America, The Stupid

Who is it that controls Public Education?


So the OP is shooting himself in the foot, aside from half his diatribe being lies.
Oh I don't disagree that Americans are stupid. Our jobs are being shipped overseas, the dollar is crashing, the economy sucks.

But what do people care about? "Dancing with the Stars".

I don't know if it can be turned around.

and the 'dancing with the stars' watchers? The parents.
On USMB the other day a fake commencement address by a right wing talking head is praised as the best ever. Since I know many teachers, and the work they do, and the difficulties they face in a society in which only money and sports are worshipped, I took umbrage with such nonsense.

My solution to the buffoon's 'libelous'* speech - I am not sure what word to use when someone who earns their living talking shit all day criticizes people who actually contribute to society - was the old fashioned one, a good punch in the mouth followed by a toss off the stage. How else could you rationally debate a total jackass.

I was raised in a world in which the teacher was in charge in the classroom and the student listened. Today in America every moron, with equally moronic parents, is not only right, but the teachers wrong. And then when asked why our students do so poorly, the teachers are blamed. Imagine if little Joanie studied instead of texting and kicking a ball all evening?

America is becoming stupid because the ideas of fools are taken serious, consider Fox as an example, its listeners know nothing about the world, or consider Rush Limbaugh's nonsense, then there is Coulter, Savage, Beck, Hannity, et al, can anyone think of dumber media personalities? Lots out there. Big money fools support the stupid because the stupid say and write and print what the big money fools want them to say. Consider the revisionist stupidity from Jonah Goldberg? Seriously, are these fools the best the conservatives can bring to the table today?

Liberals today need to call a spade a spade, stupidity is sponsored by the wealthy stupid, and the greedy stupid, and the ideological stupid, stupidity has gone on too long. Every fool gets a Koch, Simmons, Perry, Murdoch et al soapbox when the fool argues against the American values that made this country great, so it time we too call stupid stupid. Unapologetic, I have to say anyone who praises Neal Boortz's fake commencement address is kinda stupid, nah, let's be honest, really stupid.

"Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Mark Slouka

* When a right wing talking head condemns a whole group as incompetent, he not makes himself the fool, but his criticism paints a false portrait of a noble profession. Stupid speech is stupid speech and should be labeled stupid.
this is stupid libb !![ame=]obama will pay my bills!! - YouTube[/ame]
Of course I support most unions and most professional organizations, even the AMA, ABA, and AFT, and sometimes the VFW, DAR, and others. This is a nation of organizations, people organize to have a stronger voice it goes with democracy.
For a union to demand a raise doesn't mean they'll get it, nor does it mean they are stealing, but if they are in a union they have a better chance of getting something.
History is pretty clear that labor violence began with company union-busting tactics.

Correct. And indeed the labor union came about as a result of business: had business owners treated workers with dignity and respect during the last half of the 19th Century, paying a fair wage in a safe workplace, there would have been no need for workers to organize to begin with.

But human nature being what it is, business owners instead decided to abuse and exploit their employees, and workers were forced to respond by organizing.

The future of unions is in the hands of business owners and employers, as has always been the case.
"Whether you believe the Republicans are engaging in purposely destructive fiscal behavior or are simply fiscally incompetent, it almost doesn't matter. It most certainly is bad economic policy and that should be part of any national debate not only on who is to blame for the current economic mess, but also what steps should be taken to get out from underneath it."

Why does it not matter? Any idea?

"Why has job creation in America slowed to a crawl? Why, after several months of economic hope, are things suddenly turning sour? The culprits might seem obvious – uncertainty in Europe, an uneven economic recovery, fiscal and monetary policymakers immobilized and incapable of acting. But increasingly, Democrats are making the argument that the real culprit for the country's economic woes lies in a more discrete location: with the Republican Party." Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | Michael Cohen | Comment is free |

"Percentage of the current U.S. debt that was accumulated during Republican presidential terms: 71
Portion of debt-ceiling elevations since 1960 that have been signed into law by Republican presidents : 2/3
Percentage of profits American corporations paid in taxes in 1961 : 40.6 Today: 10.5
Portion of the increase in U.S. corporate profit margins since 2001 that come from depressed wages: 3/4
Percentage of Americans who say they did not have money to buy food at all times last year: 18.2
Percentage change in the median household wealth of white families since 2005 : -16 Of Hispanic families: -66 "

October 2011, page 15 (Harper's Magazine Index)
I doubt if you could even make a case that our public schools are the worst in the world.

This is true, most surveys show they are about 23rd in the civilized world. Libturds are destroying our children and fight for the status quo!!

Republicans want vouchers and so do ghetto parents whose kids suffer most from liberal union education.

liberal unions prevented war production in WW2
liberal government unions are willing to bankrupt the country so they can make double pay
liberal unions are willing to destroy our kids

How many times must it be said--we encourage 'everyone' to continue their education while other countries cull out the special ed and slow learners.

[ame=]Joe Biden's racist slip - YouTube[/ame]
"Whether you believe the Republicans are engaging in purposely destructive fiscal behavior or are simply fiscally incompetent, it almost doesn't matter. It most certainly is bad economic policy and that should be part of any national debate not only on who is to blame for the current economic mess, but also what steps should be taken to get out from underneath it."

Why does it not matter? Any idea?

"Why has job creation in America slowed to a crawl? Why, after several months of economic hope, are things suddenly turning sour? The culprits might seem obvious – uncertainty in Europe, an uneven economic recovery, fiscal and monetary policymakers immobilized and incapable of acting. But increasingly, Democrats are making the argument that the real culprit for the country's economic woes lies in a more discrete location: with the Republican Party." Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | Michael Cohen | Comment is free |

"Percentage of the current U.S. debt that was accumulated during Republican presidential terms: 71
Portion of debt-ceiling elevations since 1960 that have been signed into law by Republican presidents : 2/3
Percentage of profits American corporations paid in taxes in 1961 : 40.6 Today: 10.5
Portion of the increase in U.S. corporate profit margins since 2001 that come from depressed wages: 3/4
Percentage of Americans who say they did not have money to buy food at all times last year: 18.2
Percentage change in the median household wealth of white families since 2005 : -16 Of Hispanic families: -66 "

October 2011, page 15 (Harper's Magazine Index)

One Obama Deficit > All 8 Reagan Deficit

One Obama deficit > Any Reagan Budget
"Whether you believe the Republicans are engaging in purposely destructive fiscal behavior or are simply fiscally incompetent, it almost doesn't matter. It most certainly is bad economic policy and that should be part of any national debate not only on who is to blame for the current economic mess, but also what steps should be taken to get out from underneath it."

Why does it not matter? Any idea?

"Why has job creation in America slowed to a crawl? Why, after several months of economic hope, are things suddenly turning sour? The culprits might seem obvious – uncertainty in Europe, an uneven economic recovery, fiscal and monetary policymakers immobilized and incapable of acting. But increasingly, Democrats are making the argument that the real culprit for the country's economic woes lies in a more discrete location: with the Republican Party." Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy? | Michael Cohen | Comment is free |

"Percentage of the current U.S. debt that was accumulated during Republican presidential terms: 71
Portion of debt-ceiling elevations since 1960 that have been signed into law by Republican presidents : 2/3
Percentage of profits American corporations paid in taxes in 1961 : 40.6 Today: 10.5
Portion of the increase in U.S. corporate profit margins since 2001 that come from depressed wages: 3/4
Percentage of Americans who say they did not have money to buy food at all times last year: 18.2
Percentage change in the median household wealth of white families since 2005 : -16 Of Hispanic families: -66 "

October 2011, page 15 (Harper's Magazine Index)

You pop back in and post quotes, but don't actually address any of the posts that challenged you.

Interesting tactic.

I went to my daughter's Convocation last wednesday and the keynote speaker was a woman receiving an honorary doctorate. even though she was a qualified lawyer practising in the field her speech was such a mismash of politically correct 'trueisms' and mutually exclusive ideas that I felt ashamed for the University and the graduating students that had to sit through a ten minute example of what is wrong in education today. if it wasnt such a solemn occasion I would have thought it was a satire worthy of laughing my ass off.
I guess the idiot OP just proved his own thread title. Doubtful that he even listened to the speech he is criticising.
I guess the idiot OP just proved his own thread title. Doubtful that he even listened to the speech he is criticising.

I cant imagine calling Coulter or Limbaugh stupid. wrong maybe but not stupid. I cant think of any liberal talking heads that would look forward to debating either of them. usually libs just make a quick dump of prepared insults and then head to the hill before they get slashed to threads.

Beck on the other hand.....
ANYTIME you use politics to discuss educational issues you wander so far afield people that deal with education on a daily basis are going to think you are an absolute fool.

Take the political glasses off when discussing these issues....
ANYTIME you use politics to discuss educational issues you wander so far afield people that deal with education on a daily basis are going to think you are an absolute fool.

Take the political glasses off when discussing these issues....
Doesn't matter to the OP...In his world, everyone who isn't a Kool-Aid banging Marxist is too stupid for their own good.
This is very difficult to do, of course, as the facts often follow the lies conservatives spew, particularly with regard to the conservative tactic of aggressively repeating lies over and over again in the hope they be perceived as the truth.

Education is simple:

1)Liberals want the liberal union status quo: our kids the dumbest in the world

2) conservatives want to privatize: kill unions and give parents vouchers to shop to make our kids the smartest in the world.

It really is just that simple.
This is very difficult to do, of course, as the facts often follow the lies conservatives spew, particularly with regard to the conservative tactic of aggressively repeating lies over and over again in the hope they be perceived as the truth.

Education is simple:

1)Liberals want the liberal union status quo: our kids the dumbest in the world

2) conservatives want to privatize: kill unions and give parents vouchers to shop to make our kids the smartest in the world.

It really is just that simple.

midcan5 needs to only look in the mirror to identify with title of this thread, and read the drivel contained in the opening comment, quit a rant...

Being a parent of three incredibly gifted teens, it had very little to do with their teachers, some would be an exception, it had more to do with their mother being home and involved in their everyday lives, sound morals and respect for others...

Yes it is that simple, yet public funded schools have all the money, private can not compete...

The unions have ruined education, Detroit, Pittsburgh, etc...

We need a revolution and soon...
This is very difficult to do, of course, as the facts often follow the lies conservatives spew, particularly with regard to the conservative tactic of aggressively repeating lies over and over again in the hope they be perceived as the truth.

Education is simple:

1)Liberals want the liberal union status quo: our kids the dumbest in the world

2) conservatives want to privatize: kill unions and give parents vouchers to shop to make our kids the smartest in the world.

It really is just that simple.

By admitting that the solution is "simple", you have also proven that the level of your thinking is also "simple".
=========== Addendum

Watching American politics these past few days has made me consider that stupid doesn't quite fit the narrative of absurdity that has become our political environment.

When the republicans lost to William Clinton the atmosphere was similar, but today the ridiculous has become the norm, Kyl, West, and Issa reach a level of ridiculous that says a great deal about the nation and its people. When an English paper estimated the number of stupid people in America, they had no idea. When the House went tea party republican, stupidity attained a new level of stupid.

Out of power, republicans are at their finest if we can define finest as absurd investigations, idiotic conspiracy, and a general disrespect for democracy and the truth.

A busy American who only listens to Rush, watches Fox, and gets their emails from the Townhall, Newsmax et al, would be so lost in BS that one could only blame... who would you point your finger at?

Stupidity has become purposeful for the republicans and big money, any loss or threat to their power is now met with propaganda every dictator and totalitarian can only dream about. Money controls our courts and congress today and the voters placidly accept BS as truth.

But stupid American, remember it is jobs they are working for, now ask whose and why.

PS If someone thinks they can counter this position, have at it, link your previous post number if you think you have already addressed the issue. Most replies are in the same childish category, no, you are. Prove me wrong.
=========== Addendum

Watching American politics these past few days has made me consider that stupid doesn't quite fit the narrative of absurdity that has become our political environment.

When the republicans lost to William Clinton the atmosphere was similar, but today the ridiculous has become the norm, Kyl, West, and Issa reach a level of ridiculous that says a great deal about the nation and its people. When an English paper estimated the number of stupid people in America, they had no idea. When the House went tea party republican, stupidity attained a new level of stupid.

Out of power, republicans are at their finest if we can define finest as absurd investigations, idiotic conspiracy, and a general disrespect for democracy and the truth.

A busy American who only listens to Rush, watches Fox, and gets their emails from the Townhall, Newsmax et al, would be so lost in BS that one could only blame... who would you point your finger at?

Stupidity has become purposeful for the republicans and big money, any loss or threat to their power is now met with propaganda every dictator and totalitarian can only dream about. Money controls our courts and congress today and the voters placidly accept BS as truth.

But stupid American, remember it is jobs they are working for, now ask whose and why.

PS If someone thinks they can counter this position, have at it, link your previous post number if you think you have already addressed the issue. Most replies are in the same childish category, no, you are. Prove me wrong.

Tea Party iz stoopid but we're kicking your ass so where does that put youze?
=========== Addendum

Watching American politics these past few days has made me consider that stupid doesn't quite fit the narrative of absurdity that has become our political environment.

You are right, it doesn't, but not for the reasons you think.

When the republicans lost to William Clinton the atmosphere was similar, but today the ridiculous has become the norm, Kyl, West, and Issa reach a level of ridiculous that says a great deal about the nation and its people. When an English paper estimated the number of stupid people in America, they had no idea. When the House went tea party republican, stupidity attained a new level of stupid.

Out of power, republicans are at their finest if we can define finest as absurd investigations, idiotic conspiracy, and a general disrespect for democracy and the truth.

Let me presume that you think that the Democrats in power are just the opposite, intelligent, insightful, and, perhaps even, calm. Can you explain why they spent the two years they were in power not passing any of their promised legislation? And whey, even now, the Democratic majority in the Senate refuses to pass a budget?

A busy American who only listens to Rush, watches Fox, and gets their emails from the Townhall, Newsmax et al, would be so lost in BS that one could only blame... who would you point your finger at?

Probably you.

Stupidity has become purposeful for the republicans and big money, any loss or threat to their power is now met with propaganda every dictator and totalitarian can only dream about. Money controls our courts and congress today and the voters placidly accept BS as truth.

Rich people are stupid? How did they mange to get rich in the first place?

I will post something later that explains why money does not control politics. It will involve a history lesson, something you really need to pay more attention to.

But stupid American, remember it is jobs they are working for, now ask whose and why.

PS If someone thinks they can counter this position, have at it, link your previous post number if you think you have already addressed the issue. Most replies are in the same childish category, no, you are. Prove me wrong.

My suggestion, go back and read the thread. You started it, it is not my responsibility to go back and re argue points you already lost.
Tea Party iz stoopid but we're kicking your ass so where does that put youze?

You are? How's that? Bush and his sidekick Cheney are gone, the senate is still sane, as for the house, retards often get elected there, so I wouldn't count that as a win. Oh and how are those jobs coming along, or have the communists stole them all. You said it, stupid has a new level of stupid, tea party stupid.

...Rich people are stupid? How did they mange to get rich in the first place?

I will post something later that explains why money does not control politics. It will involve a history lesson, something you really need to pay more attention to.

You obviously know few rich people, I happen to know lots have risen up the food chain. I'll be waiting for your apology for greed. This needs work as republicans are still failing. :lol:

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