America must stop selling weapons to Israel

I wasn't there - neither were YOU - so who knows how "democratic" this election process in Gaza in 2005 was.
The PLO had agreed towards recognizing the State of Israel in 1993 - in exchange for getting their own State. As usual Israel never committed itself towards that agreement - but intensified it's illegal settlement policy in the West-Bank and GAZA.

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As a result Iran and others (including Israeli factions) saw their opportunity in creating a PLO opposition - simply to weaken the PLO with it's moderate approach towards Israel.
Hamas original "deceleration" was "As long Israel does not commit towards an independent Palestinian State and refrains from it's settlement policy - we Hamas, will not recognize the State of Israel" - upon Hamas and Islam Jihad conducting terrorist activities against Israel - the IDF as usual reacted totally disproportionate. Killing thousands of Gaza Palestinian civilians.

Hamas then intensified it's political dogma to include - "destroy Israel" - the usual spiral of violence.

Israel was aware that Hamas would give them the pretext for "getting rid of Gaza" therefore they gladly gave way to the pressure excerted by the US, the EU and UN - and pulled out of Gaza in 2005/6. making sure that the GAZA strip would remain an economically unsustainable territory and that Hamas will additionally worsen the situation for the Palestinians in Gaza.

Get your facts straight - before posting nonsense.

As to the topic headline of this thread:

I don't have a problem with the USA selling weapons to Israel - they can also have German weapons if it would be up to me.
It is the US political support and stance that encourages Israels settlement policy and ethnic cleansing agenda. Therefore contributing endlessly towards violence and killings and effectively preventing a Palestinian State.

Even thought the USA is the foremost culprit in this issue - other states in the EU or such as Iran and many Muslim countries support this violence just as well.

Your map proves Israel is the entire problem.
They clearly are not keeping to their side of the UN partition, but are taking it all.
No they aren’t. There was a bunch in a refuge camp that got bombed. How can you support that?!

They were being used for cover. They KNEW who they were harboring.

Like I said, lay with dogs, get fleas.
And when do you think that target will be "clear", Slade? Like never? No offense but you're strategy borders on farce!
No I don’t think soldiers are joined at the hip to innocent civilians 24/7. If that’s what you’re claiming then you are a moron. I don’t think military equipment is surrounded by innocent civilians 24/7.

Why are you trying so hard to excuse the murder of innocent people?

You can’t keep hitting the fake news, that is against Christianity. You can’t be a liar. That’s against the Bible. You have seen the video evidence to back up what I’m saying. it’s on video Jews terrorizing Palestinians. Spitting at Christians. And we already know that there have been Jewish terrorists from previous conflicts who have killed innocents . And even in this conflictPalestinians murdered by Jewish extremist settlers.

Don’t lie to yourself it is against Christianity…, don’t spread lies. When you know what I’m saying is true. You might disagree with my stances, but you cannot call direct video evidence an lie and then claim to be a Christian.
Sorry bout that,

1. You calling me out as a Christian is how you operate, which is rich, you picked the wrong side of this conflict, and are ate up with holding your ground.
2. I can't support your error, you are a total fuck up in ALL you're saying.
3. Oh I said, fuck up, how can I be a Christian, lol!!! think so...right?
4. You've been beating down the apple of G-D's eye, and I must disagree with you on whatever you say, or claim.
5. It's what those who believe in G-D, must do.

No I don’t think soldiers are joined at the hip to innocent civilians 24/7. If that’s what you’re claiming then you are a moron. I don’t think military equipment is surrounded by innocent civilians 24/7.

Why are you trying so hard to excuse the murder of innocent people?
We aren't. But YOU have.
They were being used for cover. They KNEW who they were harboring.

Like I said, lay with dogs, get fleas.
If innocent people are being used for cover then wait until the targets come out from the cover. Don’t blow away innocent people. Seriously… what’s wrong with you?!
The Jews are not native, should not be there, and started all the violence.
Again, read the history, like the Balfour Declaration given to Chaim Weizmann and David ben Gurion in return for their espionage against Germany, the bombing of the King David Hotel, the gunning down of the UN Moderator Folke Bernadotte, wiping out Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
History didn't start in the 20th century, fucktard.
We aren't. But YOU have.
If innocent people are being used for cover and you’re saying it’s ok to bomb and kill them then that’s exactly what you are doing.

The point of all my posts here is to say that’s not ok. It’s not ok to kill innocent people. I can’t be any more clear. How are you confused?
If innocent people are being used for cover then wait until the targets come out from the cover. Don’t blow away innocent people. Seriously… what’s wrong with you?!
Not in this case, Bubba. For you see, those murderous rapey inbreds didn't raise themselves to be like that.

Those you are calling "innocent people" did. And all the little kids are taught to be that way too.

I first learned about it in 2013-14 when I was wondering "How do they get these kids to be suicide bombers?"

So a lot of research was done. The UN funds it and teaches it to the kids in the schools.

Biden and the UN are responsible for a majority of this mess.

UNRWA. If you really want to learn about it, see what the UNRWA does, not what they say they're for.
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If innocent people are being used for cover and you’re saying it’s ok to bomb and kill them then that’s exactly what you are doing.

The point of all my posts here is to say that’s not ok. It’s not ok to kill innocent people. I can’t be any more clear. How are you confused?

You're basically saying a terrorist can launch rockets from a hospital, trying to kill Israelis and they can't destroy them first.

You are a fucking retard.
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Not in this case, Bubba. For you see, those murderous rapey inbreds didn't raise themselves to be like that.

Those you are calling "innocent people" did.
I’m not taking about soldiers and terrorist and Hamas actors. I’m talking about innocent women and children who were in a refuge camp that got bombed by Israel. How do you excuse that and not feel like an evil piece of shit?
That is silly.
Why would they risk parasails, driving through fences, etc. if they had safe tunnels?
Some tunnels are indeed leading into Israels territory (and Israel was and is aware about those tunnels) That is also why Hamas in their initial attack did NOT fully utilize these tunnels - they used them to additionally infiltrate Isareli territory upon Israel retaliating since the initial Hamas force had been eliminated by the IDF on day 1-2- the vast majority of the Tunnel System is IN Gaza. That is why the IDF is "supposedly" bombing Gaza. To kill Hamas members hiding in those tunnels and also those hiding in and around buildings.
Your basically saying a terrorist can launch rockets from a hospital, trying to kill Israelis and they can't destroy them first.

You are a fucking retard.
No I’m not basically saying that. Don’t put your retarded words in my mouth.

First off there is this thing called the iron dome which is comprised of middle defense. Second. If they are firing from a hospital then find a way to take them out. Don’t level the hospital.

Do you think we should have blown up Mandalay Bay when that shooter was firing down on the concert? Taken out all the people in the hotel?

The so called logic you are using is absurd. Mine is simple. Don’t knowingly kill innocent people. If you don’t have a clear shot at a target then you don’t take it.
It’s not complicated
I’m not taking about soldiers and terrorist and Hamas actors. I’m talking about innocent women and children who were in a refuge camp that got bombed by Israel. How do you excuse that and not feel like an evil piece of shit?

Did you excuse Hamas beheading a pregnant woman and then cutting out the unborn and beheading it.... it's fact . Umbilical cord still attached.
Some tunnels are indeed leading into Israels territory (and Israel was and is aware about those tunnels) That is also why Hamas in their initial attack did NOT fully utilize these tunnels - they used them to additionally infiltrate Isareli territory upon Israel retaliating since the initial Hamas force had been eliminated by the IDF on day 1-2- the vast majority of the Tunnel System is IN Gaza. That is why the IDF is "supposedly" bombing Gaza. To kill Hamas members hiding in those tunnels and also those hiding in and around buildings.

You're ignorant
Did you excuse Hamas beheading a pregnant woman and then cutting out the unborn and beheading it.... it's fact . Umbilical cord still attached.
Of course not. Have you not read anything that I’ve written?!. Hamas deserves to be sent to hell for the barbaric acts they have committed. But go after Hamas and terrorists and soldiers and political leaders and equipment. Not innocent people. As soon as innocent people are killed then Israel is no better than Hamas

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