American Patriot Ann Coulter: 'Deport Nikki Haley' ( I Agree!)

I would think Coulter would love Haley for all the conservative ideals she espouses.
I LOVE IT! How many "true" conservatives will stay at home election day if Stump is the GOP nominee. I think many, many will. HILARIOUS!:banana:
Poach more Rinos

Lol, good luck winning the election without moderates and some right leaning democrats!!!! LOL. aint happening.

I think Stump flies back home to NY each night and looks for more bridges to burn. The GOP had a chance of winning the WH back, but Stump has blown that away. FUNNY STUFF!
Having a Rino in office is epic fail... Career politicians are the lowest of life forms.
American Patriot Ann Coulter: 'Deport Nikki Haley' ( I Agree!)
Ann Coulter is a retard, first off Nikki Haley was born in the U.S., Coulter wants to deport U.S. citizens? Secondly Haley is a sitting governor from her own party that has managed to garner some good will nationwide with her handling of the Charleston shootings.

With members like Ann Coulter no wonder the Republican Party is so fucked up.

At least we don't have Al Sharpton like you do.
Today I heard Mark Levin rip Haley to pieces. He played a clip she said that made no sense. Media cover for her like she was a Demican.

She said something like "if a citizen who works hard and loves this country and wants to become a citizen" or something like that. It did not even pass the basic sense test and no one calls her on it?

The guy above is right. When they start gasping into Mic like Beagle faced Andrea Mitchel I cannot listen. It is sure sign of a Leftist. Always gasping for air.
She proved she's a diconnected RINO political whore in her SOTU response. She should realize Muslims killed over a 100 million Hindu's during their conquest and occupation of of India.

Ann Coulter: Deport Nikki Haley
Poach more Rinos

there is nothing "patriotic" about the coultergeist.

and not being a disgusting bigot doesn't make one a RINO....

unless of course bigotry is now GOP dogma. :cuckoo:

"not being a disgusting bigot doesn't make one a RINO...."

On the other hand, being a consistent libertarian or conservative is sure to get you labeled as a "disgusting bigot."
At least we don't have Al Sharpton like you do.
Holy Shit! I have Al Sharpton? Is there a cure ? Am I going to have to sacrifice any limbs to get rid of it? :eek:

"Come on: Al Sharpton on a hunger strike? Please. All he's doing is going on all the diets he should have been on for the past 20 years, all at once." -- Dennis Miller

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