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America’s death by a thousand threads


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The the Neo-Coms are the new communists...



09-22-2013 6:48 pm - John W. Wallace


If Gulliver had been awake, he could easily have snapped these threads individually or in small numbers and the Lilliputians would never have succeeded in taking control of Gulliver and making him their prisoner. Those tiny threads were multiplied and woven hundreds and thousands of times by the Lilliputians while Gulliver was sleeping. By the time Gulliver finally did wake up, it was too late. He was totally incapacitated and unable to do anything. He was at the mercy of his new masters, the Lilliputians.

Just like Gulliver, many Americans appear to be either asleep or unaware of the growing danger of being incapacitated by America’s own version of the Lilliputians, who are nothing more than well financed traitors to this great country. In our case, the threads used to take our freedoms are restrictive laws, ‘green’ regulations, international agreements and treaties, private-public partnerships, presidential executive orders, unconstitutional court decisions, government grants with strings attached, too big to fail corporate bailouts, loan guarantees, etc.

Communism has been replaced in name only. The communists now call themselves liberals, progressives, globalists, neo-conservatives and some even openly admit to being socialists like the 70 plus member Socialist Caucus of Democrats in congress. Some are part of the so-called ‘green movement” where the Neo-Coms (the new communists) use junk science to predict a cataclysmic environmental crisis in order for the government to step in to control how and where you live in order to protect the environment. I call these environmental Neo-Coms the ‘watermelon people’ because they are green on the outside and communist red to the core on the inside. Do not underestimate the danger these Neo-Coms (new communists) pose to our way of life.

There is a worldwide network of Neo-Coms who are prominent business people, socialist billionaires, environmentalists, academics, media moguls and corrupt politicians who are very much like the Lilliputians in Gulliver’s Travels. They are the ones pushing the globalist agendas of Global Warming, Agenda 21 - Sustainable Development, Cap-and-Trade, social justice, never ending wars to bring peace, world-wide financial reform and protection of the planet Earth. These individuals and non-governmental organizations are extremely well financed by socialist billionaires, large international banks and corporations and their tax-free foundations. With almost unlimited funding, they pose more of a danger to the American people’s freedoms, liberty and sovereignty than any foreign enemy.


Here are just a few of the “threads of change” currently being woven around America’s freedoms, liberties and sovereignty by these traitorous enemies within out own country:

a. Millions of dollars in “legal” special interest bribes to our politicians every year by lobbyists;

b. 20 million illegal aliens being allowed to remain in this country costing the American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars;

c. Election fraud through the use of new, easily hacked electronic voting machines without paper trails;

d. Downplaying of the importance of English as our official language;

e. Destroying our manufacturing jobs through unfair trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA that benefit large international corporations over American workers;

f. Growing influence of private, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission on our government’s political leaders and policies;

g. Failed social engineering programs in housing, education, finance, employment, etc.

h. Expansion of underfunded entitlement programs including the new Obamacare fiasco;

i. Ever increasing taxation of the people at every level of government;

j. Frequent attacks on the Second Amendment guaranteed rights of American citizens from every level of government;

k. Creation of one financial crises after another that are designed to allow the federal government and the Federal Reserve to assume a larger role in controlling the economy even though the federal government’s own actions, policies and legislation caused the crises in the first place;

l. Federal government’s use of the threat of terrorism as an excuse to become more intrusive into our everyday lives and thereby place more and more limitations on our personal freedoms and liberties;

m. Increasing use of prescription drugs to alter the behavior of more and more Americans. For example: At the present time, there are 6 million children under the age of 18 in the USA who have been prescribed mind-altering psychotropic drugs like Ritalin;

n. Deliberate “Dumbing Down” of the American education system through revised teaching methods like ‘Common Core’ and the re-writing of textbooks to include politically correct, anti-capitalist, anti-white, anti-Founding Fathers, and globalist agendas that are “indoctrinating” our young people rather than educating them;

o. Deliberate and frequent attacks on mainstream organized religions (particularly Jewish and Christian) in favor of Islam.

p. Surrender of our government’s constitutional power to create money to a group of private international bankers (the Federal Reserve) who answer to no one and who are slowly and deliberately bankrupting this country through the use of “fiat’ money;

q. Manipulated and biased news stories from the mainstream media that are too often designed to support the political agendas of their owners, international bankers and corporations, special interest groups, or their favorite political office holders or candidates.

r. Politicization and manipulation of science by special interest groups for political gain through the use of legal and/or economic pressure to influence the findings of scientific research and then using their own media outlets to control the way it is disseminated, reported or interpreted. The Global Warming hoax is a prime example of this process;

s. The endless cycle of war that has occurred since America became a member of the United Nations. The UN charter has allowed our politicians to send American troops into combat on foreign soil without formal Declarations of War and against the will of the American people;

t. The step by step surrender of our nation’s sovereignty to an ever expanding and un-elected United Nations bureaucracy in order to promote the need for a “New World Order” and “One World Government” under the guise of fighting common global threats against all the people of the earth including the pollution of the oceans, the aids epidemic, third world poverty, terrorism and of course global warming;


Let there be no doubt about the outcome of this fight because a strong-willed, united force of freedom loving American citizens will ultimately prevail against tyranny!


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What a load of bullshit propaganda. Each and every point, a thru t.

It's time to resist boredom from your thousand threads of the same crap.

AS of this week, I've decided not to pay attention anymore. If the American public agrees that aiding and abetting AL Qaeda is good, all hope is lost.

Very good The2ndAmendment ............ I see you are starting to come around to the path of conformity.
Now ........... just give up the GUNS, board the RAIL CARS ......... and everything will be alright ......... tS. tS. tS. tS. tS. tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.
What a load of bullshit propaganda. Each and every point, a thru t.

It's time to resist boredom from your thousand threads of the same crap.

I'M surprised a stinking progressive/liberal from coweefornia didn't agree with A, but the hate is too strong. You and Mabel another Black_Label should befriend each other because you're of the same ilk...:lol:

AS of this week, I've decided not to pay attention anymore. If the American public agrees that aiding and abetting AL Qaeda is good, all hope is lost.

Very good The2ndAmendment ............ I see you are starting to come around to the path of conformity.
Now ........... just give up the GUNS, board the RAIL CARS ......... and everything will be alright ......... tS. tS. tS. tS. tS. tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.tS.

It's amazing that human filth like yourself are still allowed to breathe.
Jihad....your post pretty much sums it up. I really feel sorry for young people in America right now. The economic sucks, and it won't ever get back to the way it was. The Manufacturing jobs that supported many Americans for generations are gone, and they are not coming back. The erosion of individual rights and freedoms has increased dramatically...and continues to get worse. We basically live in a police state now where every phone call and e-mail is monitored.

At least I can remember when America was a great nation and generally protected individual freedom. The Progressive/Socialist agenda does not like self-reliance, freedom, or individual liberty. They do not want to empower people. They want people to be weak and utterly dependent on Government.

The sad thing is, the majority of American's (mostly the ignorant ones) voted for this shit. Thanks again for the post. It was enlightening.
What a load of bullshit propaganda. Each and every point, a thru t.

It's time to resist boredom from your thousand threads of the same crap.

Instead of dismissing it out of hand, try letting people know specifically what you object to. I think the post is right on the money. You obviously disagree, which is fine. I would really like to know specifically what you disagree with and why. Who knows, maybe you'll convince some people.
You just don't get it do you?
All empires crumble.
The tyranny of the American Armed Registered Voter must end.

I don't think you understand the dynamic of what the real America will do to keep it going. Some aren't so quick to let it crumble. You can hope for that result but there are many that will fight your solutions and letting it go.

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