Hamas only carries out defensive attacks on valid targets, so can't be terrorists.

But the point is there have not been tunnels under the border in years.

Stop lying. Really, you're fooling nobody.
That is a lie.
Hamas won the elections for all of Palestine, not just Gaza.
And the vote for parliament is how the Prime Minister is selected, by whomever wins the majority in Parliament.
And that was Hamas.
So the prime minister was a Hamas member?

He was not

Do not engage this asshole. He’s a Kremlin shit stirrer
He's a disgusting antisemite.

The roaches have crawled out since the Muslim terrorists attacked the Jews

The Jews are not native, should not be there, and started all the violence.
Again, read the history, like the Balfour Declaration given to Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion in return for their espionage against Germany, the bombing of the King David Hotel, the gunning down of the UN Moderator Folke Bernadotte, wiping out Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
Did Hamas gain a majority position in the government BEFORE battling Fatah for control of Gaza? Who voted them into that majority position? They didn't seize it by "force". They were elected by Palestinians.
I wasn't there - neither were YOU - so who knows how "democratic" this election process in Gaza in 2005 was.
The PLO had agreed towards recognizing the State of Israel in 1993 - in exchange for getting their own State. As usual Israel never committed itself towards that agreement - but intensified it's illegal settlement policy in the West-Bank and GAZA.


As a result Iran and others (including Israeli factions) saw their opportunity in creating a PLO opposition - simply to weaken the PLO with it's moderate approach towards Israel.
Hamas original "deceleration" was "As long Israel does not commit towards an independent Palestinian State and refrains from it's settlement policy - we Hamas, will not recognize the State of Israel" - upon Hamas and Islam Jihad conducting terrorist activities against Israel - the IDF as usual reacted totally disproportionate. Killing thousands of Gaza Palestinian civilians.

Hamas then intensified it's political dogma to include - "destroy Israel" - the usual spiral of violence.

Israel was aware that Hamas would give them the pretext for "getting rid of Gaza" therefore they gladly gave way to the pressure excerted by the US, the EU and UN - and pulled out of Gaza in 2005/6. making sure that the GAZA strip would remain an economically unsustainable territory and that Hamas will additionally worsen the situation for the Palestinians in Gaza.

Get your facts straight - before posting nonsense.

As to the topic headline of this thread:

I don't have a problem with the USA selling weapons to Israel - they can also have German weapons if it would be up to me.
It is the US political support and stance that encourages Israels settlement policy and ethnic cleansing agenda. Therefore contributing endlessly towards violence and killings and effectively preventing a Palestinian State.

Even thought the USA is the foremost culprit in this issue - other states in the EU or such as Iran and many Muslim countries support this violence just as well.
The Jews are not native, should not be there, and started all the violence.
Again, read the history, like the Balfour Declaration given to Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion in return for their espionage against Germany, the bombing of the King David Hotel, the gunning down of the UN Moderator Folke Bernadotte, wiping out Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.

How about you take your Jew hating elsewhere. You disgust me, you pig
So the prime minister was a Hamas member?

He was not

Do not engage this asshole. He’s a Kremlin shit stirrer

Ismail Haniyeh was nominated Prime Minister,[6].
He was the leader of Hamas and the legal leader of all Palestine.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas dismissed the Hamas-led government and appointed Salam Fayyad Prime Minister.[7]

But that was not legal.
God, you're dense! Israel has "sound instruments" at the border because Hamas tunnels under that border to carry out terror attacks! Duh?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Right - Israel has the IDF to protect them - therefore the IDF didn't do anything to protect them, but only kept watching Hamas digging tunnels right? How dense are YOU indeed.

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