American net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since the stimulus

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Ive said for two years that this board member is the most naive dolt we got on the USMESSAGEBOARD!!! Proves it on average about every two weeks on this forum.


s0n.......this is the POLITICS forum and not the Conspiracy Theory forum.:D:D

yuk.........yuk..............Election 2012: Wisconsin President - Rasmussen Reports™

No, Naive implies he is just ignorant of the Truth.

Chris is fully aware of the Truth. He is just a lying, Left Wing, Propagandists.

A true Believer in Alinski. Just keep telling the lie, and eventually it becomes the truth.
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OMG, I thought I had seen it all but really?

America's Average Net worth is DOWN by 40%.

What a fucking loser.

You are correct....Americans lost a fortune under Republican leadership

Republican leadership? Which party has control of the Senate since 2007? Which had control of the House from 2007 until 2011? So the democrats and things like Frank/Dodd garbage did not add to such loss?

American net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since the stimulus...

and Scott Walker is no longer the Governor of Wisconsin
Hey Chris.........I know you are a bit of a science buff...............

Did you hear about the fossil remains they found in France? Fucking Giants!!! They are saying the nose is a clear indication of some kind of ancient alien life form that resembled humans quite closely..........but the nose is a dead giveaway its not human. Google it though bro...........

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wow, a lot of chris's posts are coming back to haunt him, well, not really, some folks have no shame.
Yes and no.

Yes, American corporations are making historic profits. They are sitting on trillions. Wall Street has made historic profits. Oil companies have never made so much. The number one US export is gasoline. Taxes for corporations are at historic lows. US oil production has never been so high. So in that regard, America's net worth is up "Trillions". No news here. It's something reported in every business publication for the last year.

Now about the Middle Class:

In 2007, the average wealth for a middle class homeowner was around $122,000.00. But at the end of the Republican economic recession in 2010, that number dropped to about $77,000.00. Pensions destroyed. Retirement accounts raided. From 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved to China. Part of that move was paid for by the Bush/Republican tax cuts. Tens of thousands of factories closed and people making tens of millions of dollars are paying less than %15 in taxes. The wealth of the nation has been "redistributed" upward to the top 1%.

So over all, the nation has gotten richer. But not the "middle class". People like Romney see the nation is people like him. Mitt doesn't see "America" when he looks at middle class people. In fact, not even middle class Republicans see "America" when they look at the middle class. They see people like Mitt, super rich and cruel beyond belief, as "true Americans" and what America should be like. How they got this way? I don't know. But it's pretty clear.
Thanks for the Depression, Pubs/dupes. Lost 7 million jobs, 40% of wealth- no typical Pub recession! Now 4.2 million new jobs and 9 trillion rebound in wealth since the stimulus stopped the bleeding, despite nonstop Pub noncooperation and BS fearmongering....You and your party are a disgrace...

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