American can't do spirit

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
There was a time that America was known for taking on ridiculous challenges and succeeding at them. 157 days from idea to flying airplane, the P-51 Mustang.

1957 we woke up with a new and fastly moving star overhead. We took up the challenge, and only twelve years later, put a man on the moon.

The President said nice words, but presented no plans as to how we were going to get off the oil tit. We need bold plans, and leadership now, not words.

[ame=]YouTube - Surprise![/ame]
I have been reading about Truman's run for president and what amazed me the most was how the republicans agreed to much but did nothing. Truman called their bluff. Many of the things FDR and Truman wanted to enact eventually became parts of America, but the republicans who controlled congress refused to do anything. Look up the Turnip season, in the end the American people want action, I hope Obama can get that into his head.

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