America was FOUNDED on secession

It isn't your land, dipshit, and you certainly don't own the people.

I didn't say mine, little tyke. I said ours. The People of the United States.

Nope. The people of the United States do not own my property. That's purely a totalitarian conception.

Secede and we'll show you how much you belong right back with us. In our fine prison establishments or our fine cemetaries.

So might makes right, eh Cow turd? It doesn't take much of a scratch before a liberal reveals his totalitarian cloven hoof.

You can move away though right now instead, if you like.

Thanks for being so gracious, asslick. After the revolution, we'll allow your family to remove your head from the pike they find it on.

If you win the war, I will be fine with your right to secession. Because you won. But we both know that isn't going to happen.

Again, you restate your belief that might makes right. You have the morals of a common thug.
Then what was the difference between the Colonies seceding to form their own government and the Confederate states seceding to form their own government?

The Declaratory Act of 1766, wherein the colonies were deemed SUBORDINATE to the people of Britain:

The Declaratory Act, March 18, 1766

No such action was taken prior to the Civil War, and the colonies did NOT 'secede'.

Yes they did. They broke away and formed their own government. You're arguing semantics and some are falling all over themselves to "prove" that it's a different thing.

I also started a thread on the INTOLERABLE ACTS; please cite any such act of Congress that in any manner compares prior to the Civil War.
Minion 4, because the Constitution does not specify that right.

Now you're getting it! :eusa_clap:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

And us peoples will dish out some bad cess to any looneytunes that try the idiotic seccesh bs again.
Minion 4, because the Constitution does not specify that right.

Now you're getting it! :eusa_clap:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

And us peoples will dish out some bad cess to any looneytunes that try the idiotic seccesh bs again.
Wow...Didn't know being dead drunk slurred one's typing. :lmao:
With so many states refusing to implement Obamacare and talking of secession, it's important to remember that the original 13 colonies seceded from England. Liberals say secession is treason but that's nonsense.

Libs know what is in the Constitution regarding seccessionist states.

Nothing is in the Constitution regarding secession, asshole.

Libs obviously don't know jack shit.
With so many states refusing to implement Obamacare and talking of secession, it's important to remember that the original 13 colonies seceded from England. Liberals say secession is treason but that's nonsense.

Libs know what is in the Constitution regarding seccessionist states.

Nothing is in the Constitution regarding secession, asshole.

Libs obviously don't know jack shit.
Au contraire....They know how to wave a gun in your face to make you pay for their "compassion".
Minion 4, because the Constitution does not specify that right.

Now you're getting it! :eusa_clap:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

And us peoples will dish out some bad cess to any looneytunes that try the idiotic seccesh bs again.

If you're so feisty about land ownership why not fight the government for stealing our money ?
So you still insist George Washington was a traitor for supporting secession without assent of england?

One mo' time -- Washington and the others would have been considered traitors had they lost.

And I'm not sure even your empty threats wouldn't violate our treason laws.

You do know treason was the first thing outlawed by the founders, right?

In fact, it is the ONLY crime mentioned in the Constitution.

It doesn't say seceding from the union is treason, nitwit.
It seems to me that the people here against secession are the conservatives that want to wrap themselves in the flag and the liberals who are more happy that we're on the road to socialism (so they think). Both seem rather unconcerned with the loss of liberties and will not excuse secession as an alternative. It's funny to see them throw around almost archaic words like treason.
Why is it loony to secede? Is the government of the people? If the people feel that the government is no longer about them then I think it's very apropos to talk about it.

Because the REST of the people who don't believe in you wanting to secede, feel quite strongly about how your secession will degrade the standing, power and stability of their country, the United States of America.

According to that logic, it should be legal to have every Congressman who voted for Obamacare lined up and shot because they "degraded the standing, power and stability of their country, the United States of America."

I love it when I hear people who have always played the "Real American" card and always talking about patriotism this, patriotism that, anti-Americans this, anti-Americans that, speaking about secession.

Sorry, you flirting with the idea of secession does not make you a good American.

I love it when liberal toads like you think their personal prejudices constitution some kind of legal or ethical principle.
With so many states refusing to implement Obamacare and talking of secession, it's important to remember that the original 13 colonies seceded from England. Liberals say secession is treason but that's nonsense.

The Reagan War on Drugs, the Bush Patriot Act and Homeland Security all require MUCH tighter control over the States and the individual, whose rights have been destroyed (-but you don't know this). Your party has grown Washington's control more than anything ever dreamed by the sissy Left. This kind of control isn't as weak-kneed as Bob Dole's health care plan (which is ObamaCare), rather, it's a tighter surveillance web than anything seen in the Soviet Union, which was too technologically crude to match the power of Washington.

Dick Chaney drew up plans to send the national guard into Buffalo because of the “Lackawanna Six" (an overblown joke based on six morons who posed no threat to anyone). It would have been the first time US forces were used on American soil since the Civil War. The Bush administration was prepared to send soldiers marching down the streets of American cities - they were prepared to use the most naked force imaginable. This is how it always starts. This is how tyrannical governments incrementally acclimate citizens to federal force. You don't get it: the Bush administration used the war on terror to expand Washington's control of the states more than anything Obama could ever imagine. [National Security is the primary way powerful regimes have always grown power]

Question: where were you during the Bush administration? The created the most powerful domestic surveillance web that a "free" society has ever seen. If you want to curb the growth of government, you can't serve one of the primary Washington power centers - namely the GOP. Be careful son. You don't want to be an Apparachik for the Right, which is the essence of Big Government. You're talking about a political party that holds some of the most concentrated power in history - and you serve them in their war against the Left. You're merely enlarging their power over Washington, which they've used to grow government more than any single political group in history. You need to turn off talk radio and re-gain your independence.
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You sound as goofy as Cottontop's last words before he was dropped through the gallows' trap: "I was hornswoggled by love!" You are class A goof ball, the type tyrants love.

As always, you have no facts or logic to contribute, just infantile ad hominmens.

You are a goofball. When you offer something serious and to the point, I will engage that. When you act the goof ball, then I will punt that. It is what it is.

You're calling me a "goofball," Fakey? Talk about goofballs. You actually believe people are falling for your shtick of pretending to be a Republican!

Face it, Fakey, you're an ignoramus who has no arguments aside from cheap insults. You lack the power to reason, or even do simply mathematics, I suspect.
Why is it loony to secede? Is the government of the people? If the people feel that the government is no longer about them then I think it's very apropos to talk about it.

Because the REST of the people who don't believe in you wanting to secede, feel quite strongly about how your secession will degrade the standing, power and stability of their country, the United States of America.

According to that logic, it should be legal to have every Congressman who voted for Obamacare lined up and shot because they "degraded the standing, power and stability of their country, the United States of America."

I love it when I hear people who have always played the "Real American" card and always talking about patriotism this, patriotism that, anti-Americans this, anti-Americans that, speaking about secession.

Sorry, you flirting with the idea of secession does not make you a good American.

I love it when liberal toads like you think their personal prejudices constitution some kind of legal or ethical principle.

Actually seceding isn't the same thing as what you feel that our politicians have done, idiot.
With so many states refusing to implement Obamacare and talking of secession, it's important to remember that the original 13 colonies seceded from England. Liberals say secession is treason but that's nonsense.

The Reagan War on Drugs, the Bush Patriot Act and Homeland Security all require tight control over the States. Your party gas grown Washington's control more than anything ever dreamed by the sissy Left. This kind of control isn't as weak-kneed as Bob Dole's health care plan (which is ObamaCare), rather, it's a tighter surveillance web than anything seen in the Soviet Union, which was too technologically crude to match the power of Washington.

Dick Chaney drew up plans to send the national guard into Buffalo because of the “Lackawanna Six" (an overblown joke based on six morons who posed no threat to anyone). It would have been the first time US forces were on American soil since the Civil War. But the point is: the Bush administration used the war on terror to expand Washington's control of the states more than anything Obama could ever imagine.

Question: where were you during the Bush administration? If you want to curb the growth of government, you can't serve one of the primary Washington power centers - namely the GOP - in its war against the other monopolist of government power. You need to learn how to limit power when the other party is in power. As it stands, you are an Apparachik for the Right, which is Big Government. You need to turn off talk radio and re-gain your independence.

Secession is pretty independent thinking--I don't hear "the primary Washington power centers" calling for it.
One mo' time -- Washington and the others would have been considered traitors had they lost.

And I'm not sure even your empty threats wouldn't violate our treason laws.

You do know treason was the first thing outlawed by the founders, right?

In fact, it is the ONLY crime mentioned in the Constitution.

It doesn't say seceding from the union is treason, nitwit.

Read our Constitution, just once in your life. The words are clear, we are a UNION(.) Certainly secession is treasonous as such seeks to destroy the Union.

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