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American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

That is not what Putin is saying..

I didn't see that either.
He is campaigning on a charge that it is the US which is evil and aggressive in world politics...Which is true...Yet it is true that Pootin has his own agenda at regaining lost power..You can tell by his announcement of new weapons which will destroy NATO yet NATO is no threat to Pootin and Russia. NATO fears Russian invasion..

They were at one point a Super Power and Putin (or anyone else in that position) will attempt to regain that status. It's a given. NATO is a cold war relic. It was an alliance that was created as a defense against the then Soviet Union with the Treaty of Brussels as a precursor. There are 29 member countries. If there is no threat then NATO has clearly outlived it's usefulness and is clearly a waste of time and money.
NATO was never a threat to the Ruskies it was a defensive organization for tactical and strategic planning....As far as a military force it's not much...

So, just so we are clear, should 29 countries create an alliance for tactical and strategic planning in preparation for an attack by the US then no one should bat an eye because it really is just a defensive organization.

NATO escalated shit in Bosnia and was all about creating conditions for exploitation in Libya.
When did they escalate fecal matter in Bosnia?
I didn't see that either.
He is campaigning on a charge that it is the US which is evil and aggressive in world politics...Which is true...Yet it is true that Pootin has his own agenda at regaining lost power..You can tell by his announcement of new weapons which will destroy NATO yet NATO is no threat to Pootin and Russia. NATO fears Russian invasion..

They were at one point a Super Power and Putin (or anyone else in that position) will attempt to regain that status. It's a given. NATO is a cold war relic. It was an alliance that was created as a defense against the then Soviet Union with the Treaty of Brussels as a precursor. There are 29 member countries. If there is no threat then NATO has clearly outlived it's usefulness and is clearly a waste of time and money.
NATO was never a threat to the Ruskies it was a defensive organization for tactical and strategic planning....As far as a military force it's not much...

So, just so we are clear, should 29 countries create an alliance for tactical and strategic planning in preparation for an attack by the US then no one should bat an eye because it really is just a defensive organization.

NATO escalated shit in Bosnia and was all about creating conditions for exploitation in Libya.
When did they escalate fecal matter in Bosnia?

Starting in 1992.
He is campaigning on a charge that it is the US which is evil and aggressive in world politics...Which is true...Yet it is true that Pootin has his own agenda at regaining lost power..You can tell by his announcement of new weapons which will destroy NATO yet NATO is no threat to Pootin and Russia. NATO fears Russian invasion..

They were at one point a Super Power and Putin (or anyone else in that position) will attempt to regain that status. It's a given. NATO is a cold war relic. It was an alliance that was created as a defense against the then Soviet Union with the Treaty of Brussels as a precursor. There are 29 member countries. If there is no threat then NATO has clearly outlived it's usefulness and is clearly a waste of time and money.
NATO was never a threat to the Ruskies it was a defensive organization for tactical and strategic planning....As far as a military force it's not much...

So, just so we are clear, should 29 countries create an alliance for tactical and strategic planning in preparation for an attack by the US then no one should bat an eye because it really is just a defensive organization.

NATO escalated shit in Bosnia and was all about creating conditions for exploitation in Libya.
When did they escalate fecal matter in Bosnia?

Starting in 1992.
I see, and there was nothing occurring there at the time...Just NATO aggression?
They were at one point a Super Power and Putin (or anyone else in that position) will attempt to regain that status. It's a given. NATO is a cold war relic. It was an alliance that was created as a defense against the then Soviet Union with the Treaty of Brussels as a precursor. There are 29 member countries. If there is no threat then NATO has clearly outlived it's usefulness and is clearly a waste of time and money.
NATO was never a threat to the Ruskies it was a defensive organization for tactical and strategic planning....As far as a military force it's not much...

So, just so we are clear, should 29 countries create an alliance for tactical and strategic planning in preparation for an attack by the US then no one should bat an eye because it really is just a defensive organization.

NATO escalated shit in Bosnia and was all about creating conditions for exploitation in Libya.
When did they escalate fecal matter in Bosnia?

Starting in 1992.
I see, and there was nothing occurring there at the time...Just NATO aggression?

That would be the escalation.

What do you propose? It seems most of the politicians are in dancing to the puppeteer strings instead of the voice of the people they supposedly represent.



Actually, I was hoping to hear some suggestions from some of you guys.

I think first step should be to admit that all those stupid Hollywood created stories about “bad Russians everywhere” are just propaganda and are aimed not to allow the two great nations to be partners but to make them feel they are each other's enemies instead.

Also it would be helpful to stop electing anti-Russian Congressmen like McCain but to allow some mild politicians to rule the country. Also it would be nice if those politicians are not in Soros pocket yet. BTW, a few days ago a group of Senators wrote an open letter to the Secretary of State with the request to normalize the relationship with Russia. From my point of view, the Congressmen like those should be very welcome to replace those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future and can't stop rocking the boat we are all in which is called the Earth. (it’s Putin’s quote)
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly

Also such kind of congressmen could have started cooperating with Trump instead of doing their best in hobbling him as the current Congressmen have been successfully doing.

Putin: I have the impression that this [better relationship with Russia] is what the current President wants, but he is prevented from doing it by some forces.
Interview to American TV channel NBC
I agree with you, I think that the fear of Russia dates from the cold war and this fear that JFK weighs on the button as a reply change did not change to much since then
List of military operations of America
List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia

On the territory of the United States, there was practically no fighting. Almost no one attacked America. The famous Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), which was attacked by the Japanese during the second world war, is an occupied territory that the Americans themselves devastated with their "peacekeepers" shortly thereafter. The only attacks of the other country on the United States were the war for independence with England, the end of the 18th century, and the British attack on Washington in 1814. Since then, all the terror has come from the United States, and it has never been punished.

Americans are not used to losing people in the war. Compare: the second world - they have less than 300.000, the 1st world - 53.000 This factor, it seems, deters them from aggression in Russia - well, the Yankees are not used to losses, and we still have enough Heroes ready to rush with a grenade under the tank .

This is said softly ...
American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts.

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each other’s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about “bad Russians” spread by Western “free” Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.

How does that sound?
That is not what Putin is saying..

I didn't see that either.
He is campaigning on a charge that it is the US which is evil and aggressive in world politics...Which is true...Yet it is true that Pootin has his own agenda at regaining lost power..You can tell by his announcement of new weapons which will destroy NATO yet NATO is no threat to Pootin and Russia. NATO fears Russian invasion..

Putin stressed: he doesn't threaten to anyone. Read by yourself what he said, it's directly from Kremlin's site.

Putin a few days ago: We are not threatening anyone, not going to attack anyone or take away anything from anyone with the threat of weapons. We do not need anything. Just the opposite. I deem it necessary to emphasise (and it is very important) that Russia's growing military power is a solid guarantee of global peace as this power preserves and will preserve strategic parity and the balance of forces in the world, which, as is known, have been and remain a key factor of international security after WWII and up to the present day.

And to those who in the past 15 years have tried to accelerate an arms race and seek unilateral advantage against Russia, have introduced restrictions and sanctions that are illegal from the standpoint of international law aiming to restrain our nation's development, including in the military area, I will say this: everything you have tried to prevent through such a policy has already happened. No one has managed to restrain Russia.

Now we have to be aware of this reality and to give it a thought and dismiss those who live in the past and are unable to look into the future, to stop rocking the boat we are all in and which is called the Earth.

I should note that our military doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons solely in response to a nuclear attack, or an attack with other weapons of mass destruction against the country or its allies, or an act of aggression against us with the use of conventional weapons that threaten the very existence of the state. This all is very clear and specific.

As such, I see it is my duty to announce the following. Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia or its allies, weapons of short, medium or any range at all, will be considered as a nuclear attack on this country. Retaliation will be immediate, with all the attendant consequences.

There should be no doubt about this whatsoever. There is no need to create more threats to the world. Instead, let us sit down at the negotiating table and devise together a new and relevant system of international security and sustainable development for human civilisation. We have been saying this all along. All these proposals are still valid. Russia is ready for this.

Our policies will never be based on claims to exceptionalism. We protect our interests and respect the interests of other countries. We observe international law and believe in the inviolable central role of the UN. These are the principles and approaches that allow us to build strong, friendly and equal relations with the absolute majority of countries.

Even if our views clash on some issues, we still remain partners because we must work together to respond to the most complex challenges, ensure global security, and build the future world, which is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more and more dynamic integration processes.

Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly
Americans are not used to losing people in the war. Compare: the second world - they have less than 300.000, the 1st world - 53.000 This factor, it seems, deters them from aggression in Russia - well, the Yankees are not used to losses, and we still have enough Heroes ready to rush with a grenade under the tank .

This is said softly ...
This is the viewpoint of a loser.

This is General Patton:

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. Let the other son of a bitch die for his country
Putin stressed: he doesn't threaten to anyone. Read by yourself what he said, it's directly from Kremlin's site.

We should not "prove or explain anything to the Anglo-Saxons".
When you try to do this, it means that you "play on the field of your enemy who is a cheater and a deceiver"
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
We must beat them.
Tough ... for all their war crimes

War Crimes of America
Полный список всех военных преступлений Соединённых Штатов Америки
FFS, could they not do better than Megyn Kelly? She is an embarrassment.

I hear that. There is just something about her that is a huge turn off, IMO. I can't quite put my finger on it, but every time I hear her talking, I have a sudden urge to turn the channel. :dunno: I couldn't even watch 5 minutes of that interview because I find her so annoying.

She has a tendency to ask a question, refuse the answer, continue the line of questioning from her original position in an effort to win some type of gotcha moment. She's another Nancy Grace. That tactic may work when you are at your own little studio and can throw some type of drama queening shit but it does not work in international politics or even during election debates. She is revolting.

She just comes across as a phony to me, faking emotions and outrage, that kind of thing. I think that is what I find most annoying.
Putin stressed: he doesn't threaten to anyone. Read by yourself what he said, it's directly from Kremlin's site.

We should not "prove or explain anything to the Anglo-Saxons".
When you try to do this, it means that you "play on the field of your enemy who is a cheater and a deceiver"
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
We must beat them.
Tough ... for all their war crimes

War Crimes of America
Полный список всех военных преступлений Соединённых Штатов Америки

This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.

This thread is about fighting with our common enemy.

Like I said in my post#1, let's unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences
This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.

This thread is about fighting with our common enemy.

Like I said in my post#1, let's unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences
Putin is part of your Deep State
This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.

This thread is about fighting with our common enemy.

Like I said in my post#1, let's unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences
Putin is part of your Deep State
No, he's not. It's another myth Deep State wants you to believe and it only confirms the success of Deep State anti-Russian propaganda in USA. Putin and Trump are Deep State's worst enemies and visa versa.

Remember the Bible: Devil can't fight Devil (sorry for not strict quotation, English is not my first language). If Putin were part of Deep State, Deep State wouldn't fight against him so desperately.

Also there is a good sating: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Last edited:
This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.

This thread is about fighting with our common enemy.

Like I said in my post#1, let's unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences
Putin is part of your Deep State
No, he's not. It's another myth Deep State wants you to believe. Putin and Trump are Deep State's worst enemies and visa versa.

Remember the Bible: Devil can't fight Devil (sorry for not strict quotation, English is not my first language). If Putin were part of Deep State, Deep State wouldn't fight against him so desperately.

Also there is a good sating: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I know the right is supposed to be colluding with Putin (according to the mentally ill left), but the guy IS a ruthless dictator.

That said, he is not wrong about EVERYTHING.

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