Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare

NO, actually, it will because two things we always find out with these mass shootings.

The guy who did it was crazier than batshit and everyone in his life knew it.

And it was WAAAAYYY to easy for him to get a gun.

Again- simple way to do it. Make Gun manufacturers liable for the damage caused by their products. Betcha they'll start doing real background checks then.

Very dumb idea, very dumb.



Gun owners will actually do their level best to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Or pay teh consequences.

Totally awesome.

A truly good idea but only for the responsible gun owners.

But, the true nutters want all people to have access to anything they want.
And, those same nutters don't and won't take responsibility for their own actions.
Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

all murdered in a gun free zone.

That's not true. Loughner did his shooting spree in a state that has unlimited conceal-carry. In fact a 'legitimate" gun owner rushed to the scene and almost shot one of the unarmed bystanders that tackled Loughner.

Cho did his rampage on a campus that had its own police force.

again all murdered in gun free zones :eusa_whistle:
it seems many anti gunners are also obamacare supporters they got what they want now it's time for them to shut the fuck up because on this issue they are the minority. Even though they are also the minority for supporting obamacare also.
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In case you seem to have forgotten..

Most of the military would refuse to fire upon American Citizens. That is why Obama is purging the Senior Officer Staff, because they said they would refuse to give those orders.

You also seem to think that we have a lot of our combat troops here.


Most combat units are overseas. Training units are here in the States. IE.. Young guys and gals who are in school.
Very dumb idea, very dumb.



Gun owners will actually do their level best to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Or pay teh consequences.

Totally awesome.

A truly good idea but only for the responsible gun owners.

But, the true nutters want all people to have access to anything they want.
And, those same nutters don't and won't take responsibility for their own actions.

Shall we hold Automobile makers responsible for the actions of drunk drivers also?
I went to go get a new gun last saturday, i picked it up yesterday.

Why does it take a week to get a gun? If I want one I just go to the store an buy it and bring it home, no need for a second trip.

California dumb logic is its a cooling down period. NICS check is run on the spot, so, the cooling off period is more stupid thinking of the left. It would be less stupid if it was a first time purchase of a gun, but when I have a safe full, the cooling off period is moot. :cuckoo:


Just another reason I would never live there. Those folks deserve what they get I guess, my porblem is a bunch of them are moving to TX.
NO, it just says it's WAAAAY too easy to get a gun.

And WAAAAYYY to hard to get health coverage.

Now, every other country.

It's damned well near impossible to get a gun, and everyone gets health coverage.

Americans...the retards of the Industrialized world.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot they still have to do the ATF 4473 move along we already know you are scared of those big bad mean inanimate object called guns.

Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

You fools say it's plenty good enough to guarantee citizenship for voting without checking the info provided, at least the info provided on the ATF form is checked. One infringes on the right to vote, the other, according to you, doesn't infringe on gun ownership. More lefty logic. :cuckoo:
Anyway over a million more people are concern with getting a gun than they are with getting healthcare coverage.
Anyway over a million more people are concern with getting a gun than they are with getting healthcare coverage.

Having a gun available to protect myself and my family is just another part of my personal "Health Care Plan" which Obama promised I could keep.
Anyway over a million more people are concern with getting a gun than they are with getting healthcare coverage.

Having a gun available to protect myself and my family is just another part of my personal "Health Care Plan" which Obama promised I could keep.

yep it's called preventive medicine kills the cancer that plagues humanity :lol:
Why does it take a week to get a gun? If I want one I just go to the store an buy it and bring it home, no need for a second trip.

California dumb logic is its a cooling down period. NICS check is run on the spot, so, the cooling off period is more stupid thinking of the left. It would be less stupid if it was a first time purchase of a gun, but when I have a safe full, the cooling off period is moot. :cuckoo:


Just another reason I would never live there. Those folks deserve what they get I guess, my porblem is a bunch of them are moving to TX.

LMAO- Yea, quite a few to Austin which is not much better from what I hear


Gun owners will actually do their level best to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Or pay teh consequences.

Totally awesome.

A truly good idea but only for the responsible gun owners.

But, the true nutters want all people to have access to anything they want.
And, those same nutters don't and won't take responsibility for their own actions.

Shall we hold Automobile makers responsible for the actions of drunk drivers also?

If the automakers were out lobbying against drunk driving laws and deliberately marketting products to drunks, damn straight.
A truly good idea but only for the responsible gun owners.

But, the true nutters want all people to have access to anything they want.
And, those same nutters don't and won't take responsibility for their own actions.

Shall we hold Automobile makers responsible for the actions of drunk drivers also?

If the automakers were out lobbying against drunk driving laws and deliberately marketting products to drunks, damn straight.

irrelevant is still irrelevant.

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