American Farmer: Trump took away all our markets

American farmers love Trump, no matter what the Democrats say.

Yea, I bet they do.

USDA Bailout for Impact of Trump’s Tariffs Goes to Biggest, Richest Farmers

Farm bailout payments designed to offset the impacts of President’s Trump’s trade war have overwhelmingly flowed to the largest and most successful farmers, according to EWG’s analysis of the latest Department of Agriculture data.

EWG today released updated data on payments made through the first two rounds of the Market Facilitation Program, or MFP. Through April, total MFP payments for 2018-19 were $8.4 billion. The data was obtained from the USDA through a Freedom of Information Act request and has now been added to EWG’s online Farm Subsidy Database.

EWG’s analysis of the data found:

  • The top one-tenth of recipients received 54 percent of all MFP payments.
  • Eighty-two farmers have so far received more than $500,000 in MFP payments.
  • One farm, DeLine Farm Partnership, of Charleston, Mo., has so far received $2.8 million in MFP payments.
  • The top 1 percent of MFP recipients received, on average, $183,331. The bottom 80 percent received, on average, less than $5,000.
  • Thousands of residents of the nation’s largest cities received MFP payments.
  • MFP payments continue to leave out minority farmers.
Until now, MFP payments have been linked to crop production, favoring the largest producers of certain crops. Although USDA initially said it would place a $125,000 cap on MFP payments, the department chose to apply rules that allow relatives who do not contribute meaningful work on the farm to receive farm payments, allowing many farm businesses to evade the cap.

Changes to the second round of MFP payments, announced last week by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue, will further favor the largest farmers by linking payments to the number of acres, not the number of bushels or bales produced. The bigger the farm, the bigger the government check.

MFP payments are made in addition to other farm subsidies, including multiple layers of commodity subsidies, crop insurance subsidies, and disaster payments. Nearly 28,000 farms have received subsidies from these programs for 32 years continuously.

Total subsidy payments across all programs in 2018, including MFP, totaled more than $18 billion. This means that, in combination, these payments could exceed World Trade Organization caps on farm subsidies, potentially opening a new front in Trump’s trade war. China responded to Trump’s tariffs on Chinese aluminum and steel products by placing retaliatory tariffs on more than 800 U.S. food and farm products, which led in turn to the MFP bailout program.

Bulk of Trump's U.S. farm aid goes to biggest and wealthiest farmers: advocacy group - Reuters
this is what happens when you put a moron/failed businessman in the White House.

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American farmer: Trump 'took away all of our markets'

The White House recently announced that it would be providing an additional $16 billion in aid to American farmers affected by the trade war between the U.S. and China.

But the problem for American farmers has becomes bigger than something a bailout can fix.

“This trade thing is what’s brought on by the president and it’s really frustrating because he took away all of our markets,” Bob Nuylen, a farmer from North Dakota who grows spring wheat and sunflowers, told Yahoo Finance. “We live in an area where we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere. It costs us a lot of money — over $1 a bushel to get our grain to markets.”


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“All these countries went to different countries to get their grain,” Nuylen said. “How are we going to get the relations back with them to buy our grain again and be our customers?”

“Our prices are probably as low as I’ve seen them in a long time,” he told Yahoo Finance. “We were losing just about $70 an acre just by putting our crop in [the ground] this spring.”

Fuck'em. All a bunch of welfare cases anyway.
And hog farmers are happy as hell selling all they can to China
The moron speaks.

The pork industry is getting hit with retaliatory tariffs from China. That’s why pork is so cheap for us right now. We’re the industry’s only market.

But I don’t expect Republican Trumpers to understand anything about business.
And hog farmers are happy as hell selling all they can to China
The moron speaks.

The pork industry is getting hit with retaliatory tariffs from China. That’s why pork is so cheap for us right now. We’re the industry’s only market.

But I don’t expect Republican Trumpers to understand anything about business.

Number 1 old news ....not only that of course you source somewhere else every tom dick harry and their aunt susie saw it coming from 25 miles away .....its also happening in china TO china with other industries ....both side get black and blues ....derp

And Do you guys just make shit up as you go along ?
Chinas pork imports are a pittance compared to what japan and mexico takes
Pork exports are still at an ALL TIME RECORD HIGH

Pork been super cheap for a long time ...long before trump came along
Isn't it great when someone who knows absolutely nothing about farming tries to use their lack of knowledge to attack Trump. I hope the sunflower market doesn't crash. I think sythaholic buys her meat at HyVee where no animals are harmed. The old joke in the Midwest is: how does a farmer increase his income? Answer: Put up another mail box.
An ADDITIONAL $16 billion.

Of Socialism.

Of taxpayer money, to put a band-aid on his disastrous policies.
I wonder if the Republicans will demand that farmers get drug tested since they are getting federal aid?
American farmers love Trump, no matter what the Democrats say.

I doubt that. They only say that because they still need this bozo to bail them out. They don’t want to piss a moron. But deep in their heart. They did not have this problem till this clown became POTUS. And it’s not going to get easier for them. That’s the reality.
this is what happens when you put a moron/failed businessman in the White House.

View attachment 272172

American farmer: Trump 'took away all of our markets'

The White House recently announced that it would be providing an additional $16 billion in aid to American farmers affected by the trade war between the U.S. and China.

But the problem for American farmers has becomes bigger than something a bailout can fix.

“This trade thing is what’s brought on by the president and it’s really frustrating because he took away all of our markets,” Bob Nuylen, a farmer from North Dakota who grows spring wheat and sunflowers, told Yahoo Finance. “We live in an area where we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere. It costs us a lot of money — over $1 a bushel to get our grain to markets.”


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“All these countries went to different countries to get their grain,” Nuylen said. “How are we going to get the relations back with them to buy our grain again and be our customers?”

“Our prices are probably as low as I’ve seen them in a long time,” he told Yahoo Finance. “We were losing just about $70 an acre just by putting our crop in [the ground] this spring.”

I am sure that Trump will tell them that it is for their own good.
“Our prices are probably as low as I’ve seen them in a long time,” he told Yahoo Finance. “We were losing just about $70 an acre just by putting our crop in [the ground] this spring.”
I am sure that Trump will tell them that it is for their own good.
Trump knows better than you.

Right, Trump with his 5th grade vocabulary, whose education is nothing but fodder for stand-up comedians, who goes against the advice of the entire US Chamber of Commerce, and his own economic advisors, who all were opposed to his latest one-up-man-ship on Chinese tariffs, knows better than me. I have a 16 year old niece who understands economics better than Trump. In fact, I have not seen a single job saved, or industry returned from China, or any economic benefit from any of these hairbrained schemes of his. I HAVE seen the famers in the Midwest lose their markets, with farm foreclosures are near record rates in the last 30 years, and taxpayers having to socialize and subsidize the farm industry, the likes of whim I have not seen anywhere outside of the Soviet Union in decades. As a result of Trump's latest brainstorm, China is no longer buying our cotton or corn, so the damage just keeps spreading. Meantime, trump is lying that China is paying for these tariffs, when anyone the slightest bit of sense knows that they are being paid by the American consumer in the form of higher prices.
Meantime, trump is lying that China is paying for these tariffs, when anyone the slightest bit of sense knows that they are being paid by the American consumer in the form of higher prices.
Interesting in that another Democrat who insists trickle down economics doesn’t work and who doesn’t care when energy prices being artificially and intentionally driven up causes all consumer goods prices to rise makes the statement you just made.
Can’t have it both ways.
Interesting in that another Democrat who insists trickle down economics doesn’t work
It doesn’t, and never has. And you won’t even try to prove that it has because it’s easier to run your mouth than to back up your bullshit.
Whoosh, baby. Your intellect is matching your icon’s.
My response was to an unwitting acknowledgment by a democrat of the effectiveness of trickle down. You apparently suffer from the same dichotomy. Or do you believe the tariffs won’t impact prices?
Oh well. Someone has to suffer. We cannot let China continue to steal IP without punishment. THEY REFUSE TO MAKE STEALING IP A CRIME IN CHINA. Fuck those slant eyed bastards.

Nobody but the USA can supply China with enough food. This won't last long. It takes a lot of food to feed a billion hungry mouths.

The are already devaluing their currency. That's a sign of a dying flopping fish.
But they'll vote for Him anyway.

Over candidates that want to give free health care to illegals while hard working Americans have to pay for it? That's a no brainer. Trump would have to REALLY fuck up for me to want to vote for any of those fucking idiots running for the dem ticket.
Oh well. Someone has to suffer. We cannot let China continue to steal IP without punishment. THEY REFUSE TO MAKE STEALING IP A CRIME IN CHINA. Fuck those slant eyed bastards.

Nobody but the USA can supply China with enough food. This won't last long. It takes a lot of food to feed a billion hungry mouths.

The are already devaluing their currency. That's a sign of a dying flopping fish.

So.... What did this moron POTUS accomplished?

Higher prices for Americans. Farmers and other businesses will continue to suffer if these doesn’t stop. China is not backing down. They can easily buy soybeans and corn in Brazil.

Farmers confront Trump's trade secretary at forum: "we are not starting to do great again"
Farmers confront Trump's trade secretary at forum: "we are not starting to do great again"

By Daniel Moritz-Rabson On 8/08/19 at 11:01 AM EDT

American farmers confronted Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue on Wednesday, criticizing the administration's trade policy and voicing discontent with the impact of the ongoing trade war with China.

During a forum in Minnesota, representatives from the Minnesota Farmers Union, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association took aim the Trump administration's trade policy, Bloomberg reported.

"We are not starting to do great again," said Brian Thalmann, the president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, referencing statements from President Donald Trump. "We are starting to go down very quickly."

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