America reacts to Clinton cash

She's such an outlier with regard to this in our political system isn't she.

Meaning what?
Meaning how much is dumb Donald getting from Sheldon Adelson?

You sound like an obama clone.

At the national prayer breakfast when ISIS was torturing and murdering Christians by the scores week after week --- what was Obama's speech?

(paraphrase) "Now Christians need to get off their high horses because they had the Crusades and slavery."

Hillary and Bill and Barack are guilty as sin over high crimes and cowardly ways. So since that is all indefensible divert the subject towards others.

Clearly you felt the need to move away from the funding argument you painted youself into a corner on.

I guess I lost another one???

On the other hand, at this stage I would NEVER expect you to take on tough questions, just find a related "out" to make it look like you care or are fair.

Don't care much how criminal Hillary and Bill are do you?

Don't care how big of an Islamic terrorist sympathizer obama is do you? So even though I brought it up looking for a response, you can weasel out of that because it was not the prime topic. So of course you will run from it.

Sure bill n hill are crooked. Your entire system is, those is the behaviors we reward. You need to make it seem one sided and it's not, it's universal.

That's the conversation you always run from.
Meaning what?
Meaning how much is dumb Donald getting from Sheldon Adelson?

You sound like an obama clone.

At the national prayer breakfast when ISIS was torturing and murdering Christians by the scores week after week --- what was Obama's speech?

(paraphrase) "Now Christians need to get off their high horses because they had the Crusades and slavery."

Hillary and Bill and Barack are guilty as sin over high crimes and cowardly ways. So since that is all indefensible divert the subject towards others.

Clearly you felt the need to move away from the funding argument you painted youself into a corner on.

I guess I lost another one???

On the other hand, at this stage I would NEVER expect you to take on tough questions, just find a related "out" to make it look like you care or are fair.

Don't care much how criminal Hillary and Bill are do you?

Don't care how big of an Islamic terrorist sympathizer obama is do you? So even though I brought it up looking for a response, you can weasel out of that because it was not the prime topic. So of course you will run from it.

Sure bill n hill are crooked. Your entire system is, those is the behaviors we reward. You need to make it seem one sided and it's not, it's universal.

That's the conversation you always run from.

Quit acting like what Hillary and Bill did is your run of the mill kickbacks congressional types get!!!!!!

We are not stupid. You excuse making is pathetic in this case!

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