America must stop selling weapons to Israel

As long as they allow terrorists to rule them and allow themselves to be human shields then they just have to learn to cope with it.
Fear makes people do stupid things. In the eyes of many palestinians, Groups like hamas are the only ones who actually unable to protect them against israel. Even if they don't agree with hamas's methods, They are willing to put up with them.
Of course not. Have you not read anything that I’ve written?!. Hamas deserves to be sent to hell for the barbaric acts they have committed. But go after Hamas and terrorists and soldiers and political leaders and equipment. Not innocent people. As soon as innocent people are killed then Israel is no better than Hamas

Send them all to hell

The innocent let the terrorist.

Innocent Israelis didn't deserve it
I’m not taking about soldiers and terrorist and Hamas actors. I’m talking about innocent women and children who were in a refuge camp that got bombed by Israel. How do you excuse that and not feel like an evil piece of shit?

Because I know how they are. You cannot apply your western liberal mindset to them. They do not think like you.

They teach children to be suicide bombers. They are taught hate and killing along with their ABCs.

One of their 8 year olds would murder you in 1/2 a second.

Because I know how they are. You cannot apply your western liberal mindset to them. They do not think like you.

They teach children to be suicide bombers. They are taught hate and killing along with their ABCs.

One of their 8 year olds would murder you in 1/2 a second.

I don’t care what they teach their children. That doesn’t give anybody the right to kill those children. How in the world can you say shit like that?!
Your map proves Israel is the entire problem.
They clearly are not keeping to their side of the UN partition, but are taking it all.
Israel aka the Zionists have been the only problem since 1917. Without them there would be no killing between Jews and Palestinians.

If the Arab states and Egypt would have allowed for a free Palestine State in 1948 - is also highly questionable. Most likely they would be killing each other - since no Arab State (Bedouins) nor Egypt was willing to support them or is honestly interested in a Palestinian State - until today.

The "original" Palestinians in Palestine in e.g. 1917 were the same people as those in Lebanon (including a Jewish minority population) - Lebanon however never had a significant Bedouin population - unlike Palestine, and especially no "significant" holy sites, that Muslims would be eager to hold onto for themselves.

The State of Israel - independent of it's "questionable" existence - exists - it's a fact and nothing IMO will change that. The world wasn't willing to take them in 1933 nor in 1948.

The only issue is as to when will Israel factually enable a Palestinian State - with what territory? in order to finally reduce the violence and eventually getting rid of it in order to live in coexistence.
Israel aka the Zionists have been the only problem since 1917. Without them there would be no killing between Jews and Palestinians.

If the Arab states and Egypt would have allowed for a free Palestine State in 1948 - is also highly questionable. Most likely they would be killing each other - since no Arab State (Bedouins) nor Egypt was willing to support them or is honestly interested in a Palestinian State - until today.

The "original" Palestinians in Palestine in e.g. 1917 were the same people as those in Lebanon (including a Jewish minority population) - Lebanon however never had a significant Bedouin population - unlike Palestine, and especially no "significant" holy sites, that Muslims would be eager to hold onto for themselves.

The State of Israel - independent of it's "questionable" existence - exists - it's a fact and nothing IMO will change that. The world wasn't willing to take them in 1933 nor in 1948.

The only issue is as to when will Israel factually enable a Palestinian State - with what territory? in order to finally reduce the violence and eventually getting rid of it in order to live in coexistence.

Antisemitism alert
I don’t care what they teach their children. That doesn’t give anybody the right to kill those children. How in the world can you say shit like that?!
Because it's an ongoing cycle. Generational terrorists. Their parents and teachers and mullahs will raise

them to do the same thing Hamas did on Oct 7th. If you support them, you support that.
No I’m not basically saying that. Don’t put your retarded words in my mouth.

First off there is this thing called the iron dome which is comprised of middle defense. Second. If they are firing from a hospital then find a way to take them out. Don’t level the hospital.

Do you think we should have blown up Mandalay Bay when that shooter was firing down on the concert? Taken out all the people in the hotel?

The so called logic you are using is absurd. Mine is simple. Don’t knowingly kill innocent people. If you don’t have a clear shot at a target then you don’t take it.
It’s not complicated

The iron dome isn't 100%, rockets still get through, so yeah, you ARE saying we can try and kill you, but you can't kill us.

Because you ARE, a fucking retard.
Of course not. Have you not read anything that I’ve written?!. Hamas deserves to be sent to hell for the barbaric acts they have committed. But go after Hamas and terrorists and soldiers and political leaders and equipment. Not innocent people. As soon as innocent people are killed then Israel is no better than Hamas
Sorry bout that,

1. Jews can't lay down arms after this sneak attack.
2. No, not just no, but hell no.
3. Jews attacking Gaza, is a horror, and The Jews should just lay down their weapons and be resigned to more arab attacks, maybe next time the arabs will go easy. (sarcasm)
4. I support Israelis fighting back, whatever they do, I support it, drop a nuke on Gaza, its okay.
5. We had our Pearl Harbor, (America), and we fought back vigorously.
6. I am with you to the end.
7. Lower your head and mow these animals down, stick with the horns.
8. Or put the bite on them let it ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Antisemitism alert
The State of Israel - independent of it's "questionable" existence - exists - it's a fact and nothing IMO will change that. The world wasn't willing to take them in 1933 nor in 1948.

You are an idiot and enjoy human barbarism and slaughter - aka you and alike are sickos.
Did Hamas kill innocents?

Careful, I'm backing you into a corner.

Sit.... think
Yes Hamas killed innocents and they deserve to die as a result. But I’m not talking about Hamas, I’m talking about innocent women and children. They do not deserve to die. You think they do?
Because it's an ongoing cycle. Generational terrorists. Their parents and teachers and mullahs will raise

them to do the same thing Hamas did on Oct 7th. If you support them, you support that.
Bullshit. You don’t murder women and children and non-combatants. I don’t care what they’re fucked up government is teaching them. You’re sick in the head to suggest that it’s ok to murder them
Bullshit. You don’t murder women and children and non-combatants. I don’t care what they’re fucked up government is teaching them. You’re sick in the head to suggest that it’s ok to murder them
In most cases, no. In this case, yes. And it's not their their government, guy. It's them. In the home and everything.

Maybe someday you'll get it, but I won't hold my breath until you do. :dunno:

If they could save the children and just get the grown women, that'd be better. It's a pretty tall order in a war, though.
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The iron dome isn't 100%, rockets still get through, so yeah, you ARE saying we can try and kill you, but you can't kill us.

Because you ARE, a fucking retard.
Those are your words not mine. You can’t hang with my points so you have to make shit up. That’s weak.

You fight Hamas and terror. I support that 100%, but you draw a line at murdering innocents. If you’re justifying that then you’re just as sick as them

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