America the angry!

How much is enough?
How about as much as Russia and Britain? (Left axis)

Just because the Left is singing gas the Jews at every university in the world in no way means they are all insane.

However, it is a pretty good indication.
a liberal is simply someone with a self created shitty life with nothing better to do but make happy well adjusted people miserable..they are toxic and should be treated as such
It was just about 40 years ago that a little guy with big ears scared the shit out of the two parties.

They had two choices, field better candidates or do all in their power to divide the country so we are too busy fighting each other and they can do whatever they want. They went with the latter and have worked to divide the nation to ensure the power of the duopoly is never again threatened.

The saddest part of all is how many people are happy, willing participants in this endeavor. There is now nothing in our country that is not made political, and that is be design.

It is one of the many reasons the wife and I will move out of the country when we retire.
Diversity is our strength.

So to answer the thread question, Americans are angry because we are working too hard to pay for defense to be the world's cop.
The EU has August off on holiday, and hardly any taxes for defense. Barely meeting NATO is just not enough.

IMHO the US should let the EU pay for Ukraine's defense, we're occupied with China, NK, Iran, etc.
The EU needs to police their zone without the US.
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lots of those people in other countries can get thrown in jail for what they say too.
You hit the nail on the head.

In America, you have the most freedom to dissent from the powers that be.
LOL.....Every political season since the founding has been rough and tumble and dissatisfaction with the powers that be is on everyone's lips for those that bother to pay attention.

The difference now is the segment of the population that can't get enough of Euro-style .gov control over those that see the many ills of it.

As for the Hosers and the EU, piss on them, America (warts and all) is greater than all of them combined so what they have to say about America from the cheap seats is of little importance.

Hell, we pulled their collective asses out of the fire of two world wars and were it not for the Quebeckers (a foul people) we would have absorbed Hoserland long ago. ;)
So to answer the thread question, Americans are angry because we are working too hard to pay for defense to be the world's cop.
The EU has August off on holiday, and hardly any taxes for defense. Barely meeting NATO is just not enough.

While we spend way too much on defense, it is not why people are angry. Most have no clue what we spend compared to the rest of the world.

We are angry because are have been programed to be that way by our leaders. Think about it, everything has become political today, all in an effort to keep us divided along party lines. Sports, beer, TV, movies, and many other things are all being fought over along party lines.
MHO the US should let the EU pay for Ukraine's defense, we're occupied with China, NK, Iran, etc.
The EU needs to police their zone without the US.

I am good with that
For the last 40+ years, through both conservative and liberal administrations, most Americans say we're "headed in the wrong direction." I've spoken with many folks from Europe and Canada, and they can't understand this. Political discussions in those countries rarely become heated and lack the childish name calling and personal attacks so common here in America. Standards of living in Europe are no better than that of America, yet Europeans are happier and more optimistic of most Americans. Why is this? Maybe we still have a few things to learn from older cultures.

A few things. But let me condense it into 3. Most other stuff flows from that. Mind this is a generalization and as such isn't universally applicable.

Coalition governments.
Most European nations have some form of coalition governments. This is important because, although the far-right and far-left are represented, even if they win an election they still need other parties to govern. Meaning politics favors the center.

Publicly funded elections.
Most European nations fund their election cycle with tax payer money. This means first off politicians, are accountable to their voters for how much is spent. Meaning election cycles are both shorter and more limited in scope of what forms campaigning may take. And the incentive structure for politicians is much less focused on getting funds and more on representing their the best of their ability. They can't buy their popularity as easily.

The absence or at least much more limited presence of ideologically driven media.

From it flows, a more socially driven policy agenda and less income inequality.
Why is this? Maybe we still have a few things to learn from older cultures.
Start with the Arts and Food and success in just these two areas would help you become a more interesting , pleasant and informed people .

BUT , imho .
Acquaint yourself with the CIA Project Chaos .Which is world wide but concentrated in the US
First , believe it exists and see how deliberate and pervasive it is .
Second , ask yourselves who the CIA might really be , and then why it is weighted against the US
DYOR . Get some answers and perhaps see how you are being manipulated , by whom and for what end results .
Start with the Arts and Food and success in just these two areas would help you become a more interesting , pleasant and informed people .

BUT , imho .
Acquaint yourself with the CIA Project Chaos .Which is world wide but concentrated in the US
First , believe it exists and see how deliberate and pervasive it is .
Second , ask yourselves who the CIA might really be , and then why it is weighted against the US
DYOR . Get some answers and perhaps see how you are being manipulated , by whom and for what end results .
Wait! I remember Chaos from Get Smart!
While I do not pretend to know about the politics of any other country, it is difficult to imagine another country where there are basically two political camps, and they have OPPOSITE views on the role of government.

The Left thinks that the Government can do anything, and promises the population that if only they are given enough power they can make everyone's life better (which is a's all about power), and

The Right pays lip service to the Constitution, which severely constrains the powers of the Federal government, and basically tells "us" that we are on our own.

So the followers of the Left keep supporting them and are totally frustrated because the promises of a wonderful existence are no closer to reality than they were when the Left came to prominence in the late '60's, and the followers of the Right are pissed off because they are perpetually forced to pay taxes to support programs that are both unconstitutional and unsuccessful.

Everyone is pissed off. Rightfully so.
While we spend way too much on defense, it is not why people are angry. Most have no clue what we spend compared to the rest of the world.

We are angry because are have been programed to be that way by our leaders. Think about it, everything has become political today, all in an effort to keep us divided along party lines. Sports, beer, TV, movies, and many other things are all being fought over along party lines.
Not so. I'm angry because the democrats are taking America down a shit-hole.
Here are some democrat policies that we oppose:

MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
to the Marxists pushing for the US military to use EV vehicles

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