American kids are among the dumbest in civilized world. Why?

In the Fifties one of the great movements in education, the "keep em in school" crusade began. Juveniles delinquency was becoming a problem and schools began to try and keep em in school and off the streets. Until then most of the 25% that graduated could read and write. But to keep that other 75% in school, schools had to change and how is that done. Well you can't have twenty year olds in a Junior High so social promotion came into being when a kid got too big for the desks he was promoted, tests had to be easier, reading was nice and so was math but it wasn't pushed for some. Anyway they got the dropout rate down to 50%. That is just one of the many many problems of education in America. Ah if we could only blame all those problems on one entity, say drunken boards of education, or better, teacher unions.
Yellows and Whites are the smartest people in the world. As the skin gets darker, the IQ gets lower. racial demographics are better predictor of academic ability than levels of unionization, competition, or cost.

Of course, we could do better with more competition and fewer unions...
The Department of Education and the Teacher's Unions.

Next question.

Five states do not allow teacher unions. Those states have the lowest test scores in the nation. Might be easy to check the condition of education before and after the Department of education was established. Wonder if it's better or worse?
1) unions

2) lack of competition

3) free tuition

Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world!

The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

American kids are among the dumbest in civilized world. Why?

Maybe because thier parents are among the dumbest and most misinformed willfully ignorant morons in the civilized world?
are you going to kill or replace the parents???????

Liberals are thinking "yes" to your question. In Communist countries, the nation's children are typically raised in boarding schools. But, it's not academic excellence liberals are interested... it's just more control of others that they're interested in.

What we can do is replace the liberal influence in the schools with Republican vouchers and competition

School choice is antithetical to the liberal agenda of controlling others.
The Department of Education and the Teacher's Unions.

Next question.

Five states do not allow teacher unions. Those states have the lowest test scores in the nation. Might be easy to check the condition of education before and after the Department of education was established. Wonder if it's better or worse?

Name those states pal.

Go ahead, look at how things were back before the DoE. Compare the US to the rest of the world then. I'll wait.
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1) unions

2) lack of competition

3) free tuition

Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world!

The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

I'll agree with 2 but the others are just complete stupidity on your part
1) unions

2) lack of competition

3) free tuition

Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world!

The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

I'll agree with 2 but the others are just complete stupidity on your part

Dear, chancellor of NYC schools said what he needed most was authority to fire bad teachers, unions block this of course because they have concern only for themselves, not the students.

Obviously when tuition is free parents don't shop for better and better education the way they would if they were paying for it!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, very slow.
School choice is antithetical to the liberal agenda of controlling others.

yes American was founded on the idea of individual liberty, but liberals hate that idea; in the case the idea of parents with the liberty
to chose their kid's schools.
This thread is a great example for anyone considering a career in teaching to immediately change their major.
If they haven't handed you a diploma it isn't too late...
1) unions

2) lack of competition

3) free tuition

Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world!

The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

I'll agree with 2 but the others are just complete stupidity on your part

Dear, chancellor of NYC schools said what he needed most was authority to fire bad teachers, unions block this of course because they have concern only for themselves, not the students.

Obviously when tuition is free parents don't shop for better and better education the way they would if they were paying for it!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow, very slow.

Way to much control in private schools and the costs, ugh. The teachers are also arrogant and full of themselves, they also tend to be way to strict when it comes to things that have nothing to do with education and instil conformity even more so then public schools.

Mavronumon Waxing Philosophical: The Problem - Betsumons Sanctuary
1) unions 2) lack of competition 3) free tuition
Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world! The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

One, American kids are not the dumbest.

Two, far right extremists like you are trying to make them the dumbest by changing traditional definitions of politics and history.

Three, you will fail.
1) unions 2) lack of competition 3) free tuition
Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world! The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

One, American kids are not the dumbest.

Two, far right extremists like you are trying to make them the dumbest by changing traditional definitions of politics and history.

Three, you will fail.

Don't get offended Jake. You might get smarter when you grow up.
Our "educational" system was taken over by Progressives, that's why it's a disaster but it's intentionally destroyed
1) unions 2) lack of competition 3) free tuition
Liberals approve of and continue to support the above status quo because it was their dream come true, and so they are 100% responsible for making our kids among the dumbest in the world! The obvious solution is to remove liberal influence from education.

Two, far right extremists like you are trying to make them the dumbest by changing traditional definitions of politics and history.

And then we have Far-Left extremists who think it's more important to teach LGBT education then science, math and reading.

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