American dark money polluting british politics

Its a housing problem not a migrant problem.
Irish Grandmothers accosted and beaten in their Gardens and Irish Youth attacked & Raped or killed on Public transportation by Recently arrived Migrants , Housing won’t fix that
It has caused a lot of upset over here where these loony tropes are very much fringe.

More invented drivel from Turdy .
The matter was barely noticed in the UK and nobody is in the least interested .
OP just dramatises and biases small incidents

The Welsh grasshopper is recognised as being not very bright but an obsessive follower of the porn sheet, The Guardian , our Intelligence Agency front desk for selling misdirection and misinformation .
Manned by young left wing extremists who are selected and groomed at University ( Turdy is so jealous , he was rejected) and who are then led down and round and round the proverbial garden path , step after dishonest step .

You should think about how you will pay for your water.
You're on the broo. Period. You're a benefit sponger. Period

You vote Left because you are thick and a benefit sponger. If you're from Wales, which I've always doubted, you are suffering from a Labour controlled council/parliament, and you shag sheep, just like Muslims shag goats. Why both groups shag animals, is down to genetics. If you're Welsh, the women are worse, thus sex than sheep.

Change my mind retard.

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