American savings have plunged from 2020

That's over 5,100,000 people, and doesn't count criminal illegal aliens, for one, and the vast majority of those are in the low income brackets. Plus you seem to think the govt doesn't lie in thier use of statistics same as left and right wing 'think tanks' routinely do.

What is the average net worth of 99 people in a homeless shelter when Bill gates walks in as Number 100 in the room? Did they all suddenly become prosperous n stuff? lol
I'll ask again, did you make it up?

If you did not, then go ahead and show your math.

I'll go get popcorn.
I'll ask again, did you make it up?

If you did not, then go ahead and show your math.

I'll go get popcorn.

How about you commies go fuck yourselves and stick to licking each other's assholes? I'm not in the least concerned about what you vermin like or don't like.
How about you commies go fuck yourselves and stick to licking each other's assholes? I'm not in the least concerned about what you vermin like or don't like.

Yep, you made it up and now you get all emotional because you can't support it.

Tsk tsk tsk.
Yep, you made it up and now you get all emotional because you can't support it.

Tsk tsk tsk.

So prove it wrong, gimp. You can't, which is why you're making these sniveling little 'I Touched You Last!!!' posts for the benefits of your dipshit deviant peer group. No serious poster has asked me squat about it, just you, and you're just another parrot who doesn't know what it's talking about.
So prove it wrong, gimp.
I did gimp.

I showed you the consumer spending increase graph and it clearly shows much larger increase than 1.5% population growth in that period, so your comment that per capita spending has decreased is obviously bullshit.
I did gimp.

I showed you the consumer spending increase graph and it clearly shows much larger increase than 1.5% population growth in that period, so your comment that per capita spending has decreased is obviously bullshit.
lol you don't even understand your own link, gimp. Beat that fake news, go for it.
Fake news. The OP article is a sales article for God sakes. It should be identified as an advertisement. The first recommendation is investing in fine art with a link to how. You guys are morons.
Most working families live paycheck to paycheck? Been this way since this nations inception. Ain't this great?
lol you don't even understand your own link, gimp. Beat that fake news, go for it.
What didn't I understand?

Go ahead, school me with your superior analysis.

And If you really can't, then how about nice hot cup of stfu?
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What didn't I understand?

Go ahead, school me with your superior analysis.

And If you really can't, then how about nice hot cup of stfu?

So you're too stupid to refute what I said. Hey, we knew that already; morons shouldn't troll over stuff they don't know, parrot.
So you're too stupid to refute what I said. Hey, we knew that already; morons shouldn't troll over stuff they don't know, parrot.
What didn't I understand? You assert stuff, but then can't explain yourself.

Here is what's really going on: You are too stupid to do any sort of actual analisys and so you post empty words to save face. Pretty pathetic.

Americans' personal savings have plunged to a staggering $520 billion — from $4.85 trillion in 2020.​

Not surprising really. What was surprising is how well the DNC did during the 2022 election.

Apparently, Americans are OK with being destroyed economically by Marxists, oi elections are rigged, yada, yada, yada.

Whichever your view.
The drones in the Borg collective will eat any fish food the left throws out at them.
What didn't I understand? You assert stuff, but then can't explain yourself.

Here is what's really going on: You are too stupid to do any sort of actual analisys and so you post empty words to save face. Pretty pathetic.

I don't attempt serious discussions with commie faggot gimps. None of you vermin are honest, and like you they just babble on and on despite being utterly clueless. Nobody sane cares about your opinions, you're just comedy relief, is all. Speaking of pathetic, of course you can't defend any of your 'data', since you're just a parrot and don't really have any clue to what you link to.
I don't attempt serious discussions with commie faggot gimps. None of you vermin are honest, and like you they just babble on and on despite being utterly clueless. Nobody sane cares about your opinions, you're just comedy relief, is all. Speaking of pathetic, of course you can't defend any of your 'data', since you're just a parrot and don't really have any clue to what you link to.

:itsok: That's a lot of words to say nothing.

Americans' personal savings have plunged to a staggering $520 billion — from $4.85 trillion in 2020.​

Not surprising really. What was surprising is how well the DNC did during the 2022 election.

Apparently, Americans are OK with being destroyed economically by Marxists, oi elections are rigged, yada, yada, yada.

Whichever your view.

Power of incumbency.
5 million more votes were registered for Republicans than Democrats, yet only 1 incumbent running for statewide election was defeated.
lol economic policies make it stupid for working class people to save, not to mention wages are at all time lows since the early 1950's. They're better off spending every dime on staples and hoarding thanks to the price gouging and unstable job markets.

Such ignorance

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