American Jan 6 Traitor Will Serve 7 Years. Sentenced to 6 Years

Who said they were false names? Those were the ballots that Zuckerberg paid to collect from ignorant, stupid, and/or lazy people - an army of 250,000 activists he sent out in the overwhelming Democrat areas.

Thats not a true election, or a honest reflection of what Americans wanted.
Oh so these people did actually vote for President Biden but what you object to is they got counted, that's how democracy works.
Oh so these people did actually vote for President Biden but what you object to is they got counted, that's how democracy works.
No, they didn’t actively vote for Biden. The Dems went into poor apartment buildings and talked ignorant people into checking the box for Biden, since, doncha know, he’s going to give them free stuff and meanie Trump won’t.

As I said, that does not reflect a true election. There’s a reason we require (or used to) people to go to the polls to vote: they care enough to vote and are smart enough to get to the polls.

Paying 250,000 activists to farm out into poor areas and manipulate them into checking the box for the Democrat is NOT a valid election.
One slept with a Chinese spy
Maria Butina infiltrated the Republican Party, the NRA, and the Trump campaign while spying for Russia.

Should we remove and ban all of them from participating in government? Because I'll take that deal, even with the loss of Swalwell. What do you say? 🤣
Maria Butina infiltrated the Republican Party, the NRA, and the Trump campaign while spying for Russia.

Should we remove and ban all of them from participating in government? Because I'll take that deal, even with the loss of Swalwell. What do you say? 🤣
I say I have no idea what twisted story you’re repeating, especially since there’s no link. I’ll let someone who knows what this deluded Democrat ^^^ is talking about take it up.
No, they didn’t actively vote for Biden. The Dems went into poor apartment buildings and talked ignorant people into checking the box for Biden, since, doncha know, he’s going to give them free stuff and meanie Trump won’t.

As I said, that does not reflect a true election. There’s a reason we require (or used to) people to go to the polls to vote: they care enough to vote and are smart enough to get to the polls.

Paying 250,000 activists to farm out into poor areas and manipulate them into checking the box for the Democrat is NOT a valid election.
Bull shit. I'd like to see evidence of that it shouldn't be hard sure one of the 250000 will tell all.
I disagree. THAT is protest based on rage over a stolen election. I hammer this point home as often as I need to.
You folks are like children in that you are convinced that because the media echoes your belief, that belief cannot be questioned. When tens of millions of other Americans do not believe your narrative, that matters.
You wouldn't kneel before a nation that had someone like Trump in charge, even if the media always said he was right. You'd balk, you'd resist. To expect less from your neighbors is ridiculously naive.
Rage BS, Trump lost the election to a much better man. Yes it was a violent attack on the Republic.
Bull shit. I'd like to see evidence of that it shouldn't be hard sure one of the 250000 will tell all.
What bullshit? You didn’t know that Zuckerberg forked over half a billion dollars to hire an army of activists to collect ballots? Wow. The lib media you listen to sure does hide the unsavory parts of the election. No wonder you think it was all legitimate.
Rage BS, Trump lost the election to a much better man. Yes it was a violent attack on the Republic.
Biden is a better man than Trump?! OMG, I’m going to throw up.

And you never did answer why I should share my business’s profit with my employees, after the risk and hard work I took to start and grow it. All I owe them is a fair paycheck, based on market rates and their value to my company.
You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right?

This guy -- Julian Khater of Somerset, N.J -- is a traitor

View attachment 751740

"In court Friday, Sicknick's mother, Gladys Sicknick, told Khater, "You attacked my son like he was an animal. You are the animal, Mr. Khater. ... How does it feel to be headed to jail for a bald-faced lie?""

The most unambiguous example of Pure Spoiled Bratiness.
Like this Unamerican Trials { January 6th Hearings } and whatever
fabricated nonsense these Unamerican pukes pulled.
They dint fool anyone.No one with half a brain tied behind their back
was fooled by the most absurd reality known as the January 6th Insurrection.
How can an Insurrection exist when Not One Firearm was *used or collected.
The only shot fired was from a Capitol Cop who had a reputation as
as careless with weapons.No finer example of pure Unamericanism.
It was Stasi tactic from the start.With use of the word - Insurrection -.
The democrats concerted effort to play politics in order to
unravel the American conscience with sheer folly and parading of
East German style justice.These democrat scumbags got their point
across and a whole lot more.They proved how a Country and a party
{ specifically the Democrat Party } is more than willing and able
to toss out what America stood upon.For Liberty,Due Process and
fairness.Just toss it overboard.Like never existing and then acting like
complete toadies as if under mind control.Or Hysteria driven mad from
Psychological MK Ultra { full spectrum dominance }.

* By anyone other than a capitol Cop.Who shot to death { murdered }
Ashli Babbett w/o as much a warning.His name being held for
months.Then in typical Unamerican fashion was given heaps of praise
by these Unamerican Assklowns who weren't satisfied.They had to go
and Lie more and bigger.Making the claim as did Biden and also\
newly appointed House Democrat leader { Minority Speaker }
Jeffries that 5 were killed on January 6th by Insurrectionists.
Pure adulterated ... :
What bullshit? You didn’t know that Zuckerberg forked over half a billion dollars to hire an army of activists to collect ballots? Wow. The lib media you listen to sure does hide the unsavory parts of the election. No wonder you think it was all legitimate.
Great show me a link, I read conspiracy theory entertainment. A couple of links will be fine. BTW there is no "liberal" media, it's just what it is media, you just don't like what it reports and it has barely begun to report on your Chump's crimes.
Biden is a better man than Trump?! OMG, I’m going to throw up.

And you never did answer why I should share my business’s profit with my employees, after the risk and hard work I took to start and grow it. All I owe them is a fair paycheck, based on market rates and their value to my company.
You are obviously a poor judge of character. When Trump faked the elector returns what's your opinion of his Intregrity? I'll wait. President Biden is a good man and he has restored America back from the Trump debacle.
Yes. I frighten you. BTW, it took real guts for you to admit this. 👍🏻
Since you don't know how google works, let me help you. You are about as frightening as a barking chihuahua and just as annoying.

What is Wokeism?​

Wokeism is weaponized personal grievances masquerading as a genuine social concern. It’s defined by its fraudulent nature, as being distinct from legitimate social grievances. Wokeism only knows outrage — it knows not empathy for victims.
Yeah, right…..nothing to question. Trump is ahead in six swing states, and in an unprecedented move, ALL six swing states call a midnight halt to the count for hours while they truck in tens of thousands of ballots that went 99% for Biden. A mathematical impossibility.

And you should worry more about the “president” that was installed as a result. He’s been selling out America to foreign enemies for years to enrich himself and his family, and now the weaponized DOJ won’t hand over the classified docs he stole to Congress.
Yep it's getting interesting for sure, and if I were a leftist I'd be a shamed to speak against republican's, especially against Trump ever again.
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That also might be why Biden is sending Ukraine tanks. Imagine the dirt they have on Hunter, and by extent Joe.

This is why you don’t elect a man president whose useless, drug addict son is getting millions from foreign countries for doing nothing.
Yes there could definitely indeed be some sort of connection that is leading Biden to back Ukraine regardless of the dangers it brings about with Russia, otherwise who has a nuke trigger just like those of us in the world also have as well. We just don't want anyone wanting to squeeze that trigger in the world anytime soon.
Truck in thousands of votes, you're nutz, where did these thousands of votes with individual names and bar codes come from. Who printed them in such short notice if just a few hours. If you're suckered into believing that you're a retarded moron. Now wonder Trump loves the poorly educated and stupid. BTW Biden was ahead in the RCP poll of polls for months before the election but facts aren't your thing.
Just take the above sentence, and just delight in the irony of it everyone... ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Proper structure would be - It's no wonder why Trump loves the poorly educated and stupid.

I guess Trump really love's shareprofit then, because he's definitely not properly educated... 😂
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