AMERICA Why Ask for and Dare GOD'S Judgments??


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
A nation who once served God now hates even His very name. A people who once feared God and honored God now shamelessly blasphemes His Word! A nation founded on moral values and Godly principles has sacrificed their very souls to Satan and taken residence on a plane whose journey is a one way trip to hell itself! Do they even know? YES! Do they even care? NO! Why? Because just as the Bible says, their conscience has been seared with a hot iron.

The time has finally arrived when God’s final plans are being fulfilled and His judgment is being poured out like never before!
Major Prophecy Fulfilled: the SEVENTH HARBINGER Has Finally Passed--A Sign of Impending Judgment! (Shocking Videos) | Prophecy
God's judgments aren't a bad thing. In fact, they are good. Because they protect the righteous.

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