American savings have plunged from 2020

Americans lost $4 trillion since diaper boy got elected along with his DNC cohorts.

$4 trillion.

$ 4 TRILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now they will probably go $4 trillion more on debt the next 2 years.

The WSJ ran an article on that; it's just Wall street gamblers like Blackstone losing most of it, not working stiffs.
You need to stop talking about shit you are obviously clueless about. You look like a clown.

That actually a decline in adjusted real dollars per capita.
never ask you for a damn thing and never will.
no, you ask the govt to take it from me, by force, so they can hand it to you…so you can. lay around eating Ruffles, and playing on your computer in your apartment
no, you ask the govt to take it from me, by force, so they can hand it to you…so you can. lay around eating Ruffles, and playing on your computer in your apartment
Prove it then or STFU and stop lying.
When the stock market and other investments tied to it have issues people can lose wealth even if it seems to be going sideways or up a little. Those drops take a whack out of portfolios. Even if it rises because what gets most of the attention may not and is not what many peasants are invested in. People like Nancy and many of the corrupted though, they know....oh they know.
When the stock market and other investments tied to it have issues people can lose wealth even if it seems to be going sideways or up a little. Those drops take a whack out of portfolios. Even if it rises because what gets most of the attention may not and is not what many peasants are invested in. People like Nancy and many of the corrupted though, they know....oh they know.
So did my old man he was a stockbroker and securities investor.

Americans' personal savings have plunged to a staggering $520 billion — from $4.85 trillion in 2020.​

Not surprising really. What was surprising is how well the DNC did during the 2022 election.

Apparently, Americans are OK with being destroyed economically by Marxists, oi elections are rigged, yada, yada, yada.

Whichever your view.

It's hard to save with inflation, energy costs, food prices skyrocketed, etc etc. People are hurting.
Time for a clue.

2020 saving rates were historically distorted by people sitting at home instead of traveling and doing stuff like getting togather and dining out. This on top of stimulus checks and uncertainty that drives people to increase savings.

People saving less is just another way of saying that they have a lot of confidence, maybe even over-confidence, in their personal economic stability. Which makes sense given very low unemployment and so many job openings.

When did you first realize that you wanted to devote your entire life to The Art of Lying and damn your soul to an eternal Hell?
People Save Less because they are poorer and income that could be saved has to go towards food, gasoline, and to heat their homes.

You Green Earth Cultist types are going to bring Nothing but Death Famine and War to the planet as you try to impose your Fascist New World Order on people who just want to be free of you and your tyrannical government
They just spent $4 trillion cuz they were "cooped up" in the house? They all must live in mansion now driving a Mercedes.


Can you even fathom how much $4 trillion actually is?

To put it into perspective, if you take the age of Biden and Bernie Sanders and add them together, it would be one year shy of $4 trillion years.
The attack on our economy and The World's Economy was planned. This is what The Great Reset is all about.

These people don't even hide it anymore sans The Government Cooking The Books and trying to hide how bad the economy actually is.

If your 401K is down 20% since 2020 there is a real reason for that. If Americans have lost over $3 Trillion Dollars in Wealth there is a reason for that.
If Inflation has been running 9-14% by Government Figures, there is a reason for that. If you are still having supply chain issues 2 years after a "Planned Event" there is a reason for that.

Nothing happens by accident these days.

Russian Collusion taught us that. They plan these attacks on people and Nations, and then they lie, lie, and lie some more about it.
Even when the facts come out, such as you see in The Twitter Files where The Government was actively suppressing Free Speech and directly involved in censoring and banning people, or like with COVID where the fact is that it was a BIOWEAPON ordered to be created by Obama, and released by Fauci from Wuhan with the help of the CCP, or the fact that before even the 1st investigation began with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP that it was known that ever so called fact was a 100% fabrication that came from Obama, Clinton, Biden and their minions in The Deep State.......THEY STILL LIE!

You cannot even watch The News these days as it is nothing but STATE PROPAGANDA.

America is lost, when America no longer stands for The TRUTH.

We are now in The Age of Delusion and Deception.
Freedom and Truth are drowning in a lake of lies and there is no one to throw them a life line.

If The People do not turn from their wicked ways and do not seek God's face, do not uphold Truth, Righteousness, and No Longer Value Freedom, and Free Speech, and Freedom of Thought, America will perish.
The attack on our economy and The World's Economy was planned. This is what The Great Reset is all about.

These people don't even hide it anymore sans The Government Cooking The Books and trying to hide how bad the economy actually is.

If your 401K is down 20% since 2020 there is a real reason for that. If Americans have lost over $3 Trillion Dollars in Wealth there is a reason for that.
If Inflation has been running 9-14% by Government Figures, there is a reason for that. If you are still having supply chain issues 2 years after a "Planned Event" there is a reason for that.

Nothing happens by accident these days.

Russian Collusion taught us that. They plan these attacks on people and Nations, and then they lie, lie, and lie some more about it.
Even when the facts come out, such as you see in The Twitter Files where The Government was actively suppressing Free Speech and directly involved in censoring and banning people, or like with COVID where the fact is that it was a BIOWEAPON ordered to be created by Obama, and released by Fauci from Wuhan with the help of the CCP, or the fact that before even the 1st investigation began with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP that it was known that ever so called fact was a 100% fabrication that came from Obama, Clinton, Biden and their minions in The Deep State.......THEY STILL LIE!

You cannot even watch The News these days as it is nothing but STATE PROPAGANDA.

America is lost, when America no longer stands for The TRUTH.

We are now in The Age of Delusion and Deception.
Freedom and Truth are drowning in a lake of lies and there is no one to throw them a life line.

If The People do not turn from their wicked ways and do not seek God's face, do not uphold Truth, Righteousness, and No Longer Value Freedom, and Free Speech, and Freedom of Thought, America will perish.
I think FTX was more sound than the world economy.
...did you seriously just make that up on the spot?

Total population growth was less than 1.5% 2019-2022,

That's over 5,100,000 people, and doesn't count criminal illegal aliens, for one, and the vast majority of those are in the low income brackets. Plus you seem to think the govt doesn't lie in their use of statistics same as left and right wing 'think tanks' routinely do.

What is the average net worth of 99 people in a homeless shelter when Bill gates walks in as Number 100 in the room? Did they all suddenly become prosperous n stuff? lol When he leaves the room, his average income stays the same, theirs drops a lot. lol

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