American Trade Wars: Germany Is Playing on the Side of Russia

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
The aggressive trade policy of the USA exasperates the Europeans. The war for the gas market continues with varying success, but Russia has acquired strong allies.

A new round in the battle for the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline marked the reciprocal move of Germany, which is one of the main beneficiaries of the project. German lawyers have submitted to the European Commission an opinion on the next package of amendments on gas, in which they demand to make exceptions for the new gas pipeline.

The third package of the EC amendments taken under the pressure from the USA suggests that the European officials will have the right to share the functions of the supplier and the transit company, and also allow third parties to enter the pipe, which actually means desentegration of Russian Gasprom.

The German side believes that these innovations are contrary to the norms of European and international law.

In the mid-1990s, when Russia underwent the deepest economic crisis, oil production fell three-fold, while gas production fell by only 6%. In fact, Gazprom (state/private-owned) natural gas corporation) pulled the country out of the crisis. The country's leadership remembers this and therefore Gazprom does not disintegrate. This is known to the American government and to pro-American Europeans in the European Comission. Therefore, they introduced a third energy package to dislodge one of the poles, which insures the Russian economy in case of war or crisis.

There is also a purely economic reason for the American policy of slowing the construction of the Russian Northern Stream-2 in Europe: by means of political intrigues to force the Europeans to abandon the purchase of cheaper Russian gas in favor of the American liquefied gas.

If the gas transportation system of cryptoneozionist Ukraine fails, which, ccording to German experts will happen the next year, and there will be no" Nord Stream-2 ", Europe will have to buy liquefied natural gas through ports. Liquefied gas is much more expensive than Russian gas. In this situation, the cost price of all European goods will grow. If the US manages to block the construction of the second stage of the Russian gas pipeline, then the cost price of European goods will jump, their competitiveness will drop, and America will get an additional market for its cheaper products compared to European goods.

America is not at all going to compete with Europeans, and, as always, seeks simply to destroy its rival - a pattern of mentality of the American political elite...

All these problems would be solved if we would quit being World Police. We have artificially prevented wars from breaking out at our own expense.

The rest of the world are children and we are their constant babysitter.

Time for a little child neglect.
All these problems would be solved if we would quit being World Police. We have artificially prevented wars from breaking out at our own expense.

The rest of the world are children and we are their constant babysitter.

Time for a little child neglect.

Yes it's true. But hardly our elite will refuse a police truncheon. It is much more used to it. In general, we are not loved in Europe: the Europeans simply tolerate, as America continues to occupy Germany


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