American Once Again Mourns Over a Black Racist Anti-American, Antisemites Celebrity

I am glad to see our resident haters how shitting on another dead person.

That is what they do.

A celebrity dies- and they line up to take a dump on him.

Hypocrisy much. You guys were singing and dancing when Scalia, a truly great man, died.
Wow. You got all that out of your system, buddy?

If Ali were running for office, all the stuff you complain about might be a big deal.....

But he was a boxer. Now, not a fan of boxing myself, but he was good at what he did, and he didn't beclown himself like George Foreman or Mike Tyson did after they retired.
The only thing good about Ali was his boxing. Truth hurts.

I will admit I enjoyed watching his matches (from history clips) and she documentary on his and Foreman's fight was magnificent.
Our comedy duo for the day folks! Captain Hook and Horse Shit! Anyone care to post some WONDERFUL racist quotes from the Talmud for us please!

Nice red herring for the grand wizard himself. You are a mental midget so we shouldn't expect much less.
cry little baby cry....this is highly amusing. A person the world loves hated jews and you can't handle it! LMAO its amusing as hell!
He didn't really peach or hate on the Jews he made one comment. My issue with him was his hatred for America and white people who treated him so well.

Now go back into a hole fucko!
Oh he made A LOT of comments about jews. He didn't hate America he hated the pieces of shit running the country. I was looking up his thoughts and quotes on jews earlier. There is a lot of ammo.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

If working class whites ever truly awaken they will know who their real friends and allies are, and it has never been afluent white corpratists.
I get that the media will do their hero worship. I don't know that Cassius Clay was all that bad of a guy, though. He certainly was a bit racist; oh well.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

If working class whites ever truly awaken they will know who their real friends and allies are, and it has never been afluent white corpratists.
I agree there but the white race needs to stick together cull the herd of scum like the jewish owned corporatists lackey's and fight on.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

If working class whites ever truly awaken they will know who their real friends and allies are, and it has never been afluent white corpratists.
I agree there but the white race needs to stick together cull the herd of scum like the jewish owned corporatists lackey's and fight on.

Sorry, can't get with your "jewish" broad brushing. Concerning the state corporatists? Yeah, that's THE problem; wealth and power redistributed out of and away from society into the hands of a tyrannical few at the top.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

If working class whites ever truly awaken they will know who their real friends and allies are, and it has never been afluent white corpratists.
It's been homeless black drug addicts?
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

I don't want Hillary, but Trump won by conning mental midgets like you.

A half decent GOP candidate could have beat Hillary, but we are stuck with Trump, again because of mental midgets like you!
I get that the media will do their hero worship. I don't know that Cassius Clay was all that bad of a guy, though. He certainly was a bit racist; oh well.

I will admit there were a ton worse and he probably had zero impact on dividing America, probably even brought us together through his greatness in the ring. But I do get sick and tired of the hero worship without acknowledgement of the facts.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

If working class whites ever truly awaken they will know who their real friends and allies are, and it has never been afluent white corpratists.
It's been homeless black drug addicts?

For homeless white drug addicts, perhaps, thanks, hadn't considered that.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
Have your mommy explain to you the difference between "Mexicans" and "illegal aliens"

Trump proved he hates Mexicans by his attack on the Mexican-American judge.
Look little one: I verbally attack barack obama daily. I suppose you would call me racist because of that, but my 2nd wife would probably disagree.
Same deal with Trump and any Mexican-American advocate for illegal immigrants. It's not the man. It's not the skin color. It's the ideas.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
Have your mommy explain to you the difference between "Mexicans" and "illegal aliens"

Trump proved he hates Mexicans by his attack on the Mexican-American judge.
Look little one: I verbally attack barack obama daily. I suppose you would call me racist because of that, but my 2nd wife would probably disagree.
Same deal with Trump and any Mexican-American advocate for illegal immigrants. It's not the man. It's not the skin color. It's the ideas.
Agree, Ernie. I stay on Hillary's case all the time and catch hell for it from the left. But if I even mention Obama then I'm a bigot ,racist, hate the President because he is black and wish I still owned slaves. Leftists are the most thin-skinned, suspicious, hateful insecure critters on earth and deserve to suffer from permanent acid reflux and bleeding hemorrhoids.
So which is worse, hating the Jews or hating the Mexicans?

Mr. Trump, any comment?
What's worse for the anti whites is a white person that loves being white,acknowledges their white heritage and culture and fights for it. That would be Mr Trump.Oh and its not just that he acknowledges it its also the fact that he has made it popular enough for working class whites to wake from their slumber finally.

I don't want Hillary, but Trump won by conning mental midgets like you.

A half decent GOP candidate could have beat Hillary, but we are stuck with Trump, again because of mental midgets like you!
And Cassius Clay was the template for Trump's campaign persona.

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