American killed by bow and arrow trying to visit forbidden North Sentinel Island...

Answered in the previous post. What does law have to do with anything?

What does your nonsense have to do with wiping out an ecosystem?

You go in they will all be dead


Are you saying they murdered him to prevent him from bringing in diseases they arent immune to?

No that's what they are protected ..

They killed him because he invaded there territory, just like a bear would protecting her Cubs.

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Name them in 2018, you uneducated potato Head .
Why would the year matter? Most uncontacted tribes dont murder the first time they see outsiders. Can you refute that point?
What does your nonsense have to do with wiping out an ecosystem?

You go in they will all be dead


Are you saying they murdered him to prevent him from bringing in diseases they arent immune to?

No that's what they are protected ..

They killed him because he invaded there territory, just like a bear would protecting her Cubs.

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Name them in 2018, you uneducated potato Head .
Why would the year matter? Most uncontacted tribes dont murder the first time they see outsiders. Can you refute that point?

Uhm read history?

Answered in the previous post. What does law have to do with anything?

What does your nonsense have to do with wiping out an ecosystem?

You go in they will all be dead


Are you saying they murdered him to prevent him from bringing in diseases they arent immune to?

No that's what they are protected ..

They killed him because he invaded there territory, just like a bear would protecting her Cubs.

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Btw your libtard morality of baby killing is not mine...

Im a life long republican. Wrong again.
Are you saying they murdered him to prevent him from bringing in diseases they arent immune to?

No that's what they are protected ..

They killed him because he invaded there territory, just like a bear would protecting her Cubs.

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Name them in 2018, you uneducated potato Head .
Why would the year matter? Most uncontacted tribes dont murder the first time they see outsiders. Can you refute that point?

Uhm read history?

Such as? First contact with indians wasnt bad. No one was murdered. Hell, we just celebrated Thanks Giving yesterday.
No that's what they are protected ..

They killed him because he invaded there territory, just like a bear would protecting her Cubs.

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Name them in 2018, you uneducated potato Head .
Why would the year matter? Most uncontacted tribes dont murder the first time they see outsiders. Can you refute that point?

Uhm read history?

Such as? First contact with indians wasnt bad. No one was murdered. Hell, we just celebrated Thanks Giving yesterday.

Bullshit...there was like what over a 100 different tribes plus in America you fool

You do realize that most uncontacted tribes dont kill people on sight, right? You can go watch quite a few videos of first contact on youtube, but only these shit dicks try to kill people every time. Morality does not require sophistication.

Name them in 2018, you uneducated potato Head .
Why would the year matter? Most uncontacted tribes dont murder the first time they see outsiders. Can you refute that point?

Uhm read history?

Such as? First contact with indians wasnt bad. No one was murdered. Hell, we just celebrated Thanks Giving yesterday.

Bullshit...there was like what over a 100 different tribes plus in America you fool

Were people murdered the first time the other 99 were met? If so, what were the circumstances? Lets examine your evidence.
God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.
God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.
God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.

That's your bullshit evidence, propaganda?

No context what so ever..

God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.

That's your bullshit evidence, propaganda?

No context what so ever..


And where did they get the beads from ?

God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.
“The people are going to come out,” said José Carlos Meirelles, a veteran of more than 40 years working to protect some of Brazil’s most mysterious and seldom-glimpsed “uncontacted tribes” along its remote and largely lawless border with Peru. “I believe we’re going to see a succession of first contacts in the coming ten years.

Peru’s official policy of “no contact,” adopted in 2006, remains unchanged with respect to the 14 or 15 tribes living in isolation within its boundaries. Torres explained that an exception was made in the case of this particular group of Mashco-Piro because they are actively seeking contact with the outside world, exposing themselves to grave danger.

Some Isolated Tribes in the Amazon Are Initiating Contact
God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.

That's your bullshit evidence, propaganda?

No context what so ever..


And where did they get the beads from ?


Clearly from a peaceful first contact, right?
God are you stupid

Roanoke Colony - Wikipedia

The initial settlement was established in the summer of 1585, but a lack of supplies and bad relations with the local Native Americans caused many of its members to return to England with Sir Francis Drake a year later, leaving behind a small detachment. These men had all disappeared by the time a second expedition led by John White, who also served as the colony's governor, arrived in July 1587. White, whose granddaughter Virginia Dare was born there shortly thereafter (making her the first English child born in the New World), left for England in late 1587 to request assistance from the government, but was prevented from returning to Roanoke until August 1590 due to the Anglo-Spanish War. Upon his arrival, the entire colony was missing with only a single clue to indicate what happened to them: the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree.

That's your bullshit evidence, propaganda?

No context what so ever..


This one is actually really interesting. Worth the 6 minutes.


Uncontacted tribes: the threats

Uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable peoples on earth. A vast array of powerful forces are ranged against them.
Cattle ranchers

Cattle ranching has destroyed nearly all the Akuntsu’s land.
Of all the tribal peoples wiped out for standing in the way of ‘progress’, few are as poignant as the Akuntsu. Their fate is all the more tragic for being so recent.

No-one speaks their language, so the precise details of what happened to them may never be known. But when agents of Brazil’s Indian affairs department FUNAI contacted them in 1995, they found that the cattle ranchers who had taken over the Indians’ land had massacred almost all the tribe, and bulldozed their houses to try to cover up the massacre.


The Akuntsu are a tiny Amazonian tribe of just five individuals. They are the last known survivors of their people and live in Rondônia state, western Brazil.
© Fiona Watson/Survival
Just five Akuntsu survive. One of the men, Pupak, has lead shot still buried in his back, and mimes the gunmen who pursued him on horseback. He and his small band of survivors now live alone in a fragment of forest – all that remains of their land, and their people.

Introduced diseases are the biggest killer of isolated tribal people, who have not developed immunity to viruses such as influenza, measles and chicken pox that most other societies have been in contact with for hundreds of years.

In Peru, more than 50% of the previously-uncontacted Nahua tribe were wiped out following oil exploration on their land in the early 1980s, and the same tragedy engulfed the Murunahua in the mid-1990s after being forcibly contacted by illegal mahogany loggers.


Jorge lost an eye during first contact
© Survival
One of the Murunahua survivors, Jorge, who lost an eye during first contact, told a Survival researcher, ‘The disease came when the loggers made contact with us, although we didn’t know what a cold was then. The disease killed us. Half of us died. My aunt died, my nephew died. Half of my people died.’

Christian missionaries, who have been making first contact with tribes for five hundred years, are still trying to do so today. Often believing that the tribes are ‘primitive’ and living pitiful lives ‘in the dark’, the missionaries’ ultimate aim is to convert them to Christianity – at whatever cost to the tribal peoples’ own health and wishes

Uncontacted tribes: the threats

Uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable peoples on earth. A vast array of powerful forces are ranged against them.
Cattle ranchers

Cattle ranching has destroyed nearly all the Akuntsu’s land.
Of all the tribal peoples wiped out for standing in the way of ‘progress’, few are as poignant as the Akuntsu. Their fate is all the more tragic for being so recent.

No-one speaks their language, so the precise details of what happened to them may never be known. But when agents of Brazil’s Indian affairs department FUNAI contacted them in 1995, they found that the cattle ranchers who had taken over the Indians’ land had massacred almost all the tribe, and bulldozed their houses to try to cover up the massacre.


The Akuntsu are a tiny Amazonian tribe of just five individuals. They are the last known survivors of their people and live in Rondônia state, western Brazil.
© Fiona Watson/Survival
Just five Akuntsu survive. One of the men, Pupak, has lead shot still buried in his back, and mimes the gunmen who pursued him on horseback. He and his small band of survivors now live alone in a fragment of forest – all that remains of their land, and their people.

Introduced diseases are the biggest killer of isolated tribal people, who have not developed immunity to viruses such as influenza, measles and chicken pox that most other societies have been in contact with for hundreds of years.

In Peru, more than 50% of the previously-uncontacted Nahua tribe were wiped out following oil exploration on their land in the early 1980s, and the same tragedy engulfed the Murunahua in the mid-1990s after being forcibly contacted by illegal mahogany loggers.


Jorge lost an eye during first contact
© Survival
One of the Murunahua survivors, Jorge, who lost an eye during first contact, told a Survival researcher, ‘The disease came when the loggers made contact with us, although we didn’t know what a cold was then. The disease killed us. Half of us died. My aunt died, my nephew died. Half of my people died.’

Christian missionaries, who have been making first contact with tribes for five hundred years, are still trying to do so today. Often believing that the tribes are ‘primitive’ and living pitiful lives ‘in the dark’, the missionaries’ ultimate aim is to convert them to Christianity – at whatever cost to the tribal peoples’ own health and wishes
It sounds like the tribe wasnt the group with the moral issues.

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