American dark money polluting british politics

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

So this is a discussion on Liz truss dipping into the crazy world of right wing politics at CPac.
It has caused a lot of upset over here where these loony tropes are very much fringe.

Lets be honest.

Truss went to America to promote her book. She will never be given another chance by the british public afterher last effort.

America gives her a chance to make some dollars and feel relevant.

But America should not be subsidising british politicians and interfering in our elections.It should stick with american grifters like Candace and young Kirk.

The cpac attendees should also be aware that Truss is laughing at them. Playing on their simple minded credulity. It might work in Shitville but gets called out over here.
Your goofy country's problems are self inflicted.
The ones raised by this clown Turdy either do not exist , or are just spoon fed nothingburgers regurgitated from the Fake News porn sheet , The Guardian .
The one funded and sponsored by arch criminal Gates .

OP is not the brightest and very badly informed and read .
The video is naive -- and the humour not recognised , let alone appreciated .
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The ones raised by this clown Turdy either do not exist , or are just spoon fed nothingburgers regurgitated from the Fake News porn sheet , The Guardian .
The one funded and sponsored by arch criminal Gates .

OP is not the brightest and very badly informed and read .
The video is naive -- and the humour not recognised , let alone appreciated .
We are laughing at you.

So this is a discussion on Liz truss dipping into the crazy world of right wing politics at CPac.
It has caused a lot of upset over here where these loony tropes are very much fringe.

Lets be honest.

Truss went to America to promote her book. She will never be given another chance by the british public afterher last effort.

America gives her a chance to make some dollars and feel relevant.

But America should not be subsidising british politicians and interfering in our elections.It should stick with american grifters like Candace and young Kirk.

The cpac attendees should also be aware that Truss is laughing at them. Playing on their simple minded credulity. It might work in Shitville but gets called out over here.

If you think thats bad look at Israeli interference, check out the Al Jazeera labour files.
Of course not, that Australian Colonialist is never off TV.
My MP is a "friend of Israel" as well.. How it helps Wrexham is a mystery to me. At least she will be gone shortly. But labour isnt much better these days. A result of Israeli pressure ?
Its very bleak.
Your goofy country's problems are self inflicted.
What Tommy Tithead fails to disclose is that the majority party from a general election forms the government, so that's the Conservatives. Then throughout the UK you have local councils that spend the money on and run local services. So for example, take Wales -


NOC is No Over Control. So if Tommy Tithead feels Wales is shit, look at who runs the place!!

So search round the local councils to see who's in charge of local services. Check out who's been running Scotland for decades!! The Scottish Nazi Party!! And you will get grave pissers like Tommy Tithead blaming all the shit from local councils on the Tories, he's a fuckwit.

What Tommy Tithead fails to disclose is that the majority party from a general election forms the government, so that's the Conservatives. Then throughout the UK you have local councils that spend the money on and run local services. So for example, take Wales -

View attachment 910761
NOC is No Over Control. So if Tommy Tithead feels Wales is shit, look at who runs the place!!

So search round the local councils to see who's in charge of local services. Check out who's been running Scotland for decades!! The Scottish Nazi Party!! And you will get grave pissers like Tommy Tithead blaming all the shit from local councils on the Tories, he's a fuckwit.

Yes we need to get Truss back to save us from previous truss policies.
We are laughing at you.
The fact that you admit to a multiple personality handicap is interesting .
Are you telling us that you are directed by forces outside of your control ?

You certainly seem to be a forlorn and outside voice according to other posters, so I suspect you are like the Ukey invented figure who was named the Ghost of Kyiv .
You are the Lost Leek of Cardiff . Flying around but going nowhere and doing nothing in the real world .

For foreigners, the Leek is a vegetable that has its roots in the dirt and is found among Welsh Nationalists and is their emblem , shared with the Welsh Communist Party .

More brexit shite. We all want rid of your eton shite.. Can you vlame us ?
You're on the broo, that's why you're on the sponging Left. If England got to vote on a Welsh, NI, and Scotland independence, all 3 get my vote. And when you come crying back cap in hand, 150% APR sounds a good loan figure.

I like your German accent, that's what EU sucking dick does ta ya.
You're on the broo, that's why you're on the sponging Left. If England got to vote on a Welsh, NI, and Scotland independence, all 3 get my vote. And when you come crying back cap in hand, 150% APR sounds a good loan figure.

I like your German accent, that's what EU sucking dick does ta ya.
You should think about how you will pay for your water.

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