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American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

BTW, Dalia , I know you love music. Have you seen Putin singing "Blueberry hills"? It's fun to see how so many Hollywood celebrities are standing and rocking along with his singing. They seem to really enjoy it.

BTW, Dalia , I know you love music. Have you seen Putin singing "Blueberry hills"? It's fun to see how so many Hollywood celebrities are standing and rocking along with his singing. They seem to really enjoy it.

Well, if Kurt Russell likes him....

And he's not the only one.

Instead of an understanding that Russia is no longer the Cold War threat and thus they should be our friends, our government has only become closer because they feel they have to. Unfortunately, [it’s] not going further,” Rohrabache said. “There’s a necessity for our government to work with Russia now, because otherwise we’ll be suffering dramatic setbacks in the Middle East and in the cause of fighting against radical Islamic terrorism,” Rohrabacher suggested.
‘Putin’s watching out for Russia, we should do the same’: US congressman on US-Russia relations

Cohen reminds us that, quite contrary to the common, manufactured perception in this country, we have a very willing and capable potential partner in Moscow right now. As Cohen explains, "Bill Clinton said this not too long ago: To the extent that he knew and dealt with Putin directly, he never knew him to say anything that he, Putin, didn't mean, or ever to go back on his word or break a promise he made to Clinton."
Rethinking Russia: A Conversation With Russia Scholar Stephen F. Cohen | HuffPost
Just to put their panties in a bunch....... cause we love being Russian bots.........


During Obama Russia was the new America because their values turned into many American Values.
They believe in all the morals and values that America use to believe in.
Today American is so far down the crap hole where everything wrong is made to be right , forced upon those who don't believe in something, stripped from those who do believe and tearing America to pieces.................

IDIOTS do not get it. ..
Putin is part of your Deep State
Путин - козел...
This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.
Хорошо, шпрехайте далее сами-сами

Ania ti ibag gam manong ko? What are you trying to say bro?

This I one of the 6 foreign languages I speak and write.

I do not think that is right speaking other language so others don’t understand you.
American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts.

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each other’s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about “bad Russians” spread by Western “free” Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.

How does that sound?

1. Let say we get rid of the Deep State that you are talking about. Is that mean Russia’s interest will stop? Like they will stop selling arms to Iran and Syria? Is that mean US interest will also stop?

2. Deep State exist to counter balance authoritarian and dictatorship. If we eliminate that that will also eliminate our freedom of press. Thus controlling the media like in Russia.

3. Russian government will never be our friends but Russians are.

4. What is your suggestion how to destroy Deep State?

5. Even if Deep State doesn’t exist ..... Look at how nervous are Putin’s neighbors.

6. Is that mean Putin will start redirecting his nuke to other countries?
Dear Americans, what kind of future the country has where:
  • crooked elites have been controlling the presidents and the Congress for decades;
  • the attempts have been made to impeach the only president who doesn’t belong to corrupt elites and is willing to make his country great again;
  • Media is constantly lying, brainwashing and dumbing down the population;
  • it’s embarrassing to be born white;
  • “there is no racism” but blacks and Hispanics have been given affirmative action;
  • gays and feminists are more important than heterosexual people, the kids are forced to learn that at schools;
  • gay marriages are encouraged as well as adopting kids by gay couples (can anybody even imagine a life of a poor kid with such a “couple”? Of course, the fruits of such kind of adoptions will be obvious only in several years);
  • it’s allowed to pick your sex and race;
  • public bathrooms are becoming available for all kind of jerks
and so on and on. And you can’t blame Russians for all this ^, it has been done from within, and that part is the most scary.

Decreasing the population and affecting their brains to make it easy to manipulate, that’s the main goal of those crooks who have been running USA for quite a while.

Are you sure about ALL of these?

Like......... I know for sure Russians populations is decreasing every year and you have a massive brain drain moving to the west because of hardship.
At the same time US population is increasing yearly on top influx of brain flooding taking over American jobs.

Cultures and diversities in US is the most complex in the world ........ but still the NUMBER ONE country that foreigners want to migrate. Not Russia.

Our government give rights and freedom to its citizens including gays and lesbians ...... that doesn’t exist in Russia.

Since when it’s embarrassing to be born white? Or any colors.
This thread is NOT about fighting with each other.

This thread is about fighting with our common enemy.

Like I said in my post#1, let's unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences
Putin is part of your Deep State
No, he's not. It's another myth Deep State wants you to believe. Putin and Trump are Deep State's worst enemies and visa versa.

Remember the Bible: Devil can't fight Devil (sorry for not strict quotation, English is not my first language). If Putin were part of Deep State, Deep State wouldn't fight against him so desperately.

Also there is a good sating: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I know the right is supposed to be colluding with Putin (according to the mentally ill left), but the guy IS a ruthless dictator.

That said, he is not wrong about EVERYTHING.
I can only applaud to the power of Deep State propaganda in USA. What if you guys eventually find out that everything you "know" about Putin is lies? That he's not a dictator, murderer, ruthless or something else? What if you eventually figure out that you wasted your time fighting with somebody who could be your good and reliable partner?

Stephen Cohen, Interview to Russian Channel One, Jan. 2018:

Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to our [American] national security. For the next 1 or 2 years after Putin first came to power (as a Prime Minister in December 1999) American press was treating him very positively. NYT even wrote he was a Democrat, who wants reforms and would be better than Yeltsin because he was younger and healthier. When I [S.C.] asked them: “Why are you sure he’s a Democrat?” do you know what they said? They said: ”Because he’s from Yeltsin. Everything’s gonna be ok.”

They were just shocked when Putin started saying: “Russia is a sovereign country”, ”Russia has her own policy”, “We want to be partners with US but it’s a two-way street”. A well known NYT journalist literally wrote: “I’m disappointed and shocked that Putin has not become a sober Yeltsin.”

Now all the masks have been taken off.

Unfortunately, we have a short memory and have already forgotten that after 9/11 Putin was the first who called Bush and said: “That was terrible. How can we help you guys?”

Then US went to war in Afghanistan to destroy Taliban and Putin helped US to get the victory in this war with minimum losses more than anybody else, even more than any NATO country.

Putin also shared his intelligence data with USA and so on and on. He was even criticized in Russia, so for a while he looked more like being pro-American leader, not even a bit anti-American.

During Gorbachev’s times American political class started treating Russia as a satellite country who was supposed to follow the orders from USA not only in foreign policy but in internal affairs as well. After Yeltsin left and Putin came the people who dealt with foreign affairs in USA were absolutely sure they would continue to do whatever they were doing with Russia for the next 10 years at least. And suddenly they figured out they were wrong and that’s why all those controversies started: with Georgia, Ukraine, etc.

Demonization of Putin is one of the biggest threats to American national security,Stephen Cohen.

Most of his political opponents are murdered. Valued at several billions $, Government own media.
Putin is a THUG.
American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts.

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each other’s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about “bad Russians” spread by Western “free” Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.

How does that sound?
That is not what Putin is saying..

I didn't see that either.
He is campaigning on a charge that it is the US which is evil and aggressive in world politics...Which is true...Yet it is true that Pootin has his own agenda at regaining lost power..You can tell by his announcement of new weapons which will destroy NATO yet NATO is no threat to Pootin and Russia. NATO fears Russian invasion..
You're right, NATO is not threatening anyone except for Russia.
Calling Russia a main threat keep pumping more and more money into the war machine at American taxpayers’ expense EXPENSE EXPENSE EXPENSE..

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
NATO is primarily a money racket which provides a lot of influential people with a very comfortable lifestyle, flying around the globe on private jets and generating well-paid jobs, both directly and via the think-tank circuit.

Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?
To counter the new Russian ‘threat’ we’re told we need a big increase in NATO ‘defense’ spending. And who does that benefit? Why, US defense contractors!

As Charlie Chaplin commented in his classic 1947 black comedy Monsieur Verdoux, "Wars, conflicts, it’s all business!"

By any objective assessment it's NATO - not Russia - with its build up of arms and soldiers on the borders of Russia, which threatens the peace of Europe. But anyone who points this out, and mentions the military alliance’s relentless Drang nach Osten, threatens the profits of US defense companies and is attacked as an ‘appeaser' or ‘Kremlin stooge’ by those with a vested financial interest in keeping tensions high.

Neocons have embedded themselves in the corridors of power. They claim to be interested in spreading ‘democracy’, but the reality is that the neocon movement is all about money and profits.

How much longer will the citizens of the world put up with a situation in which warmongers with ties to the military-industrial complex are allowed to stoke up international tensions? The next time you read or hear someone issue stark warnings about the ‘Russian threat’ - and why NATO needs to hike its spending to deal with it - just follow the money trail.
Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
Tamir Halperin (Poland): “They [ Dems] are using “Russia the monster” as a tool to attract as much compassion as possible. They simply need an artificial enemy to get more support inside their system.”


Without the NATO as defense ........ Where do you think is Putin now?
Or can you possibly guarantee what is Putin plan?

Maybe you can ask his neighboring countries that are nervous and afraid from invasions. If Putting in such a nice guy how come his neighbors are running to the west for protections?

Tell me where I’m wrong.
Last edited:
No rebuttal Stratford.l?

What’s the matter? Are you scared to debate with a lefty heavyweight?
No rebuttal Stratford.l?

What’s the matter? Are you scared to debate with a lefty heavyweight?
I stay away from debating with retarded people especially if they are brainwashed on the top of everything.
No rebuttal Stratford.l?

What’s the matter? Are you scared to debate with a lefty heavyweight?
I stay away from debating with retarded people especially if they are brainwashed on the top of everything.

And it took you over 2 months to say that. Very funny. You’ve been avoiding me every time I challenged you. I understand sometimes people just remained quiet for their own sake.

Billionaire Putin is always up to no good.
Why don’t you prove to me where I’m wrong.
March, 2018:

Megyn Kelly: One of the questions that our audiences have is how do we walk this back? How do we get to the place where these two great nations are less adversaries and something closer to allies, which we clearly are not right now. Do you agree we are not?

Vladimir Putin: Unfortunately, we are not. But we were not the ones who made the US our adversary. It was the US, the US Congress, who called Russia its adversary. Why did you do that? Did Russia impose sanctions on the United States? No, it was the US that imposed sanctions on us.

Megyn Kelly: You know why.

Vladimir Putin: No, I do not. Can I ask you a different question? Why did you encourage the government coup in Ukraine? Why did you do that? The US directly acknowledged spending billions of dollars to this end. This was openly acknowledged by US officials. Why do they support government coups and armed fighting in other countries? Why has the US deployed missile systems along our borders?

Listen, Russia and the US should sit down and talk it over in order to get things straight. I have the impression that this is what the current President wants, but he is prevented from doing it by some forces. But we are ready to discuss any matter, be it missile-related issues, cyberspace or counterterrorism efforts. We are ready to do it any moment. But the US should also be ready. The time will come when the political elite in the US will be pushed by public opinion to move in this direction. We will be ready the instant our partners are ready.

Interview to American TV channel NBC
Well all you have to is look at who is for: Open Boarders, legalize drugs, Globel taxes, ONE government, and other Liberalize causes. Geo SOROS and the many foundations backed by his Billions of Dollars.
American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts.

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each other’s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about “bad Russians” spread by Western “free” Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.

How does that sound?
They need to be expunged........................
March, 2018:

Megyn Kelly: One of the questions that our audiences have is how do we walk this back? How do we get to the place where these two great nations are less adversaries and something closer to allies, which we clearly are not right now. Do you agree we are not?

Vladimir Putin: Unfortunately, we are not. But we were not the ones who made the US our adversary. It was the US, the US Congress, who called Russia its adversary. Why did you do that? Did Russia impose sanctions on the United States? No, it was the US that imposed sanctions on us.

Megyn Kelly: You know why.

Vladimir Putin: No, I do not. Can I ask you a different question? Why did you encourage the government coup in Ukraine? Why did you do that? The US directly acknowledged spending billions of dollars to this end. This was openly acknowledged by US officials. Why do they support government coups and armed fighting in other countries? Why has the US deployed missile systems along our borders?

Listen, Russia and the US should sit down and talk it over in order to get things straight. I have the impression that this is what the current President wants, but he is prevented from doing it by some forces. But we are ready to discuss any matter, be it missile-related issues, cyberspace or counterterrorism efforts. We are ready to do it any moment. But the US should also be ready. The time will come when the political elite in the US will be pushed by public opinion to move in this direction. We will be ready the instant our partners are ready.

Interview to American TV channel NBC
Well all you have to is look at who is for: Open Boarders, legalize drugs, Globel taxes, ONE government, and other Liberalize causes. Geo SOROS and the many foundations backed by his Billions of Dollars.
You are right on the spot, Dan. And all Western "leaders" apparently are their puppets. The only two people who are in their way are Trump and Putin. That's why both have been demonized so badly by their loyal Media.
American people and Russian people, we all have the same enemy.

American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts.

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each other’s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about “bad Russians” spread by Western “free” Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.

How does that sound?
They need to be expunged........................
By whom? Who can do it, you think?

I mean, I agree with you 100% but Deep State became so powerful and has it tentacles everywhere, including the vast majority of US Congress.

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