America must stop selling weapons to Israel

There is no way to disentangle them. Unless Hamas forms a uniformed army and fights Israel in the open.
Then you take out strategic targets. And equipment. You don’t bomb groups of people knowing you’re killing innocent people.

This is like basic stuff. How are so many of you supportive of killing innocent people?
Then you take out strategic targets. And equipment. You don’t bomb groups of people knowing you’re killing innocent people.

This is like basic stuff. How are so many of you supportive of killing innocent people?
what makes you think " many of you " are supportive of killing innocent people?
How did you get so dumb?

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X
I don't give a shit about anybody over there.

They were fighting each other thousands of years before I was born, all during my lifetime and will continue to do it long after I am gone.
I have been called that since returning home from Vietnam.
sorry----there is no excuse---the only people who can logically be called "baby killers are people who invade houses and MURDER the babies therein or who pick out babies in victimized crowds and kill them------LIKE HAMAS DOES and like happened many times in islamic genocides and pogroms
There should not be any women and children in the areas being bombed.
Because I asked the question if a line should be drawn behind killing innocents and those who replied said no
Try to clarify your question
If Palestinians were white Christians Israel would never get away with their crimes against humanity. But only because they are mostly Arab Muslims even though there’s plenty of Arab Christians in Palestine, Israel gets away with their terrorism.

Here’s a critical point to keep in mind. The Palestinian people are living under martial law. Even if somebody goes to visit the West Bank, like one of us Americans, you have got checkpoints all over the place Jews are carrying guns and you’re not allowed to carry a gun if your Palestine

No second amendment, God-fearing Christian American would accept living like a slave. If we were living like the Palestinians were, Americans would’ve already formed a group way more aggressive then Hamas

Hamas should not be labeled as a terrorist group by the USA . I disagree with their policies same thing with disagreeing with Israel’s policies. going by the logic of the Israeli lobby in America then they would have to label the Israeli state as a state sponsor of terror. So it’s total hypocrisy. It is a disgrace to America, it is a disgrace to Christianity, and it’s against the values are the founding fathers. l

The all powerful israeli lobby is a disgrace to American values.

we never labeled the various IRA groups of the 20th century is terror groups. That’s because a lot of American politicians support of the cause of Irish freedom and they knew many Americans there as well.

The situation in Israel is really messed up shoes. Swaths of American simply have no idea how horrendous life is a Palestine. They are fed propaganda from the beasts and Israel in The Israeli lobby. They lie all the time from Israel.

It was good people in Israel by the way they wanna change for the better. But they have hard-core extremists running things there. The whole settler thing is a disaster.
You are really starting to irritate people with your constant baseless lies. Your first statement is true, but not for the reason you think. If Hamas was white Christians, they would not be terrorists and not have any problems with Jews, unless they were all Democrats, like you!
Then you take out strategic targets. And equipment. You don’t bomb groups of people knowing you’re killing innocent people.

This is like basic stuff. How are so many of you supportive of killing innocent people?
I’ve answered the question many times already. There are Jews in Israel who hate Christians. There are Jews in Israel who think Palestinian should be wiped off the map. So that issue goes both ways. And the major difference is the Jews in Israel are allowed to carry guns, but Palestinians in the West Bank are not allowed to carry guns. It’s insane America should be more diplomatic and not one-sided toward Israel.

Most God-fearing, American Christians know this most of us disagree with supporting Israel. We just want peace man. But also we need to help Americans to before we get involved in foreign issues.

No money should be sent to an Israel from America. We should give Israel nothing….. this ain’t about morals man it’s not like we give a bunch of money to good people in Africa. It’s all a joke.

So do the Israelis, but Hamas does not. Why aren't you calling them out instead of the Israelis. Oh, I forgot! You simply hate Jews because you are Catholic!
sorry----there is no excuse---the only people who can logically be called "baby killers are people who invade houses and MURDER the babies therein or who pick out babies in victimized crowds and kill them------LIKE HAMAS DOES and like happened many times in islamic genocides and pogroms
When my son returned from a military tour of duty in the Middle East he came home and told me that everybody over there is bat shit crazy with hate for one another.

Not my war. These goddamn Illegals bring fentanyl across the border killing thousands of Americans each year is my war.
You are really starting to irritate people with your constant baseless lies. Your first statement is true, but not for the reason you think. If Hamas was white Christians, they would not be terrorists and not have any problems with Jews, unless they were all Democrats, like you!
Your statement makes no sense----your fellow Nazis were WHITE. RACIALLY----the people who developed
racial designations (to wit ANTHROPOLOGISTS) have
designated arabs as CAUCASION---to wit; WHITE
Rabid animals… you’re fucking crazy.
What do you call someone who intentionally and repeatedly tortured and performed unspeakable acts with the motivation of hate?

You don't have a clue what was done, do you?
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When my son returned from a military tour of duty in the Middle East he came home and told me that everybody over there is bat shit crazy with hate for one another.

Not my war. These goddamn Illegals bring fentanyl across the border killing thousands of Americans each year is my war.
ok Your son is not particularly articulate. My son was
also in a military tour of the Middle east----His observation (I speak as a fond mother) was a bit more
insightful. Of the EMIRATI he noted that just about ALL WORK was being done by INDIAN FOREIGN WORKERS---
He said "Ma, if every Indian would just sit down on the job----like GANDHI advised----the arabs would starve to death"

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