America must stop selling weapons to Israel

We actually don't sell the Israelis anything. We give things to them.

They have a scam going that they have pulled in almost every weapon purchase.

The scam goes like this.

They put in an order like say to Lockheed Martin to buy 200 F-16s. LM says they will only sell the planes if the US will guarantee the loan that the Israelis got from a bank to buy the planes. Congress agrees to guarantee the loan.

A few months later the IAPAC gets one of their suck buddies to put in an amendment to a spending bill to forgive the Israeli loan. The US taxpayer wind up paying for the F-16s. It has happen over and over again.

The only relationship we have with Israel is that we give them things and they like it.
It's a gift to who ever makes the F-35

Israel is the largest recipient of FMF. Annual FMF grants to Israel represent approximately 16% of the overall Israeli defense budget.
Israel was the first declared international operator of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.62 It has purchased 50 F-35s in three separate contracts using FMF grants. As of January 2023, Israel had received 36 of 50 jets

And you somehow think indiscriminate bombing of defenseless women and children is justified because of this.
What is your solution for dealing with rabid animals? They voted for these creatures, now they live with their decision. Elections have consequences.

The Untold Story with Martha MacCallum
As the Jewish community around the world continues to process the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, Israel has begun their advance into Gaza to eradicate the terrorist organization.

Martha is joined by Co-Anchor of America's Newsroom, Co-Host of The Five, and Host of the Perino on Politics podcast, Dana Perino, as Martha discusses her visit to the Israeli Consulate to view unseen footage of the Hamas terror attacks.

Martha and Dana talk about the brutality seen in the videos, the Israeli and United States' response to the attacks, and weigh in on the wave of antisemitism that has spread across college campuses.

Follow Martha on Twitter: @MarthaMacCallum
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Peace. Two state solution.

You must know doing the same thing expecting a different result is CRAZY.
But the biggest obstacle of the two state solution, is the two states. Netanyahu and Likud want Judea and Samira. Hamas and the other terrorist group want to destroy Israel. It's only the people who want peace.
It's a gift to who ever makes the F-35

Israel is the largest recipient of FMF. Annual FMF grants to Israel represent approximately 16% of the overall Israeli defense budget.
Israel was the first declared international operator of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.62 It has purchased 50 F-35s in three separate contracts using FMF grants. As of January 2023, Israel had received 36 of 50 jets

I haven't done it lately but a few years ago I looked up defense spending from the CIA Factbook. I divided it by the number of taxpayers.

I don't remember the exact numbers but an Israeli taxpayer spends less on defense than an American taxpayer. Don't quote me on the numbers but it was like the average Israeli pays $800 a year while the average American pays $1300.

Why should we pay for Israel's defense? Why should Americans have to pay more than the Israelis? Israel is a rich country. They can afford to pay for their own. We are $33 trillion in debt. We can't afford paying more welfare to foreign countries.
I haven't done it lately but a few years ago I looked up defense spending from the CIA Factbook. I divided it by the number of taxpayers.

I don't remember the exact numbers but an Israeli taxpayer spends less on defense than an American taxpayer. Don't quote me on the numbers but it was like the average Israeli pays $800 a year while the average American pays $1300.

Why should we pay for Israel's defense? Why should Americans have to pay more than the Israelis? Israel is a rich country. They can afford to pay for their own. We are $33 trillion in debt. We can't afford paying more welfare to foreign countries.
Because Lockheed Martin and/or Northrop Grumman (and other weapon manufacturers) is my final answer.

The only way to reign in the lawmakers love of deficit spending is a balance budget amendment with a plan to pay down the debt. They have shown that they will not do it unless forced to. At least imo.
Because Lockheed Martin and/or Northrop Grumman (and other weapon manufacturers) is my final answer.

The only way to reign in the lawmakers love of deficit spending is a balance budget amendment with a plan to pay down the debt. They have shown that they will not do it unless forced to. At least imo.
Don't bitch about Lockheed Martin. I worked for them for 30 years and get a nice retirement check from them each month.
I haven't done it lately but a few years ago I looked up defense spending from the CIA Factbook. I divided it by the number of taxpayers.

I don't remember the exact numbers but an Israeli taxpayer spends less on defense than an American taxpayer. Don't quote me on the numbers but it was like the average Israeli pays $800 a year while the average American pays $1300.

Why should we pay for Israel's defense? Why should Americans have to pay more than the Israelis? Israel is a rich country. They can afford to pay for their own. We are $33 trillion in debt. We can't afford paying more welfare to foreign countries.
Kindly show your links or admit that you pulled figures out of your butt that suited your fantasy.

So if you don't know the figures. Why are you throwing up something that could actually be totally opposite?
Kindly show your links or admit that you pulled figures out of your butt.

So if you don't know the figures. Why are you throwing up something that could actually be totally opposite?
I got them from the CIA Factbook. I did it several years ago (probably about 2015) and don't remember the exact numbers. It could even be different now but probably not.

By the way, it wasn't just the goddamn Israelis. It was South Korea and the Germans and all the other NATO welfare countries. The average American taxpayer pays more per capita for Defense than any of the welfare queens we support.
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I got them from the CIA Factbook. I did it several years ago (probably about 2015) and don't remember the exact numbers. It could even be different now but probably not.

By the way, it wasn't just the goddamn Israelis. It was South Korea and the Germans and all the other NATO welfare countries. The average American taxpayer pays more per capita for Defense than any of the welfare queens we support.
So you've got nothing and now you're compounding your lie.

We should absolutely spend far more on defense than on welfare.
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As long as they allow terrorists to rule them and allow themselves to be human shields then they just have to learn to cope with it.
Zionism is the problem?

Endangered and Dangerous Israel, Endangering Jews

"Israel calls itself a 'Jewish state,' but there is nothing 'Jewish' about mistreating people because they are of a different religion or ethnic group.

"Indeed, Zionism has, it seems, turned its back on the universal Jewish moral tradition which Jewish critics of Zionism such as Albert Einstein, Judah Magnes, Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt warned that it would."
So you've got nothing and now you're compounding your lie.
Just grow up. If you want to know the figures then go look them up yourself. The CIA Factbook that is available through the Internet should have all the data you need. I did it once and it took about an hour because I also did it for several other foreign welfare queens. I am not going to redo it again just to educate an Internet idiot like you. Not worth my time.

I told you what I remember from a few years ago. If you think our welfare queens pay more per capita for defense than our tax payers then got look up the figures yourself. Who knows, you may get lucky and the figures changed from several years ago and you would have yourself one big fat Internet gotcha. Go for it Sport,
Israel has every right to place a counter attack and defend its people. However, let me ask… do you think that gives them the right openly bomb refugee camps can kill 100s - 1000s of innocent civilians ? Where do the lines get drawn if any?
The line gets drawn when hammas stops hiding in those camps with stockpiles of weapons. Until then it’s a legit target no matter how many civilians get killed.
What is your solution for dealing with rabid animals? They voted for these creatures, now they live with their decision. Elections have consequences.

The Untold Story with Martha MacCallum
As the Jewish community around the world continues to process the attacks by Hamas on October 7th, Israel has begun their advance into Gaza to eradicate the terrorist organization.

Martha is joined by Co-Anchor of America's Newsroom, Co-Host of The Five, and Host of the Perino on Politics podcast, Dana Perino, as Martha discusses her visit to the Israeli Consulate to view unseen footage of the Hamas terror attacks.

Martha and Dana talk about the brutality seen in the videos, the Israeli and United States' response to the attacks, and weigh in on the wave of antisemitism that has spread across college campuses.

Follow Martha on Twitter: @MarthaMacCallum
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Rabid animals… you’re fucking crazy.
If Palestinians were white Christians Israel would never get away with their crimes against humanity. But only because they are mostly Arab Muslims even though there’s plenty of Arab Christians in Palestine, Israel gets away with their terrorism.

Here’s a critical point to keep in mind. The Palestinian people are living under martial law. Even if somebody goes to visit the West Bank, like one of us Americans, you have got checkpoints all over the place Jews are carrying guns and you’re not allowed to carry a gun if your Palestine

No second amendment, God-fearing Christian American would accept living like a slave. If we were living like the Palestinians were, Americans would’ve already formed a group way more aggressive then Hamas

Hamas should not be labeled as a terrorist group by the USA . I disagree with their policies same thing with disagreeing with Israel’s policies. going by the logic of the Israeli lobby in America then they would have to label the Israeli state as a state sponsor of terror. So it’s total hypocrisy. It is a disgrace to America, it is a disgrace to Christianity, and it’s against the values are the founding fathers. l

The all powerful israeli lobby is a disgrace to American values.

we never labeled the various IRA groups of the 20th century is terror groups. That’s because a lot of American politicians support of the cause of Irish freedom and they knew many Americans there as well.

The situation in Israel is really messed up shoes. Swaths of American simply have no idea how horrendous life is a Palestine. They are fed propaganda from the beasts and Israel in The Israeli lobby. They lie all the time from Israel.

It was good people in Israel by the way they wanna change for the better. But they have hard-core extremists running things there. The whole settler thing is a disaster.
It’s important for you to realize this thing goes way back before October 7. And every conflict the death toll is a lopsided way more Palestinians are killed. There are those in Israel who want to wipe the Palestinians out. It’s only some semblance of international pressure that stops it from happening.

I’ve said countless times theres good and bad people on both sides. I’m at peace with my views there in line with Christian an American values.

Some folks on your side are acting anti-American, and anti-Christian with their treatment of Palestinians.

Any Jew in the world can immigrate to Israel. And they get paid to do it. Every Palestinian in the world has to have the right to return to Palestine. There’s one point. And one can’t come back and say that “will put the Jews in danger”, because that is a satanic view it suggests that Palestinians are somehow evil.

For centuries, Jews lived in peace in Christian and Muslim majority lands.
You didn't answer the question. What should Israel do with people who do not believe they should exist?
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

View attachment 851542

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

Dang, AOC must have helped her prepare that video.
You didn't answer the question. What should Israel do with people who do not believe they should exist?
I’ve answered the question many times already. There are Jews in Israel who hate Christians. There are Jews in Israel who think Palestinian should be wiped off the map. So that issue goes both ways. And the major difference is the Jews in Israel are allowed to carry guns, but Palestinians in the West Bank are not allowed to carry guns. It’s insane America should be more diplomatic and not one-sided toward Israel.

Most God-fearing, American Christians know this most of us disagree with supporting Israel. We just want peace man. But also we need to help Americans to before we get involved in foreign issues.

No money should be sent to an Israel from America. We should give Israel nothing….. this ain’t about morals man it’s not like we give a bunch of money to good people in Africa. It’s all a joke.
Just grow up. If you want to know the figures then go look them up yourself. The CIA Factbook that is available through the Internet should have all the data you need. I did it once and it took about an hour because I also did it for several other foreign welfare queens. I am not going to redo it again just to educate an Internet idiot like you. Not worth my time.

I told you what I remember from a few years ago. If you think our welfare queens pay more per capita for defense than our tax payers then got look up the figures yourself. Who knows, you may get lucky and the figures changed from several years ago and you would have yourself one big fat Internet gotcha. Go for it Sport,
You made the allegations, not me. You lied to make a foolish point. It is up to you to prove your statements or admit they are lies. I post links with my statements. Step up, son.

We did not ask to be a police presence in the world but that's who we are.

Specifically please, who should take up that role?
Who’s under attack again?

We can always count on you parroting the narrative.
How can you not wrap your head around the large scale attack and attacks by people who do not believe they should exist from the very beginning? Strapping bombs to children because the UN took your land? Are you serious? Just stop.

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