America sacrificing its children to Moloch?

Moloch's a bitch. I sacrifice my children to Pazuzu.

Not all the time; kids are expensive and I'm not made of money. Only for protection when lesser demons are running amok in my municipality. Shit, I bet they work for Pazuzu's sheisty ass to begin with.

I'm not racist, but demons from sumeria just seem to be more prone to criminality than wind spirits from. . . You know. . . White neighborhoods.
The spirit world is very polarized. Angels either serve God Almighty, or the god of this world. Neutrality isn't possible. Satan hates little children for the same reason Jesus loves them, "for such is the kingdom of heaven."
Raising children by loving parents that actually want them and do more than a one nite stand to have them is SOOOOOOO evil!
Sorry, Bo, but two people of the same sex =/= parents.
Children need a male AND female influence.
Remember all the talk about how kids wind up turning to gang and/or drugs/violence due to the lack of a father figure?
Now it's okay to do that, intentionally, to a child?
She would have every right to knock a few of your teeth out if you'd said that to her face.

That is a very violent thing to say. So freedom of speech is only for those agree with your perversions, OldSchool? And those who speak truth should have their teeth knocked out. (according to you)
It's no longer about free speech.
It's forced speech.

We must agree to anything presented or were homophobic, racist, bigoted, Christians nut jobs
Are you, as a homophobic, racist, bigoted Christian nut job, arrested? Or is it just name calling? If so, I thought you might be made of sterner stuff than that. I was wrong?
Arrested? Not yet.
Sued, defamed and forced out of business? Yup
Children need a male AND female influence.

Need? No.

Many studies say yes children do need a male and female influence.
Homos having children is not about the needs of the child, it's about the selfish whims of the homos. It's the most selfish thing imaginable to annex innocent children into their own selfish, hedonistic delusions.
So...all those who have children do it for selfish reasons. That's your stand.

I'm awaiting the day when my beautiful daughter says "Oh Mom! You and Mom were SO SELFISH to have given me life!"
Sorry, Bo, but two people of the same sex =/= parents.
Children need a male AND female influence.
Remember all the talk about how kids wind up turning to gang and/or drugs/violence due to the lack of a father figure?
Now it's okay to do that, intentionally, to a child?
She would have every right to knock a few of your teeth out if you'd said that to her face.

That is a very violent thing to say. So freedom of speech is only for those agree with your perversions, OldSchool? And those who speak truth should have their teeth knocked out. (according to you)
It's no longer about free speech.
It's forced speech.

We must agree to anything presented or were homophobic, racist, bigoted, Christians nut jobs
Are you, as a homophobic, racist, bigoted Christian nut job, arrested? Or is it just name calling? If so, I thought you might be made of sterner stuff than that. I was wrong?
Arrested? Not yet.
Sued, defamed and forced out of business? Yup
Examples of that happening for JUST being called those things.
Children need a male AND female influence.

Need? No.

Many studies say yes children do need a male and female influence.
Homos having children is not about the needs of the child, it's about the selfish whims of the homos. It's the most selfish thing imaginable to annex innocent children into their own selfish, hedonistic delusions.
So...all those who have children do it for selfish reasons. That's your stand.

I'm awaiting the day when my beautiful daughter says "Oh Mom! You and Mom were SO SELFISH to have given me life!"
I had kids for a very selfish reason, my penis could not say no....
Children need a male AND female influence.

Need? No.

Many studies say yes children do need a male and female influence.
Goods one do help, but I see a lot of bad parenting from married people...Then you suggest they not be allowed to have kids also?

The ones who put drugs and alcohol before their children. YES
I've seen straight parents that have been bad..Why have ghey kids come from preachers? Were they possessed by demons?
She would have every right to knock a few of your teeth out if you'd said that to her face.

That is a very violent thing to say. So freedom of speech is only for those agree with your perversions, OldSchool? And those who speak truth should have their teeth knocked out. (according to you)
It's no longer about free speech.
It's forced speech.

We must agree to anything presented or were homophobic, racist, bigoted, Christians nut jobs
Are you, as a homophobic, racist, bigoted Christian nut job, arrested? Or is it just name calling? If so, I thought you might be made of sterner stuff than that. I was wrong?
Arrested? Not yet.
Sued, defamed and forced out of business? Yup
Examples of that happening for JUST being called those things.
You know the examples.
Cakes, pizzas and flowers come to the top.
Now your favorite uncle wants OSHA to mandate transgender accommodations.
Children need a male AND female influence.

Need? No.

Many studies say yes children do need a male and female influence.
Goods one do help, but I see a lot of bad parenting from married people...Then you suggest they not be allowed to have kids also?

The ones who put drugs and alcohol before their children. YES
I've seen straight parents that have been bad..Why have ghey kids come from preachers? Were they possessed by demons?

No they were not possessed by demons.
If a god exists who has a dead bug up its' butt about this kind of thing, let them handle it. If a god needs some anonymous twat online to spread it's word then it must not be much of a god.

"Puny god." - The 'Other Guy' :)
The thread isn't about God's existence. It's a discussion among Christians about America sacrificing its own children to suit their delusional perversions and creating the faux image of "family". If you can't discuss it, I've got nothing to discuss with you.
The thread is about your fear, ignorance, and hate concerning gay Americans, whose families have the same value and worth as any other family.
I'm glad religious lunatics who believe in magic and things like a "Moloch" are being increasingly marginalized in this country. Thank you founders for keeping in mind that religious insanity is a real threat to this country and for working in protections against that during the country's creation.
Moloch isn't real, skid mark. It was an idol ancient Canaanites worshipped.

You are mistaken about that. There are children sacrificed to Moloch on a regular basis all over the world including the Vatican, Michael.

Oops! I didn't read anything past this. You're an idiot.

If you insist on condemning the evidence before examining it you'll be guaranteed perpetual ignorance on the matter, Michael. Your choice but ignorance shall not be an excuse at the Judgement Seat of Christ. You will be reminded that you were given the truth and rejected it without being willing to even examine it. What shall you say then?

I'm not responsible for your deciding to reject the truth - I'm only required to give it to you. Otherwise your blood would be on my hands on the day I answer to the LORD for my own life.

I get the feeling you're going to be sweating more on Judgment Day than I will. Protestants don't attack Catholics like you do, they aren't filled with hate like you. You're so full of hate, you couldn't even come together with me on what should have been a point of agreement on the cultural decay in this country, you had to use it as a platform to attack my faith. I just don't know that God is going to allow a hateful little bigot like you into heaven.
You're both equally ridiculous and wrong.
So I pissed her off by suggesting that children who are thrust into this crazy world might just decide to murder their "parents" in their sleep. It would be an act of pure self defense, like anyone using lethal force to defend against rape.

Yeah- you are a sick POS.

As sick as any ISIS fundie who would 'suggest' that children raised by Christians might decide to murder their parents in their sleep because of the twisted teachings of Christ.
Moloch's a bitch. I sacrifice my children to Pazuzu.

Not all the time; kids are expensive and I'm not made of money. Only for protection when lesser demons are running amok in my municipality. Shit, I bet they work for Pazuzu's sheisty ass to begin with.

I'm not racist, but demons from sumeria just seem to be more prone to criminality than wind spirits from. . . You know. . . White neighborhoods.
The spirit world is very polarized. Angels either serve God Almighty, or the god of this world. Neutrality isn't possible. Satan hates little children for the same reason Jesus loves them, "for such is the kingdom of heaven."
In your little world that may be. But the rest of us may not believe in your little world.
Children need a male AND female influence.

Need? No.

Many studies say yes children do need a male and female influence.
Goods one do help, but I see a lot of bad parenting from married people...Then you suggest they not be allowed to have kids also?
Some of them, yes.
So...there it is. Wanting to control who can and who cannot have children.
That is a very violent thing to say. So freedom of speech is only for those agree with your perversions, OldSchool? And those who speak truth should have their teeth knocked out. (according to you)
It's no longer about free speech.
It's forced speech.

We must agree to anything presented or were homophobic, racist, bigoted, Christians nut jobs
Are you, as a homophobic, racist, bigoted Christian nut job, arrested? Or is it just name calling? If so, I thought you might be made of sterner stuff than that. I was wrong?
Arrested? Not yet.
Sued, defamed and forced out of business? Yup
Examples of that happening for JUST being called those things.
You know the examples.
Cakes, pizzas and flowers come to the top.
Now your favorite uncle wants OSHA to mandate transgender accommodations. has NOTHING to do with PA laws for business?
If a god exists who has a dead bug up its' butt about this kind of thing, let them handle it. If a god needs some anonymous twat online to spread it's word then it must not be much of a god.

"Puny god." - The 'Other Guy' :)
The thread isn't about God's existence. It's a discussion among Christians about America sacrificing its own children to suit their delusional perversions and creating the faux image of "family". If you can't discuss it, I've got nothing to discuss with you.
The thread is about your fear, ignorance, and hate concerning gay Americans, whose families have the same value and worth as any other family.
Now we're talking. Of course you're opinion is entirely subjective as truth can neither fear, nor hate. It also ignores the fact that conservatives really don't care what homos do with each other..... well maybe it gets Jeremiah's panties in a bunch....but the rest of us don't care.

But when children are sacrificed on the altar of their sick attempts to create the illusion of family, that's when we can't stand idly by while innocent children are cast into the fire. There's a reason biology doesn't provide for same sexes to make children and finding a work-around, deliberately spawning children for domestic structures that deprive them of a mother or a father is the height of wickedness no less than the ancient Canaanites for whom children were commodities to appease some deity's blood thirst.
So I pissed her off by suggesting that children who are thrust into this crazy world might just decide to murder their "parents" in their sleep. It would be an act of pure self defense, like anyone using lethal force to defend against rape.

Yeah- you are a sick POS.

As sick as any ISIS fundie who would 'suggest' that children raised by Christians might decide to murder their parents in their sleep because of the twisted teachings of Christ.
The teachings of Christ are not twisted. Homosexuality is. The comparison dies there.
So I pissed her off by suggesting that children who are thrust into this crazy world might just decide to murder their "parents" in their sleep. It would be an act of pure self defense, like anyone using lethal force to defend against rape.

Yeah- you are a sick POS.

As sick as any ISIS fundie who would 'suggest' that children raised by Christians might decide to murder their parents in their sleep because of the twisted teachings of Christ.
The teachings of Christ are not twisted. Homosexuality is. The comparison dies there.

But so are the teachings of Catholicism, Michael. You re right on many points such as homosexuality but you need to consider the occult background of your own religion. Look at this and see the footnotes for sources. They are valid.
All Catholics should see this video:


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