America Wants To Go Back To Work But Pelosi Says NO... Take These Crumbs Instead

The majority of Americans want to go back to work when they know its safe. And it is not safe right now. You right wing maggots conflate yourselves to mean Americans, but you aren't all americans you are less than 30 percent.
Unless you are a senior citizen with compromised health most people are quite safe from the Covid 19
virus. If infected recovery is relatively short with no ill effects.
We have to get pass this crazy notion that everything must be perfect in order to go outside.

That is not true. They are the most at risk but everyone else is not immune.
Some of America never stopped working.
Small businesses are the hardest hit, but Pelosi think payouts to illegals and bailouts to blue states are more essential to helping the country than preventing businesses from going belly up.

Even Republicans are saying they will face massive cuts in state spending. Ohio and Missouri are two states who are planning large cuts and they are run by Republicans.
Pelosi says we can't go back to work. We have to pay billions of dollars to illegals in direct payments (bribes). We have to pay for mail-in (rigged) elections so Democrats can take over Congress and the WH,....

....oh and you American's some crumbs.

Trump is the one who is giving us crumbs and putting our lives in danger. Big business has already gotten tax breaks that will help them even in 2021. Ordinary workers have to fight for crumbs from Republicans. The Fed Chairman has called for more stimulus. Republicans wan6t to make it as hard as possible to vote. They know the larger the turnout, the more likely Republicans are to lose everything.
After the way Democrats have acted since the lock down started....I seriously doubt that.

I know you have no clue.
Actually...I do....commie.

That is not true. They are the most at risk but everyone else is not immune.
Not immune. I never said immune. But once you discount all the elderly and health compromised,
the number of people that actually are infected with the Covid virus is remarkably small and recovery
is virtually a given.

The idea that bringing society back to normal, or close to normal. will result in droves of deaths is a myth
and a cowardly way the left tries to frighten people into compliance.

Of course they will deny it but the left has a very wide streak of authoritarianism in it.

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