American Genocide

woodjack, in reference to the D.U-poisoned generations of infants that live in regions of the World which happen to be on top of America's oil: Why don't you spare everyone the disingenuous 'sad-but' refrains. I've heard such comments many times, and always from those who truly do not care for any children, (especially foreign) apart perhaps from their own brood.

The United States' has a long history of genocidal campaigns against helpless civilians. Remember USAF cowardice in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? See: In each case decent human beings condemned these evils. You apologists for genocide however wear a special set of blinkers, in red white and blue so whatever evidence for U.S atrocity placed before you is excused away as the fault of its victims.

You ask ‘what about Israel ?’, as if that state is some paragon of virtue beyond criticism. In fact I mention Palestinians in the first line of the opening post exactly because Israel is so deeply entrenched in this episode of corruption and modern holocaust. The only people that have 'chosen Israel' are American arms corporations, to sell their weapons of destruction in a titanic cycle of profit which is funded by unwitting US tax payers to the tune of $30 Billion over the course of a decade.

As for whether PatekPhilippe’s comments were racist, anyone with discretion will note that even though POST#5 was censored, the tenor of his contribution relegates the victims of U.S imperialist conquests as sub-human entities, which is precisely the definition of racial hatred.

Holy cow, how long has the USA existed? you need to read your history books, war has existed way longer then the USA. look at all the nations of the world that committed Genocide, you act that the USA is evil but war and battles have been fought and will be fought it is a human condition. I do not mind war I except it and learn from it. Because the USA uses inovation to wage war they are evil? I know plenty of Japanese people and never have they called hiroshima or nagisaki like you have. you need to look at the context of what was going on at the time, putting your spin on this looking back at the war is very wrong and a mistake everyone makes.

Ok so what culture has been peacefull and perfect since the begining of recorded history. Name me one..............every war we have been a part of we have learned from war of the past, we did not create it but we just train and try to be the best at it.
We have Rules of engagement that are strictly enforced. or am I to take your word for it that the military is just going door to door killing random civilians?

Depleted uranium exposure doesn't discriminate between civilians and combatants. It also doesn't discriminate between you and "us." You'll recall that hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans from the US suffered from immune system issues and other afflictions due to chemical exposure.

the last group of people to attack us and start a war with us got two fucking nukes dropped on their homeland. as far as i'm concerned half the middle east should be turned into a big glass parking lot.
We have Rules of engagement that are strictly enforced. or am I to take your word for it that the military is just going door to door killing random civilians?

Depleted uranium exposure doesn't discriminate between civilians and combatants. It also doesn't discriminate between you and "us." You'll recall that hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans from the US suffered from immune system issues and other afflictions due to chemical exposure.

the last group of people to attack us and start a war with us got two fucking nukes dropped on their homeland. as far as i'm concerned half the middle east should be turned into a big glass parking lot.

one must also take under consideration you are a filthy piece of garbage calling for the death of millions of Innocent men woman and children and are therefore not worthy of any consideration in the least
Depleted uranium exposure doesn't discriminate between civilians and combatants. It also doesn't discriminate between you and "us." You'll recall that hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans from the US suffered from immune system issues and other afflictions due to chemical exposure.

the last group of people to attack us and start a war with us got two fucking nukes dropped on their homeland. as far as i'm concerned half the middle east should be turned into a big glass parking lot.

one must also take under consideration you are a filthy piece of garbage calling for the death of millions of Innocent men woman and children and are therefore not worthy of any consideration in the least

as if i care about your opinion. :cuckoo:
the last group of people to attack us and start a war with us got two fucking nukes dropped on their homeland. as far as i'm concerned half the middle east should be turned into a big glass parking lot.
The people who attacked the US were non-state actors and their group operated from within Afghanistan, which is in South Asia. Apart from family ties and some sources of funding, the perpetrators weren't connected to any Middle Eastern country. If you opted to "fucking nuke" millions of innocent people, as you so eloquently put it, you'd be reduced to pariah status in the eyes of every legitimate nation on the planet. You could almost certainly bet that there would be a reprisal more devastating than the initial attack. Your knuckle-dragging chauvinism is unimpressive.
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OK. I just can't see where some 17 year old kid will see this as his call to arms...especially since he might be on the receiving end of a 30 mm cannon round that would vaporize half of his body.

Feel the hate seething from the inner core of your warped soul. Let's go blow us up some of them there evil doers in Pakistan with a reaper drone and a hellfire missile! That'll teach those 3 year old brown pakistani terrorist kids not to mess with us. Well, that's 1/3 correct since approximately 1 out of every 3 "evil doers" killed in a country we aren't at war with = 1 dead civilian, but they're just dune coons, worthless trash right?

I just wonder how much revenge your ilk expects for 9-11? 100,000 civilians killed? That's a nice revenge ratio. How bout a million?

See the idiocy coming from the inner core of your missing brain. Just sayin'. You're impressively stupid.

So I take it you appprove of killing brown people? Typical american trailer trash. Not a moral thought in your head.
The people who attacked the US were non-state actors and their group operated from within Afghanistan, which is in South Asia. /quote]
Weren't there some signs that they had ties to Iran, as well?
the last group of people to attack us and start a war with us got two fucking nukes dropped on their homeland. as far as i'm concerned half the middle east should be turned into a big glass parking lot.
The people who attacked the US were non-state actors and their group operated from within Afghanistan, which is in South Asia. Apart from family ties and some sources of funding, the perpetrators weren't connected to any Middle Eastern country. If you opted to "fucking nuke" millions of innocent people, as you so eloquently put it, you'd be reduced to pariah status in the eyes of every legitimate nation on the planet. You could almost certainly bet that there would be a reprisal more devastating than the initial attack. Your knuckle-dragging chauvinism is unimpressive.

their group operated from several countries, not just afghanistan. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia (which isnt in south asia). 19 of the 19 hijackers were muslims. the bombings in kenya and tanzania were done by muslims. the bombing of the USS Cole was carried out by muslims. the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was carried out by muslims. the bombings in bali, indonesia was carried out by muslims. the london subway and bus bombing was carried out by muslims. the train bombings in spain was carried out by muslims. the terrorists taking over the school in russia was carried out by muslims. the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut was carried out by muslims. the pan am flight blown up over lockerbie was carried out by muslims. the downing of the egypt air flight was carried out by muslims. the terrorist attacks in mumbai was carried out by muslims. the bombing and ferry fire in manila was carried out by muslims.

do you notice a pattern here?
19 of the 19 hijackers were muslims. the bombings in kenya and tanzania were done by muslims. the bombing of the USS Cole was carried out by muslims. the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was carried out by muslims. the bombings in bali, indonesia was carried out by muslims. the london subway and bus bombing was carried out by muslims. the train bombings in spain was carried out by muslims. the terrorists taking over the school in russia was carried out by muslims. the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut was carried out by muslims. the pan am flight blown up over lockerbie was carried out by muslims. the downing of the egypt air flight was carried out by muslims. the terrorist attacks in mumbai was carried out by muslims. the bombing and ferry fire in manila was carried out by muslims.

do you notice a pattern here?

Please tell us what religion the man who flew a plane into the IRS buildig was. Also, what religion were McVeigh and Nichols? The ELF, the Black Panthers, and the KKK? What about the Aryan Nation and JDL/JAR? William Krur? The Provisional Irish Republican Army? RIRA? The IRA? The ETA? Christian Identity? The National Alliance and the Silent Brotherhood? The recent surge in domestic terrorism in the US against Democrats?

There's a pattern, but it's not what you think.
their group operated from several countries, not just afghanistan.
If you want to get technical, sure; go ahead and add Germany and Canada to your list. A great deal of planning and training took place right in the good ol' US of A, so it looks as if you'll be dropping a few bombs on yourself as well.

[15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia (which isnt in south asia).
And? Would you nuke them as well for allowing the hijackers' parents to give birth within their borders?

19 of the 19 hijackers were muslims. the bombings in kenya and tanzania were done by muslims. the bombing of the USS Cole was carried out by muslims. the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was carried out by muslims. the bombings in bali, indonesia was carried out by muslims. the london subway and bus bombing was carried out by muslims. the train bombings in spain was carried out by muslims. the terrorists taking over the school in russia was carried out by muslims. the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut was carried out by muslims. the pan am flight blown up over lockerbie was carried out by muslims. the downing of the egypt air flight was carried out by muslims. the terrorist attacks in mumbai was carried out by muslims. the bombing and ferry fire in manila was carried out by muslims.

do you notice a pattern here?
There are 1.5 billion of us and there were far less than 1,000 directly involved in orchestrating all of the incidents you mentioned. Orthodox Christians have killed 200,000 of us in Bosnia and 100,000 in Russia in the last 20 years alone, yet I haven't suggested that all Orthodox Christians are culpable regarding these atrocities, nor have I blamed Orthodox Christianity itself. You're simply attempting to rationalize your genocidal hatred of Muslims and Arabs.
their group operated from several countries, not just afghanistan.
If you want to get technical, sure; go ahead and add Germany and Canada to your list. A great deal of planning and training took place right in the good ol' US of A, so it looks as if you'll be dropping a few bombs on yourself as well.

[15 of the 19 hijackers were from saudi arabia (which isnt in south asia).
And? Would you nuke them as well for allowing the hijackers' parents to give birth within their borders?

19 of the 19 hijackers were muslims. the bombings in kenya and tanzania were done by muslims. the bombing of the USS Cole was carried out by muslims. the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was carried out by muslims. the bombings in bali, indonesia was carried out by muslims. the london subway and bus bombing was carried out by muslims. the train bombings in spain was carried out by muslims. the terrorists taking over the school in russia was carried out by muslims. the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut was carried out by muslims. the pan am flight blown up over lockerbie was carried out by muslims. the downing of the egypt air flight was carried out by muslims. the terrorist attacks in mumbai was carried out by muslims. the bombing and ferry fire in manila was carried out by muslims.

do you notice a pattern here?
There are 1.5 billion of us and there were far less than 1,000 directly involved in orchestrating all of the incidents you mentioned. Orthodox Christians have killed 200,000 of us in Bosnia and 100,000 in Russia in the last 20 years alone, yet I haven't suggested that all Orthodox Christians are culpable regarding these atrocities, nor have I blamed Orthodox Christianity itself. You're simply attempting to rationalize your genocidal hatred of Muslims and Arabs.

why dont you explain to us all about the Dar al-Islam (house of islam) and the Dar al-harb (house of war)??
☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
Please tell us what religion the man who flew a plane into the IRS buildig was.
did the guy fly into the IRS building because of his religion?

didnt think so...

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
Also, what religion were McVeigh and Nichols?
did they do it because of their religion?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
The ELF, the Black Panthers, and the KKK?
well, at least you finally got the religion thing right with the KKK. they seem to have already been reduced to impotent status by the government.

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
What about the Aryan Nation and JDL/JAR?
what about them?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
The Provisional Irish Republican Army? RIRA? The IRA? The ETA? Christian Identity? The National Alliance and the Silent Brotherhood?
when was the last attack by the IRA? werent they attacking other christians?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
The recent surge in domestic terrorism in the US against Democrats?
you are comparing a brick thrown through a window by some people pissed off at the government to flying planes into buildings and killing 3000 people in the name of your religion?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
There's a pattern, but it's not what you think.
the pattern speaks for itself.
their group operated from several countries, not just afghanistan.
If you want to get technical, sure; go ahead and add Germany and Canada to your list. A great deal of planning and training took place right in the good ol' US of A, so it looks as if you'll be dropping a few bombs on yourself as well.

And? Would you nuke them as well for allowing the hijackers' parents to give birth within their borders?

19 of the 19 hijackers were muslims. the bombings in kenya and tanzania were done by muslims. the bombing of the USS Cole was carried out by muslims. the 1993 bombing of the world trade center was carried out by muslims. the bombings in bali, indonesia was carried out by muslims. the london subway and bus bombing was carried out by muslims. the train bombings in spain was carried out by muslims. the terrorists taking over the school in russia was carried out by muslims. the bombing of the marine barracks in beirut was carried out by muslims. the pan am flight blown up over lockerbie was carried out by muslims. the downing of the egypt air flight was carried out by muslims. the terrorist attacks in mumbai was carried out by muslims. the bombing and ferry fire in manila was carried out by muslims.

do you notice a pattern here?
There are 1.5 billion of us and there were far less than 1,000 directly involved in orchestrating all of the incidents you mentioned. Orthodox Christians have killed 200,000 of us in Bosnia and 100,000 in Russia in the last 20 years alone, yet I haven't suggested that all Orthodox Christians are culpable regarding these atrocities, nor have I blamed Orthodox Christianity itself. You're simply attempting to rationalize your genocidal hatred of Muslims and Arabs.

why dont you explain to us all about the Dar al-Islam (house of islam) and the Dar al-harb (house of war)??

Ah, a deflection. Very well.

"In the book Bayan Lin-Nas, issued by Al Azhar, it’s clearly stated that the concept of categorizing countries as Dar Kufr and Dar Islam is a matter of ijtihad (independent judgment) made by learned scholars. There is no mention of this concept in either the Qur’an or the Sunnah."

- Shaykh 'Atiya Saqr; Head (ret.), Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee​
☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
Please tell us what religion the man who flew a plane into the IRS buildig was.
did the guy fly into the IRS building because of his religion?

didnt think so...

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
Also, what religion were McVeigh and Nichols?
did they do it because of their religion?

well, at least you finally got the religion thing right with the KKK. they seem to have already been reduced to impotent status by the government.

what about them?

when was the last attack by the IRA? werent they attacking other christians?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
The recent surge in domestic terrorism in the US against Democrats?
you are comparing a brick thrown through a window by some people pissed off at the government to flying planes into buildings and killing 3000 people in the name of your religion?

☭proletarian☭;2135366 said:
There's a pattern, but it's not what you think.
the pattern speaks for itself.

it is about politics far more than religion
I feel a fatuous article from an anti-Islamic website coming my way...
Ah, a deflection. Very well.

"In the book Bayan Lin-Nas, issued by Al Azhar, it’s clearly stated that the concept of categorizing countries as Dar Kufr and Dar Islam is a matter of ijtihad (independent judgment) made by learned scholars. There is no mention of this concept in either the Qur’an or the Sunnah."

- Shaykh 'Atiya Saqr; Head (ret.), Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee​

is that the guy that insists the world is flat or is this a completely different moron?

the world is divided into two houses, the house of islam and the house of war. the house of islam is countries where there are muslim governments.

the rest of the world is in the house of war. this is where there is a perpetual state of jihad until the world is under islamic rule.

feel free to lie and say i am wrong. after all, it is ok to lie to those that are non-muslims.
is that the guy that insists the world is flat or is this a completely different moron?
I believe I included his position in my citation. He was the head of Al-Azhar's Fatwa Committee, Al-Azhar being the most prestigious center of Sunni Islamic learning. I'm afraid that I don't know or care about "the guy that insists the world is flat."

the world is divided into two houses, the house of islam and the house of war. the house of islam is countries where there are muslim governments.

the rest of the world is in the house of war. this is where there is a perpetual state of jihad until the world is under islamic rule.
You referred to a Hanafi concept and your criteria don't quite match those of Abu Hanifa. Perhaps reading the full fatwa would help erase your misconceptions:
Concept of <i>Dar Al-Islam</i> and <i>Dar Al-Harb</i> - - Ask The Scholar

Then again, perhaps not.

feel free to lie and say i am wrong. after all, it is ok to lie to those that are non-muslims.

My, I'm glad that USMB has finally been blessed with a veritable expert on Islamic etiquette and Shari'ah! Since, allegedly, my belief in Islam permits me to lie to you, I can only wonder why you continue to respond to someone who clearly must not be trustworthy.
Depleted Uranium is fucking awesome!!!!!

We rain death down upon the enemies of America with time they'll know better than to fuck with us. I hope they all fucking die from radiation and toxic metal poisoning...less to worry about down the road.
YouTube - A-10 Thunderbolt II

Why would someone obviously as uneducated, and horifically naive like yourself have a gladsen flag motto in his sig? You realize that the symbol is nearly as old as this nation and was invented by people who were committed to not having unncessary wars, especially those fought for empire on false pretenses. Is this some kind of sick joke?

Your a fricken dope and know nothing about which you speak. Don't you have a global warming conference to attend?

Really? Try and debate me if you think you are up to the task. I don't think you are. As far as I can tell you'd rather gloat about how many sand ******* your vaunted military can kill in one day.

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