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American Health Care Act

It's so fucking stupid, because you don't get the tax credit to pay for the insurance... you have to have your own money up front to pay for it and then get reimbursed. So if you are poor and can't afford it up front, then you don't get the credit... it's a no win situation.

get a job
It's so fucking stupid, because you don't get the tax credit to pay for the insurance... you have to have your own money up front to pay for it and then get reimbursed. So if you are poor and can't afford it up front, then you don't get the credit... it's a no win situation.

get a job

I'm a full time student in college numb nuts.
Why are you going to college numb nuts? There's a demand for numb nuts?
I'm all for dismantling the ACA, even though it's not "affordable" but this isn't the proper change I would vote for if I were a senator.

-Lazy old people are still getting more "tax credits" than those in their late teens and early 20's. Old people should have to pull money from their fucking 401k or pension before getting any kind of support for health insurance seeing as they're the ones driving up the costs and mooching off of the millennials. Yes, just sit on your lazy ass while the working class pays for your health insurance premium, why not? Better yet, why don't we give you a HIGHER subsidy than the working class? I don't think so. The government should tell each person above age 60 they'll get $50 a month if they get off their lazy asses and go to the gym at least three times a week. There's no point in having the highest percentage of taxpayer dollars going towards those who will die within 10-15 years anyways. This part of the law is the stupidest idea ever.

-The coverage until 26 mandate needs to go. People ages 18-26 should be paying for their own insurance. Other people within the same insurance company are paying for these people which adds to their premiums. It's a bad idea to even keep this idea in the new law. I'd say it's past due that college students actually get a punch in gut for once rather than coddling for a change. Be a man and pay for your own health insurance.

-Additionally, pediatric dentistry services should not be included in health insurance, and neither should preventative services, which also drive up premiums.

-Catastrophic insurance should be offered to anyone with with an income less than $75,000/year or $150,000 if married, and it allows for a high deductible, lost cost premium for sudden medical emergencies, with an HSA attached of course.
LOL Well now, fuck you, too. So you don't like old people. Well this 73 year old man is working full time in a steel mill. 4 12's days, 4 days off, 4 12;s nights. And I have earned the SS and Medicare I get. Many 60 to 80 hr weeks to get near maximum. My parents earned every cent they got from SS and Medicare. It is people like you that benefit from the nation they built, and I have helped build. You are nothing but an ingrate, caring for nobody but yourself.
It's so fucking stupid, because you don't get the tax credit to pay for the insurance... you have to have your own money up front to pay for it and then get reimbursed. So if you are poor and can't afford it up front, then you don't get the credit... it's a no win situation.

get a job

I'm a full time student in college numb nuts.
Why are you going to college numb nuts? There's a demand for numb nuts?
No, Ice, you are not in demand.
It's so fucking stupid, because you don't get the tax credit to pay for the insurance... you have to have your own money up front to pay for it and then get reimbursed. So if you are poor and can't afford it up front, then you don't get the credit... it's a no win situation.

get a job

I'm a full time student in college numb nuts.
Why are you going to college numb nuts? There's a demand for numb nuts?
No, Ice, you are not in demand.
Portlandia speaks.
I'm all for dismantling the ACA, even though it's not "affordable" but this isn't the proper change I would vote for if I were a senator.

-Lazy old people are still getting more "tax credits" than those in their late teens and early 20's. Old people should have to pull money from their fucking 401k or pension before getting any kind of support for health insurance seeing as they're the ones driving up the costs and mooching off of the millennials. Yes, just sit on your lazy ass while the working class pays for your health insurance premium, why not? Better yet, why don't we give you a HIGHER subsidy than the working class? I don't think so. The government should tell each person above age 60 they'll get $50 a month if they get off their lazy asses and go to the gym at least three times a week. There's no point in having the highest percentage of taxpayer dollars going towards those who will die within 10-15 years anyways. This part of the law is the stupidest idea ever.

-The coverage until 26 mandate needs to go. People ages 18-26 should be paying for their own insurance. Other people within the same insurance company are paying for these people which adds to their premiums. It's a bad idea to even keep this idea in the new law. I'd say it's past due that college students actually get a punch in gut for once rather than coddling for a change. Be a man and pay for your own health insurance.

-Additionally, pediatric dentistry services should not be included in health insurance, and neither should preventative services, which also drive up premiums.

-Catastrophic insurance should be offered to anyone with with an income less than $75,000/year or $150,000 if married, and it allows for a high deductible, lost cost premium for sudden medical emergencies, with an HSA attached of course.
LOL Well now, fuck you, too. So you don't like old people. Well this 73 year old man is working full time in a steel mill. 4 12's days, 4 days off, 4 12;s nights. And I have earned the SS and Medicare I get. Many 60 to 80 hr weeks to get near maximum. My parents earned every cent they got from SS and Medicare. It is people like you that benefit from the nation they built, and I have helped build. You are nothing but an ingrate, caring for nobody but yourself.
sounds like he dont like oldsters dont it?....i wonder if he realizes he will be one one day?....
Won't pass....

Millions would die at home if it passed.

Needs 60 votes anyways....Not a single fucking democrat better ever think about voting for this trash!

Democrats should bring up a bill for full blown single payer!

You're wrong... billions would die. Not a single democrat.. Or what? What you gonna do?

I do agree with you on one point, it's trash.
It does say that Medicaid expansion stays in place as is until 2020... that's about the only good thing about it.

Knowing more about the proposed bill, there are some good things about it, but there is much more I don't like.

I don't know why republicans think that they have to use ACA as a core for their bill? Shifting from a mandatory purchase of the insurance to the "tax credits" to purchase the insurance still looks to me like entitlement with a different name. In addition to that, allowing purchasing plans across the state lines in combination with "tax credits" looks identical to the welfare reform from the nineties, where welfare was shifted from federal gov't to the states, while funding was still coming from the feds, therefore, still controlled by the feds. My tax money still goes to the federal government for the insurance, and just because they're not managing it, it doesn't mean they're not spending on it. I want federal government completely out of the health insurance business.
See how they lie:
In general, individuals and families may be eligible for the premium tax credit if their household income for the year is at least 100 percent but no more than 400 percent of the federal poverty line for their family size. For residents of one of the 48 contiguous states or Washington, D.C., the following illustrates when household income would be at least 100 percent but no more than 400 percent of the federal poverty line in computing your premium tax credit for 2015:
  • $11,670 (100%) up to $46,680 (400%) for one individual
  • $15,730 (100%) up to $62,920 (400%) for a family of two
  • $23,850 (100%) up to $95,400 (400%) for a family of four
  • The way it is now and it sure does help lower and middle income families, does the GOP think the citizens of the US are that dumb??

  • Now you will not get credit throughout the year to help pay like the ACA, so if you do not have HI throughout the year, no credit.

  • This is a rough outline and it doubles the HSAs 'for the wealthy, the poor do no have HSA's. Also only the most wealthy pay tax on the ACA, not most of the people in the US ,

  • What it is is a tax cut for the wealthiest and a tax free savings account.

  • No mandate, so the losers can go without health insurance, I want hospitals to be able to refuse care for those without insurance, no medical care at all. I am sick of you loafers who do not have insurance and many of you are on this board.

It's so fucking stupid, because you don't get the tax credit to pay for the insurance... you have to have your own money up front to pay for it and then get reimbursed. So if you are poor and can't afford it up front, then you don't get the credit... it's a no win situation.

It is the let them die health plan...If you're rich = you win, if you're poor you die! It is sick.

In about twenty minute span, you posted the same thing twice. Autistic?
I'm all for dismantling the ACA, even though it's not "affordable" but this isn't the proper change I would vote for if I were a senator.

-Lazy old people are still getting more "tax credits" than those in their late teens and early 20's. Old people should have to pull money from their fucking 401k or pension before getting any kind of support for health insurance seeing as they're the ones driving up the costs and mooching off of the millennials. Yes, just sit on your lazy ass while the working class pays for your health insurance premium, why not? Better yet, why don't we give you a HIGHER subsidy than the working class? I don't think so. The government should tell each person above age 60 they'll get $50 a month if they get off their lazy asses and go to the gym at least three times a week. There's no point in having the highest percentage of taxpayer dollars going towards those who will die within 10-15 years anyways. This part of the law is the stupidest idea ever.

-The coverage until 26 mandate needs to go. People ages 18-26 should be paying for their own insurance. Other people within the same insurance company are paying for these people which adds to their premiums. It's a bad idea to even keep this idea in the new law. I'd say it's past due that college students actually get a punch in gut for once rather than coddling for a change. Be a man and pay for your own health insurance.

-Additionally, pediatric dentistry services should not be included in health insurance, and neither should preventative services, which also drive up premiums.

-Catastrophic insurance should be offered to anyone with with an income less than $75,000/year or $150,000 if married, and it allows for a high deductible, lost cost premium for sudden medical emergencies, with an HSA attached of course.
If you are over 60 or 1-26 and you're poor you need government help for your health I think. :(
Same think for those who have babies in need of dental therapies but don't have money to pay :(

State government, not federal government.
20 -40 millions Americans lose insurance.

Tens of thousands die.

And Republicans celebrate the massacre of their countrymen, the majority who are from red states.

Agreed, and yet we subsidized their HI and pay their salaries, time for them to go home and get a real job.
These people who received subsidies have a job
You are a nasty person. I can tell. I have always felt it appropriate to take care of seniors who need help. I bet you would never take care of your parents, or visit them as they are just a drain on society. $75 grand for a single man or women, are you on drugs.

Do you know who subsidizes congressmen's health insurance , We Do, and I'd like to say tomorrow you may find yourself a quad, with a brain but non working body and you would be a drain on society, or a para and then you would also be a drain, ALS, lets make it a bad case of MS so you suffer a long time. I have no idea about your upbringing , but we can safely assume it was not good.
So the middle class who's already squeezed to hell has to support these people? Y

You are the kind of people that makes other good people simply hate Conservatism.
Old Rocks, posted
"LOL Well now, fuck you, too. So you don't like old people. Well this 73 year old man is working full time in a steel mill. 4 12's days, 4 days off, 4 12;s nights. And I have earned the SS and Medicare I get. Many 60 to 80 hr weeks to get near maximum. My parents earned every cent they got from SS and Medicare. It is people like you that benefit from the nation they built, and I have helped build. You are nothing but an ingrate, caring for nobody but yourself."

Hear! Hear! Good post!

Solid good response, you senile old shit.

I might have to take you off ignore after that one.

sounds like he dont like oldsters dont it?....i wonder if he realizes he will be one one day?....

Yes, he is another immortal young fucktard that thinks he is a Libertarian.
This bill is not a serious bill from Paul Ryans cronies. He is setting Trump up to fail, like the old GOP Establishment snake he is.

Did Paul Ryan intentionally sabotage his own health care plan?

While some grumbling from House conservatives was inevitable, it's odd that he couldn't get buy-in from conservative organizations for a replacement plan. On its face, everything about this botched rollout seems like gross political incompetence.

Another, and perhaps more plausible, answer is that Ryan couldn't possibly be this inept. He didn't get his allies on board for a simple reason: He doesn't actually want any major repeal plan to pass.

This isn't to say that Ryan would not, all things being equal, like to kill the Affordable Care Act. His entire political career has been devoted to attacking programs for the poor to pay for upper-class tax cuts. But now passing and maintaining tax cuts and achieving other crucial objectives means Republicans must keep control of Congress — and that's where ACA repeal becomes a major political liability.

Now that it's being seriously threatened, the ACA is popular. And as Greg Sargent of The Washington Post explains, passing RyanCare would almost certainly be a political disaster in the 2018 and 2020 elections. Marginal voters might favor "small government" and oppose the "government takeover of health care" in the abstract, but that doesn't mean they won't object to having their coverage taken away or made substantially worse.

Passing a health care bill that takes coverage away from voters would also complicate what will already be a difficult political situation for the Republicans. They've benefited from having the opposition control the White House during a time of gridlock, but now the shoe is on the other foot. The out party generally fares better in midterm elections to begin with. Even worse for Republicans, the popularity of the president is the best predictor of how the party will fare in congressional elections. And while Donald Trump was able to eke out an Electoral College win with a lot of help from an unpopular opponent and the FBI, he remains a very unpopular figure.

As Sargent says, because the gerrymandered House and the 2018 Senate map both favor Republicans, it's possible that the GOP could maintain control of both houses anyway, but there's only so much political damage they can sustain. (And remember that while gerrymandering helps you in a typical election, because it involves spreading out your supporters, it makes a party more vulnerable to major losses in a wave election.) Cutting their losses, letting ACA repeal die, and focusing on priorities that won't generate waves of intense opposition from all sides is probably the least bad political option for the GOP.
Paul Ryan is pulling the wool over Trumps eyes, but I doubt Trump is going to fall for it.

I bet Trump will take this trap and rework it into a proper law that America will be proud of.
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It does say that Medicaid expansion stays in place as is until 2020... that's about the only good thing about it.

That part sounds good, but its still too vague. I'm sure they will whittle it away slowly.
At least the penalties will disappear for the non insured.

Why Medicaid expansion is good?

I don't get it, why people are so hooked to idea that federal government will solve anything? ACA is a scam (what else ever came from feds, especially from democrats) that would eventually evolve to single payer. Here is the example: Since ACA started, over $21 billion in over payment tax credits was awarded to individuals not eligible to receive them. Those with low or moderate income receive "tax credits" to help them purchase insurance on exchanges, but... tax credits on what tax paid in? None!

So, they created the program that forces people to buy something, than government says "we'll give you the money to buy it", and not just that, "we'll give you money for the premium plan". Who wouldn't sign up for that?

So what this republican plan is doing is pretty much the same, just lighter version, that might actually be worse version of ACA because it's another program paid for by "tax credits" and that is money they haven't collected. It's just another version of "earned income tax credit" that continues to create zero liability voters.

That for one proves to me that Republicans have no idea what to do, what they want, or what they're doing. It's happening all over the same shit again. Democrats, in their all passion and empathy, create entitlement that gets in trouble, than Republicans... instead of getting rid of the program that doesn't work, are trying to fix it. Why they think that they can manage better something that was bad idea from the start?

Oh my, this thing got me going...

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