American police state closes down email service.

BBC News - Snowden link to Lavabit encrypted email service closure

n encrypted email service thought to have been used by fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden has abruptly shut down.

Ladar Levison, owner of the Texas-based Lavabit service, said legal reasons prevented him explaining his decision....

....He said he had decided to "suspend operations" but was barred from discussing the events over the past six weeks that led to his decision.

"This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would strongly recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States," he wrote.

A new low from the American stasi thought police.
Their new victim isn't even allowed to tell the world what really happened.
I wonder if he'd be put in a re-education camp if he tried.


This is exactly what Snowden is fighting against.
It proves your government, if they can't snoop on your emails, will simply shut down the service and gag the owner with threats if he tells the truth about your thought police.

I wonder how long before the NSA Geheime Staatspolizei close down forums such as can't have subversive talk against the state as it would endanger ze people.

It really is time you lot took to the streets in large, peaceful demonstrations and demanded the truth and a large pile of sackings.
That includes senior government figures if they are complicit in this, right to the top.

America has done some shit lately but this is really scary stuff.
A rogue, paranoid government in charge of the greatest military power on the planet is concern for the whole world.

It is becoming more than worrisome.

What astounds me is the embrace of this administration and its invasive policies. Now I can understand those that fall under the label of progressives aka communists.

American communists after all adore this and if anything cheer the direction of this administration.

Drone assassinations on a daily basis. Drone assassinations even of American citizens without trial. The NSA. All of this is fine with progressives.

But the lack of awareness or caring by the American public is breathtakingly stunning.

They don't get it, or they don't care to get it. The Kardashians are more important. It's like they are in a 9/10 loop on the eve of 9/11 and not seeing what is coming their way.

For me. "by the pricking in my thumbs, something wicked this way comes".

Thank you for this thread.
Unfortunately you only succeed in exhibiting your ignorance as to what a ‘police state’ actually is.

A ‘police state’ lacks an independent judiciary, it lacks a republican form of government where citizens are subject only to the rule of law, it lacks due process of the law afforded its citizens, and it lacks a Constitution designed to protect the civil liberties of its citizens.


or a country with a constitution that is ignored in favour of opening your mail and threatening to put people behind bars if they tell the public about it.


What is truly stunning is the attempt to subvert international law by demanding that Russia hand Snowden over.

I find this beyond disturbing.
Ame®icano;7662230 said:
It used to be "the truth shall set you free"...

Nowdays, the truth gets you killed or locked behind bars.

Or causes you to lose your country. Like Snowden.
I'm pretty sure they could be charged with aiding and abetting, if indeed Snowden was using their service.

Why would you use an email service when you could join a forum and use their PM system? I mean even Petraus' little email scheme was found out.
Why is it that the Republicans/conservatives are making it harder for the police to find terrorists?

Pardon me?

Where ever I am in the world I'm logged into my computer in Vegas which is secure. When I send an e-mail it gets sent to Vegas and then resent to the addressee. Nothing visible in the resent e-mail notes I'm anywhere except Vegas, unless you know where to look.

How hard do you think it would be for a bad guy to hack into Bob Smiths e-mail account in po-dunk Ark?

So why would you want the police restrained to find these guys?

With all the distractions made by the one percenters with something to sell, make sure you keep in mind that the rich are getting richer and the middle class continues to get fucked.
I'm pretty sure they could be charged with aiding and abetting, if indeed Snowden was using their service.

Why would you use an email service when you could join a forum and use their PM system? I mean even Petraus' little email scheme was found out.

Post 11.

If the American government will hack and read your emails whilst threatening massive companies with punishment if they allow their customers to know the truth; they're unlikely to be worried about a forum owner.

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