America must stop selling weapons to Israel

We KNOW that hamass tortured children, and beheaded babies. They broadcast it live to the victims families. Fuck everyone who supports those beasts. Kill every single one of them and the world would be a better place.
You've bought the war propaganda.
You're one sick puppy. Seek help! Please, show some guts and read this entire article.

Hamas horrors you luckily won’t see — glimpse of terror too sick for Israel to air

By Kelly Jane Torrance
Published Oct. 29, 2023, 11:13 p.m. ET

And you somehow think indiscriminate bombing of defenseless women and children is justified because of this.
And how do you achieve a two state solution when Palis have displayed they don’t want any part of it?

Also, since you totally ignored the question about what Israel should do about the attack on Oct. 7, I have to assume your answer is nothing but reward the Palis
Do you think Israel wants a two state solution? Lol
Gee...wonder why the "beasts" from Israel are bombing Gaza? Could it be the 20,000 rockets that Hamas has fired into civilian areas of Israel? No? Maybe it's the slaughter of fifteen hundred Israelis by Hamas terrorists? The beheading of children? The raping of women? The taking of hostages to use as human shields?

Get a fucking clue...the only reason that Israel attacks Gaza is because Hamas keeps attacking Israel. Is it in the Israeli charter to kill all of the Palestinians? It's in Hamas' charter to kill all the jews and they run Gaza! But you think Israel are the bad guys? You're an IDIOT!!!
Israel has every right to place a counter attack and defend its people. However, let me ask… do you think that gives them the right openly bomb refugee camps can kill 100s - 1000s of innocent civilians ? Where do the lines get drawn if any?
And you somehow think indiscriminate bombing of defenseless women and children is justified because of this.

hamass hurls missiles indiscriminantly, dumbfuck. Israel targets and hits military targets. The fact that those military targets hide behind women and children is on them.
Israel has every right to place a counter attack and defend its people. However, let me ask… do you think that gives them the right openly bomb refugee camps can kill 100s - 1000s of innocent civilians ? Where do the lines get drawn if any?
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY. It's called war. Don't want to suffer the consequences, don't make dumb ass decisions.
hamass hurls missiles indiscriminantly, dumbfuck. Israel targets and hits military targets. The fact that those military targets hide behind women and children is on them.
Boy are you a dupe.

Hamas rockets kill almost no one. How many Palestinians have been killed by Israeli missiles? Take a wild guess.
Your eyes are closed.
My eyes are wide fucking open. I have been to the area. Clearly you haven't. Gaza could be a worldclass resort area. A rival to Monaco, but no, the fucking baboons who run the place would rather live high on the hog while their peeps die.

Fuck all of them.
Boy are you a dupe.

Hamas rockets kill almost no one. How many Palestinians have been killed by Israeli missiles? Take a wild guess.
who the fuck cares. They are terrible fighters. We KNOW that. That's why they resort to murdering defenseless women and children.

My eyes are wide fucking open. I have been to the area. Clearly you haven't. Gaza could be a worldclass resort area. A rival to Monaco, but no, the fucking baboons who run the place would rather live high on the hog while their peeps die.

Fuck all of them.
How you’re one sick puppy. Why do you hate Muslims?

You want Muslim babies murdered. Psycho!
How you’re one sick puppy. Why do you hate Muslims?

You want Muslim babies murdered. Psycho!
I don't hate Muslims. Moron. I despise ISLAMISTS.

Learn the fucking difference you fucking ignorant clod.
You are exactly like Hamas. A raving lunatic murderer of babies.
Wrong, skippy. I realize that war is terrible. Only a fucking moron goes into a country, RAPES children and beheads babies, and then tries to evade reprisals. You and your fellow fucking travellers IGNORE the hundreds of Americans being held prisoner by hamass. You IGNORE the fact that your heroes in hamass MURDERED dozens of foreign nationals who were at that music festival. You beg us to forget that YOUR heroes in hamass raped completely innocent women, and then beheaded them for their amusement.

Fuck you and all of your fellow animals who think that action of that sort don't warrant immediate, and TERRIBLE retribution.

You are a disgusting fucking pig.
Israel has every right to place a counter attack and defend its people. However, let me ask… do you think that gives them the right openly bomb refugee camps can kill 100s - 1000s of innocent civilians ? Where do the lines get drawn if any?
No lines. If it takes 60,000, 100,000, or more to destroy Hamas, so be it. They voted for Hamas. Elections have consequences.

Hamas horrors you luckily won’t see — glimpse of terror too sick for Israel to air

By Kelly Jane Torrance
Published Oct. 29, 2023, 11:13 p.m. ET
A grenade lands before he can close the door, and he’s dead. A terrorist takes his two boys back into the house, and a security camera captures their devastation. The blast blinded one boy in an eye. The other falls to the ground, plaintively pleading, “Why am I alive? Why am I alive?” (The boys, we’re told, managed to escape — at least physically.)

We see homes in kibbutzim, fields young concertgoers ran through, Israel Defense Forces installations with terrified young women huddling in a room.

Blood. Blood everywhere, trails of it, puddles of it. Burned bodies still smoking. A man with his nose blown off. Headless Israeli soldiers. An elderly woman clad only in her brightly colored underwear never meant to be seen by so many. Piles of bodies surrounded by young men celebrating, chanting, “Allahu akbar!”

Some footage has been geolocated to Gaza. A broken woman is taken from the back of a Jeep, the rear of her pants coated in blood, and brought to the back seat. We can easily understand what’s likely happening to her there. Young men clamor over, trying to get a look inside, some recording with their cellphones. Two older men walk over — finally, this will stop, I almost think. No: They wanted a good look, too.

Women who were raped had their legs broken, consulate staff said. Then they were killed.

The thing you’ll never understand is Israelis want them destroyed just as much.

That's a lie. Israel only wants anyone trying to murder them destroyed, Hamas wants every Jew dead no matter what they do.

You sure are as naive and asinine as a leftist

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