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'America Was Never That Great’

All progressives are fucked in the head
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
/-----/ The 14th Amendment was written by radical LIBERALS who set out to alter fundamentally the relationship between the federal government and the states.

History illiterate doesn’t know or want to admit the GOP is not the party of Lincoln anymore and used to be the liberals when the Dems were conservative.

All progress in the 20th century occurred because of liberals while conservatives fought them tooth and nail.
/----/ Yeah, rewrite the article so you can live with yourself. Democrats are racist to the core, wrote and enforced the Jim Crow laws and built the KKK to terrorize the freed slaves. You people are despicable.
Where have you been the last 55 years? All the conservatives and racists have been in the GOP since 1984 anyway...
/----/ Well that explains the Clarence Thomas nomination
Quite the perverted Uncle Tom you got there LOL....
/----/ Your racism is strong today
I believe that all races are equal in all ways
And Clarence Thomas is an a******.
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
You keep your socialized medicine, the rest of us want nothing to do with it
No one said anything about "tiers." If I want to throw leftwing scumbags out of my restaurant, that is my right. If a black person wants to have a night club for black people only, that should be his right. That's called "freedom of association." It's an act of discrimination.
No one disputes your personal right to be an asshole. You freely exercise that right every day right here at USMB. But the state must never sanction discrimination in any form.

So, if I prefer the company of blue eyed blondes over the company of redheads, the state must sanction me? What if I refuse to drive a Ford or a Chevy, should the state sanction me? I have a circle of friends that does not include any gays, or Blacks. Should the state sanction me?

You, and your moronic ilk want to decide for me, and others, what we have the right to discriminate about. A Black man can throw me out of his business, just because he doesn't like White people, but if I throw him out of my business, I have the state to fight. A LGBQ cross dresser can call me any name in the book, and there isn't a thing I can do about it, but if I call the asshole a faggot, I have the state to fight. Some people are more equal than others, and this is the free society that you dream about?
You idiots seem to have a hard time keeping two distinct thoughts in your ossified minds at once.

You have the personal right to be a bigot, an asshole, a crude, rude boor. But the state says you must not discriminate in Commerce. Unless your patron is not a criminal, acting unruly, dressed appropriately for the circumstance and has payment in hand, you must accept his business. If no crime, infraction or disruption is taking place, each and every American citizen enjoys the right of open Commerce.

You can't set up separate facilities for separate races. You cannot deny Commerce because you think your patron's demeanor makes you feel icky. You cannot deny services because you believe your patron's lifestyle conflicts with your own narrow beliefs. Unless a crime is going to be committed based on your interchange, you cannot arbitrarily decide that patron needs your merchantile imperator.
We're not talking about what the law says. We're talking about what the Constitution says. It doesn't give the federal government the authority to regulate private businesses.
The federal government most certainly does have the right to regulate private business. Unless you think the federal government cannot tell a company they cannot dump barrels of chemicals into the river, a bus line can put African Americans in certain seats, a restaurant can have separate facilities for different racial groups or a company can withhold pay for work. Maybe an airline wants to fly to different state or countries. Does the FAA have any say in their decision?

Your notion of laizzes faire Capitalism is incorrect.

If this country followed the constitution, The chemical company would not be able to dump chemicals into the river because everyone who owned the water rights to the river would sue them for millions of dollars. Bus lines definitely do have the right to put African Americans in certain seats, but this only happened because the state or city government made it mandatory. Prior to the advent of Jim crows, private companies did not discriminate against blacks. Restaurants also have the right to put blacks in separate facilities, but, again, his only happened because the state or city government made it mandatory. Companies that withhold pay will soon find themselves devoid of employees. Who would work for such a firm?

Why should the FAA have the authority to tell airlines where they can fly?

Your notion of government regulation is based on propaganda, not facts.
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America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
According to the WHO, which is a communist cabal.
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
According to the WHO, which is a communist cabal.

No matter where the WHO ranks the US in healthcare, I would rather get treated by doctors here in Boston, MA than any of those "top rated" countries. And its not even close.
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
According to the WHO, which is a communist cabal.

No matter where the WHO ranks the US in healthcare, I would rather get treated by doctors here in Boston, MA than any of those "top rated" countries. And its not even close.
You're much more likely to have a positive result in an American hospital than in one of those European abattoirs.
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
According to the WHO, which is a communist cabal.

No matter where the WHO ranks the US in healthcare, I would rather get treated by doctors here in Boston, MA than any of those "top rated" countries. And its not even close.
You're much more likely to have a positive result in an American hospital than in one of those European abattoirs.
/——/ People in Socialist states still come to the US for the best care anywhere
America is dead last in healthcare among the major industrial nations.
45 failed miserably on healthcare and instead of strengthening the ACA to help Americans the vindictive bastard is still trying to eliminate it.
That alone tells you everything you need to know about this horrid, weak prez.
/———/ That’s why people from socialist nanny states come to the US for care.
View attachment 211336

No.... this prez isn’t racist.
/----/ All baseless accusations. It's all you have.
No wonder you believe in this dictator telling you,” Don’t believe anything you read or hear.”
/——-/ If Trump was a dictator the MSM would have been shut down and the likes of you would have been rounded up in the middle of the night an dealt with just like in Cuba. So give it up you sore loser.
Moron forgetting it was LIBERALS for fought for women’s rights and civil rights while conservatives fought against it.
Cellblockhead doesn’t have the integrity to admit is was liberals who fought for civil and women’s rights while conservatives were dead set against it.
Who sent the National Guard so that black students could attend Little Rock Central High School?
Red herring.
No manner of spin will change the fact that liberals fought long and hard for the Civil Rights Act and Women's rights and conservatives fought against them.
You simply label anyone who supported civil rights to be a liberal.
Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, John Kennedy, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Harry Belafonte... I could go on all afternoon proving you to be woefully uniformed and a partisan asshole.
Jesse Jackson is a race hustling piece of shit who made himself rich off the suffering of "his people". JFK's FBI spied on most of the Civil Rights movement leaders. I don't know what the fuck you thing Dylan and Baez did other than sing songs and Harry Bellefonte loathed Democrats and what the Black community had become because of the parties policies.
What would Europe look like today had the United States totally withdrawn from Europe following victory in WW2? Even today, if the United States withdrew all military support from Europe, could they maintain their socialist programs? Would Europe even be able to hold together at all? Would Europe face war again?

The United States was and is great. Not perfect, but definitely great. The existence of these critics is proof of America's greatness. It has been so long since the United States has faced a true enemy, that people have forgotten what that is actually like. Take a typical High School grad. They know the basics about Hitler. But, most have no idea who Stalin and Mao were or what they did, nor do they care. That is history from the last hundred years, not ancient Greece.

Think about it this way. I would speculate that most people believe the United States will exist forever and will never be confronted and defeated by a foreign power. Unfortunately, many take America's greatness for granted and would only realize how fortunate we are if that greatness is threatened.
I don't believe the US will last another 50 years.
45 will destroy it was before then.
Right just like he destroyed the economy oh wait ....

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