American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations

<snip/unsnip>Do you support him being confirmed first, then having an investigation afterwards? If not, why not? What difference would that make?
All those words and all you did was double down on your own confusion. I tried at least.

You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"

<snip/unsnip>Do you support him being confirmed first, then having an investigation afterwards? If not, why not? What difference would that make?
All those words and all you did was double down on your own confusion. I tried at least.

You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"


I don't think she thinks that at all. I think she wants to convince you of it though. I don't get the feeling that she (he w/e) is stupid. Perhaps trollish. Perhaps not. Either way, there's no convincing someone who won't debate their own statements.

It's called gaslighting. When called out on it, they resort to more standard tactics like deflection, strawman arguments, or assuming the conclusion.
<snip/unsnip>Do you support him being confirmed first, then having an investigation afterwards? If not, why not? What difference would that make?
All those words and all you did was double down on your own confusion. I tried at least.

You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"


I don't think she thinks that at all. I think she wants to convince you of it though. I don't get the feeling that she (he w/e) is stupid. Perhaps trollish. Perhaps not. Either way, there's no convincing someone who won't debate their own statements.

It's called gaslighting. When called out on it, they resort to more standard tactics like deflection, strawman arguments, or assuming the conclusion.

Yeah, I think you are correct. The FBI has already declined to investigate due to lack of jurisdiction. It's all just a stall tactic.
<snip/unsnip>Do you support him being confirmed first, then having an investigation afterwards? If not, why not? What difference would that make?
All those words and all you did was double down on your own confusion. I tried at least.

You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"


I don't think she thinks that at all. I think she wants to convince you of it though. I don't get the feeling that she (he w/e) is stupid. Perhaps trollish. Perhaps not. Either way, there's no convincing someone who won't debate their own statements.

It's called gaslighting. When called out on it, they resort to more standard tactics like deflection, strawman arguments, or assuming the conclusion.

Yeah, I think you are correct. The FBI has already declined to investigate due to lack of jurisdiction. It's all just a stall tactic.

Exactly, so really what more needs to be said? I mean if Paradox wants to pretend like the hearing today never happened, and those arguments were never addressed, not much else can really be stated.
You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"Hardly.
I don't care what the FBI thinks. They are at the behest of the president who will not allow them to do it. I'm merely agreeing with the ABA's suggestion that they do.
Yeah, I think you are correct. The FBI has already declined to investigate due to lack of jurisdiction. It's all just a stall tactic.
Can you show me proof (a link) that the FBI stated they cannot do an investigation because it's out of their jurisdiction?
Yeah, I think you are correct. The FBI has already declined to investigate due to lack of jurisdiction. It's all just a stall tactic.
Can you show me proof (a link) that the FBI stated they cannot do an investigation because it's out of their jurisdiction?

If you don't need proof that kavanaugh raped Ford to pretend like her statements is true enough to warrant ruining his life, why can't you extend that same courtesy to our allegations? Double standards dear!

All of the sudden you want evidence now. This is good progress atleast.

First, go watch the hearing, Kavanaugh's in particular. Then follow up by going to the committee website for more info as mentioned during the hearings. Something tells me you haven't actually watched them, instead resorting on 2nd or 3rd hand sources to either tell you or show you the sizzle reel.

This is a closed case, no pun intended. It's done. He's going to be voted in because no Republican wants to go down with the dumpster fire that is the Democrat party right now. Some democrats might even jump ship. The only way his confirmation is tanked is if a RINO breaks rank, but I don't see how they would considering the political damage it would do.

I'd link it, really but I can't without being atleast another day or so old on the acct so you're on your own. Suffice it to say, the FBI didn't warrant further inquiry. Why would you trust that anyways? You're claiming that Trump would just stall it so there's very little point in siding with the ABA unless to virtue signal alongside them. No matter what comes of this, nothing short of Kavanaugh being removed from the roster will make you happy. You will make up some excuse for any outcome short of that.

My original post (which you didn't address yet) made it clear that the democrats literally refused to partake in any investigation and were never forbidden from contacting the FBI themselves. neither was Ford.

Nobody has stopped or impeded the process of investigating this as far as they're willing to take it. Neither Ford, nor the Democrats actually want to do it. They just want to blame Republicans, and Kavanaugh for not doing it themselves. There's literally a quote of Booker or Kamela Harris requesting that Kavanaugh call for opening an investigation against himself. He correctly states that it wouldn't be possible to do so based on the lack of evidence.

If you can't see the double standard, kangaroo court nature of this whole sham, I don't know what one link he provides will do for you. Still, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that you don't actually believe what you say and might just be gas lighting.
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You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"Hardly.
I don't care what the FBI thinks. They are at the behest of the president who will not allow them to do it. I'm merely agreeing with the ABA's suggestion that they do.

Jesus, let it go. If Kav were such a heinous creature, it would have been uncovered the first six times.
You really think the FBI is gonna say "oh, shit, Ford said he did what? How'd we miss that the first six times?"Hardly.
I don't care what the FBI thinks. They are at the behest of the president who will not allow them to do it. I'm merely agreeing with the ABA's suggestion that they do.

Jesus, let it go. If Kav were such a heinous creature, it would have been uncovered the first six times.

The Dems have circled 'round their talking point. "FBI investigation". They don't want it, they don't need it. They just want the delay. It's patently political.
If you don't need proof that kavanaugh raped Ford to pretend like her statements is true, why can't you extend that same courtesy to our allegations?
First off, you don't know what you are talking about nor have you linked to anything that might give your opinions any credibility. Here is a statement as reported;

That conservatives are frightened to learn the truth comes as no surprise; most on the right are indeed cowards.
If you don't need proof that kavanaugh raped Ford to pretend like her statements is true, why can't you extend that same courtesy to our allegations?
First off, you don't know what you are talking about nor have you linked to anything that might give your opinions any credibility. Here is a statement as reported;



I don't think you're understanding the difference between the whim of the president and the application of criminal law.

If the FBI had any reasonable evidence suggesting Kavinaugh was guilty of a crime, they do not need the president's permission to investigate. The very article you posted literally states this, in plain ink second from the bottom paragraph.

It says and I quote " And in this case, even assuming Ford's allegation to be true, there's no suggestion of a federal crime, quite apart from the statue of limitations issue.The FBI has no independent authority to open a criminal investigation." End of story.

You want Trump to willingly call for the FBI to do a 7th background check to find what exactly? What do you want them to look for? A crime? That's not how it works. The FBI does not and should not be used take a person and find a crime to fit the person. That is literally anathema to everything our nation is built upon. Your bias blinds you to this. Just because Obama did this to Trump with the Russia investigation doesn't make it less damning nor unconstitutional.

You think somehow some way, it is ok to just put the FBI on some crime hunting trail when there is no evidence of a crime having occurred. What kind of Minority Report level garbage is that? You want them to investigate a crime that didn't happen. Should they just investigate crimes before they happen next ?Maybe he will rape someone in 5 years. Let's stop him before anybody is hurt!

Where do you draw this line? What does innocent until proven guilty mean to you?

"Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't mean "innocent until suspected of guilt." Give proof this crime happened, then I will agree that the FBI should open an investigation. Until then what you request is the total destruction of this man's life on a whim.

Investigations are costly. VERY costly. It requires a ton of time, interviewing, depositions, lawyer hours etc. You are completely out of the water on this.

You have nothing to warrant an investigation. Nothing but words. There is enough counter evidence to guarantee a mistrial as it stands. Her entire premise is utterly refuted. It is done. Your expectations are unreasonable and baseless, and still you haven't addressed my original points. I don't think this is the sword you want to fall on.
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<snip/unsnip>You have nothing to warrant an investigation. Nothing but words. There is enough counter evidence to guarantee a mistrial as it stands. Her entire premise is utterly refuted. It is done. Your expectations are unreasonable and baseless, and still you haven't addressed my original points.
The only thing you have convinced me of is that either you can't read or can't understand the written word. Oh, you are stubborn too, despite all the proof and evidence I've presented you just keep going back and harping on your erroneous and confused opinions.
<snip/unsnip>You have nothing to warrant an investigation. Nothing but words. There is enough counter evidence to guarantee a mistrial as it stands. Her entire premise is utterly refuted. It is done. Your expectations are unreasonable and baseless, and still you haven't addressed my original points.
The only thing you have convinced me of is that either you can't read or can't understand the written word. Oh, you are stubborn too, despite all the proof and evidence I've presented you just keep going back and harping on your erroneous and confused opinions.

You can ignore everything I post all you want, but you can't take this back

It says and I quote " And in this case, even assuming Ford's allegation to be true, there's no suggestion of a federal crime, quite apart from the statue of limitations issue.The FBI has no independent authority to open a criminal investigation." End of story.

From the very article you posted.

You disproved your entire point. You want a witch trial. Plain and simple. You want that which our systems of Justice explicitly forbid. The same thing the democrats want.
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Jesus, let it go. If Kav were such a heinous creature, it would have been uncovered the first six times.
That isn't my point. My point is that the FBI can reopen the investigation only at the request of the president. See above post.

It can open a criminal investigation at any point it wants to, regardless of what the president wants. You know very well why that hasn't happened.

Also, if Trump would just shut down the whole thing, why push so hard for it? Seems sort of inevitable doesn't it?

Let's get him confirmed first, then you can muster whatever investigation you think will work. Something tells me the democrats will abandon this like a hot potato just one day from now though just like the Moore accusers, or Trump's accusers.

Kava...? naugh never heard of him! - Spartacus!
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