America must stop selling weapons to Israel

So, what should have been Israel’s response to Oct 7?
To do exactly what they are doing.

Do these people not understand that, given the chance, those barbarians in Hamas, would do to our women and children EXACTLY what they did to the women and children of Israel? Now imagine Hamas somehow wins. Now they have Nukes!

Ummmm, nope, we best not allow that to happen.

And remember, no one loves dead Palestinians more than Hamas does!
I understand that, but Israel will not allow in refugees from Gaza. Heck they won’t allow the Palestinians around the world to come to their country, but they will pay Jews to immigrate to the country. So America’s got to change its policy toward Israel.

Nobody else wants them either.
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. It's called war. Don't want to suffer the consequences, don't make dumb ass decisions.
I disagree. As soon as you cross the line to careless carpet bomb massive amounts of innocent civilians you’ve crossed a line
The relationship we have with Israel is that we give them things and they like it. It doesn't go any further than that.
False. But I don’t have time to educate every ignorant posting member of the Board.

Try educating yourself a bit better

No lines. If it takes 60,000, 100,000, or more to destroy Hamas, so be it. They voted for Hamas. Elections have consequences.
Wow, the evil in people is really shining. Do you even think about the things you say??
The line gets drawn when hammas stops hiding in those camps with stockpiles of weapons. Until then it’s a legit target no matter how many civilians get killed.
Really?! You think it’s ok to drop a bomb in a refugee camp and kill 100s to thousands of innocent people because some soldiers are hiding in there?! Wow, your moral compass is out of whack
Are rockets being launched from those "refugee camps"? If so...then who is really at blame for innocent civilians being killed in retaliatory strikes targeting the launch points of Hamas rockets? Hamas is deliberately putting Palestinians in harm's way. They WANT women and children to be killed! Where is your "line" drawn on that?
My line is drawn and being responsible for careless bombing innocent people. If the Emmy is hiding in population centers then go after them strategically and directly.

But if anybody ever pulls a trigger knowing the result is going to kill innocent people then that is murder
False. But I don’t have time to educate every ignorant posting member of the Board.

Try educating yourself a bit better

That article, written by two American Jews, who loyalty is to Israel and not the US is misleading as hell.

Ever since the USS Liberty was attacked and the shitheads in the US government decided that getting money from IAPAC was more important than justice for the crew members Israel has been a welfare state of the US.

We give the sonofabitches billions each year and they have never paid for any of the weapons systems, and we have fought their enemies and we have pissed off everybody else in the region supporting the bastards.

There are no good guys in the Middle East. They are all assholes including Israel. We need to get out of taking sides in a conflict that has been going on for thousands of years.

We are $33 trillion in debt and it is now time to stop funds going to the foreign welfare queens and Israel is at the top of that list.

It is not just Israel by the way. The list of foreign welfare queens is quite long. God only knows how much of that money that we give out to foreign countries makes it way back into the pockets of the American politicians that gave it away. Just look at Potatohead's corruption as an example.

Lets pay off our enormous debt first and then we can decide if we want to be somebody's Sugar Daddy. Sounds reasonable?
That article, written by two American Jews, who loyalty is to Israel and not the US is misleading as hell.

Ever since the USS Liberty was attacked and the shitheads in the US government decided that getting money from IAPAC was more important than justice for the crew members Israel has been a welfare state of the US.

We give the sonofabitches billions each year and they have never paid for any of the weapons systems, and we have fought their enemies and we have pissed off everybody else in the region supporting the bastards.

There are no good guys in the Middle East. They are all assholes including Israel. We need to get out of taking sides in a conflict that has been going on for thousands of years.

We are $33 trillion in debt and it is now time to stop funds going to the foreign welfare queens and Israel is at the top of that list.

It is not just Israel by the way. The list of foreign welfare queens is quite long. God only knows how much of that money that we give out to foreign countries makes it way back into the pockets of the American politicians that gave it away. Just look at Potatohead's corruption as an example.

Lets pay off our enormous debt first and then we can decide if we want to be somebody's Sugar Daddy. Sounds reasonable?
Your anti Semitism is duly noted.
I disagree. As soon as you cross the line to careless carpet bomb massive amounts of innocent civilians you’ve crossed a line

Hamass raped and murdered children. They deserve no quarter.
Wrong, skippy. I realize that war is terrible. Only a fucking moron goes into a country, RAPES children and beheads babies, and then tries to evade reprisals. You and your fellow fucking travellers IGNORE the hundreds of Americans being held prisoner by hamass. You IGNORE the fact that your heroes in hamass MURDERED dozens of foreign nationals who were at that music festival. You beg us to forget that YOUR heroes in hamass raped completely innocent women, and then beheaded them for their amusement.

Fuck you and all of your fellow animals who think that action of that sort don't warrant immediate, and TERRIBLE retribution.

You are a disgusting fucking pig.
Why would you a devoted conservative, side with Genocide Joe Biden?

Nothing aligns the two criminal gangs like war.

Dumb MFers!
Why would you a devoted conservative, side with Genocide Joe Biden?

Nothing aligns the two criminal gangs like war.

Dumb MFers!

I'm not. I do NOT support US troops engaging.

But I fully support Israel exterminating every last hamass piece of shit.
Your anti Semitism is duly noted.
Nope. It is a Libertarian view point.

The US does not need to be in the business of handing out welfare to anyone. Wouldn't you agree on that?

Being $33 trillion in debt it is absolutely bat shit crazy for Potatohead to be asking Congress for billions for Ukraine and Israel and even the goddamn Palestinians.

In January, like we have been doing for five decades now, we will send the Israelis a check for billions of dollars. That is addition to giving them weapons systems and fighting their enemies for them. The Secretary of Defense yesterday was asking Congress for money to replace draw down American weapon stocks that we have given away to the Israelis. That is stupid as hell, isn't it?

Fiscal responsibility says to tell ALL the welfare queens to go fuck themselves. No more.
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.
Your avatar tells me all I need to know about you; FDR hated Jews and you hate Jews.
Nope. It is a Libertarian view point.

The US does not need to be in the business of handing out welfare to anyone. Wouldn't you agree on that?

Being $33 trillion in debt it is absolutely bat shit crazy for Potatohead to be asking Congress for billions for Ukraine and Israel and even the goddamn Palestinians.

In January, like we have been doing for five decades now, we will send the Israelis a check for billions of dollars. That is addition to giving them weapons systems and fighting their enemies for them. The Secretary of Defense yesterday was asking Congress for money to replace draw down American weapon stocks that we have given away to the Israelis. That is stupid as hell, isn't it?

Fiscal responsibility says to tell ALL the welfare queens to go fuck themselves. No more.
You’re happy about this?

Israel has cut off food, water, medicine, fuel and electricity from all innocent Palestinian civilians, half of whom are children. Israel has struck 120 health facilities—victims cannot escape from Gaza’s open air prison. They can’t even surrender, they can only die. Genocide!
You and Joe sitting in a tree…k i s s i n g

You and hamass, sitting on a tree, dreaming about raping and murdering children.

You are a fucking scumbag.

Hamass raped and murdered non Israelis you fucking disgusting piece of shit.

And you haven't a care in the world for them.

You deserve every misery coming your way.

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