America must stop selling weapons to Israel

Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

View attachment 851542

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.

Stop selling weapons to Israel?

Hell no.

They can have as much as they need.

Israel is the Refuge of the Jews.

Death to Hamas.
How can you not wrap your head around the large scale attack and attacks by people who do not believe they should exist from the very beginning? Strapping bombs to children because the UN took your land? Are you serious? Just stop.
You might get informed on Israel’s many heinous actions, or not. You know only one side of the story.

PS. Shut off the TV. Your IQ will soar.
But the biggest obstacle of the two state solution, is the two states. Netanyahu and Likud want Judea and Samira. Hamas and the other terrorist group want to destroy Israel. It's only the people who want peace.
The horrors of war with no concern for citizens/civilians is man at its worse. At one time we made rules over long periods of time that were made to reduce it at least in some parts of the world. WW 2 on seems to be open season.
I’ve answered the question many times already. There are Jews in Israel who hate Christians. There are Jews in Israel who think Palestinian should be wiped off the map. So that issue goes both ways. And the major difference is the Jews in Israel are allowed to carry guns, but Palestinians in the West Bank are not allowed to carry guns. It’s insane America should be more diplomatic and not one-sided toward Israel.

Most God-fearing, American Christians know this most of us disagree with supporting Israel. We just want peace man. But also we need to help Americans to before we get involved in foreign issues.

No money should be sent to an Israel from America. We should give Israel nothing….. this ain’t about morals man it’s not like we give a bunch of money to good people in Africa. It’s all a joke.
I'd bet the number of Palestinians who want to eradicate Israel is in the 90% range. They strap bombs to their kids because the UN created the country. Saying there are angry Jews is no answer at all. The Palestinians want to eradicate Israel, period. What exactly would you consider a good Christian solution to people who want you dead and have been attacking you since your existence? Please stop using Jewish people as an excuse for both Hamas and Palestine.
??? 25% of the population of Israel are Arab.
I understand that, but Israel will not allow in refugees from Gaza. Heck they won’t allow the Palestinians around the world to come to their country, but they will pay Jews to immigrate to the country. So America’s got to change its policy toward Israel.
I'd bet the number of Palestinians who want to eradicate Israel is in the 90% range. They strap bombs to their kids because the UN created the country. Saying there are angry Jews is no answer at all. The Palestinians want to eradicate Israel, period. What exactly would you consider a good Christian solution to people who want you dead and have been attacking you since your existence? Please stop using Jewish people as an excuse for both Hamas and Palestine.
I bet it’s probably one percent of Palestinians and one percent of Israelis that want to eradicate the other

As many Americans will explain to you the situation goes back decades. None of us Americans would accept to like slaves like as Palestinians do.
Maybe, rather than just “selling” weapons to Israel, we might consider just “giving” some to them.

If we can do it for Ukraine, we can do it for a stronger ally.
Israel has every right to place a counter attack and defend its people. However, let me ask… do you think that gives them the right openly bomb refugee camps can kill 100s - 1000s of innocent civilians ? Where do the lines get drawn if any?
Are rockets being launched from those "refugee camps"? If so...then who is really at blame for innocent civilians being killed in retaliatory strikes targeting the launch points of Hamas rockets? Hamas is deliberately putting Palestinians in harm's way. They WANT women and children to be killed! Where is your "line" drawn on that?
I bet it’s probably one percent of Palestinians and one percent of Israelis that want to eradicate the other

As many Americans will explain to you the situation goes back decades. None of us Americans would accept to like slaves like as Palestinians do.
“Accept to like?”

Your anti Semitism is getting in the way of your ability to engage in basic communication skills.
I understand that, but Israel will not allow in refugees from Gaza. Heck they won’t allow the Palestinians around the world to come to their country, but they will pay Jews to immigrate to the country. So America’s got to change its policy toward Israel.
?? They've had 80 years to assimilate. They've chosen hate and death and to live among, raise and support terrorists.
You might get informed on Israel’s many heinous actions, or not. You know only one side of the story.

PS. Shut off the TV. Your IQ will soar.
Even if Israel is as bad as you think it is, it does not change the fact that they have been attacked by people who do not believe they should exist. What do you want Israel to do? I'm betting Palestinians are not as warm and fuzzy as Franklin is making them out to be. Even if Israel is the boogeyman, they are dealing with people who want to eradicate them. Saying Israelis are awful people does not justify murder and rocket strikes.
I understand that, but Israel will not allow in refugees from Gaza. Heck they won’t allow the Palestinians around the world to come to their country, but they will pay Jews to immigrate to the country. So America’s got to change its policy toward Israel.
Why do you think they don't want people who want to destroy them in the country? Think real hard, it should come to you. That would be like Tutsi allowing Hutu with knives into their home. You obviously don't believe Israel should exist.
Zionism is the problem?

Endangered and Dangerous Israel, Endangering Jews

"Israel calls itself a 'Jewish state,' but there is nothing 'Jewish' about mistreating people because they are of a different religion or ethnic group.

"Indeed, Zionism has, it seems, turned its back on the universal Jewish moral tradition which Jewish critics of Zionism such as Albert Einstein, Judah Magnes, Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt warned that it would."
Someone needs to tell those people that killing Jews by terrorism and putting it in their idiotic charter is not halal.
Maybe, rather than just “selling” weapons to Israel, we might consider just “giving” some to them.

If we can do it for Ukraine, we can do it for a stronger ally.
They are not an ally.

They are a welfare queen and that have never paid for anything.
Some people ask well what occurred before October 7 in the Holy land …take a look at this video…. For years bad people from Israel have been making the lives of Palestinian women and children a living hell. None of us in America would live like that we would stand up for ourselves …. We are a strong country. The strong in America stand up for those like women and children.

Imagine for a moment if we Americans had to live like Palestinians do. And so for that reason, we must stop selling weapons to Israel. We have got to stop giving billions of dollars to Israel. It is anti-American to do so.

May Jesus protect this Palestinian child. Jesus loves her. And may he protect her and all of the children of Gaza

View attachment 851542

May the angel Michael protect the Palestinian women and children from the beasts that are bombing them every day.


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