Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare

Kimber? Let me throw gas on the fire. My Ultra Carry HD II and DD M4



kinda says something about how americans feel about their government at the moment.

NO, it just says it's WAAAAY too easy to get a gun.

And WAAAAYYY to hard to get health coverage.

Now, every other country.

It's damned well near impossible to get a gun, and everyone gets health coverage.

Americans...the retards of the Industrialized world.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot they still have to do the ATF 4473 move along we already know you are scared of those big bad mean inanimate object called guns.

Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.
NO, it just says it's WAAAAY too easy to get a gun.

And WAAAAYYY to hard to get health coverage.

Now, every other country.

It's damned well near impossible to get a gun, and everyone gets health coverage.

Americans...the retards of the Industrialized world.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot they still have to do the ATF 4473 move along we already know you are scared of those big bad mean inanimate object called guns.

Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

Sure it did good. Helped kill this bill.


NO, it just says it's WAAAAY too easy to get a gun.

And WAAAAYYY to hard to get health coverage.

Now, every other country.

It's damned well near impossible to get a gun, and everyone gets health coverage.

Americans...the retards of the Industrialized world.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot they still have to do the ATF 4473 move along we already know you are scared of those big bad mean inanimate object called guns.

Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

all murdered in a gun free zone.
More people voted for the bill than against it...

Again, these 45 Senators OWN the next school shooting.

no joe this will not work the one who owned anything will be the one who does the crime.

NO, actually, it will because two things we always find out with these mass shootings.

The guy who did it was crazier than batshit and everyone in his life knew it.

And it was WAAAAYYY to easy for him to get a gun.

Again- simple way to do it. Make Gun manufacturers liable for the damage caused by their products. Betcha they'll start doing real background checks then.
More people voted for the bill than against it...

Again, these 45 Senators OWN the next school shooting.

no joe this will not work the one who owned anything will be the one who does the crime.

NO, actually, it will because two things we always find out with these mass shootings.

The guy who did it was crazier than batshit and everyone in his life knew it.

And it was WAAAAYYY to easy for him to get a gun.

Again- simple way to do it. Make Gun manufacturers liable for the damage caused by their products. Betcha they'll start doing real background checks then.

Very dumb idea, very dumb.

No it doesn't you fucking idiot they still have to do the ATF 4473 move along we already know you are scared of those big bad mean inanimate object called guns.

Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

all murdered in a gun free zone.

That's not true. Loughner did his shooting spree in a state that has unlimited conceal-carry. In fact a 'legitimate" gun owner rushed to the scene and almost shot one of the unarmed bystanders that tackled Loughner.

Cho did his rampage on a campus that had its own police force.
no joe this will not work the one who owned anything will be the one who does the crime.

NO, actually, it will because two things we always find out with these mass shootings.

The guy who did it was crazier than batshit and everyone in his life knew it.

And it was WAAAAYYY to easy for him to get a gun.

Again- simple way to do it. Make Gun manufacturers liable for the damage caused by their products. Betcha they'll start doing real background checks then.

Very dumb idea, very dumb.



Gun owners will actually do their level best to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Or pay teh consequences.

Totally awesome.
Oh, they actually have to FILL OUT A FORM!!!!

Hey, did Holmes and Loughner and Cho have to fill out that form?

Fat lot of good that did.

all murdered in a gun free zone.

That's not true. Loughner did his shooting spree in a state that has unlimited conceal-carry. In fact a 'legitimate" gun owner rushed to the scene and almost shot one of the unarmed bystanders that tackled Loughner.

Cho did his rampage on a campus that had its own police force.

Police force? You do know that the police are not legally obligated in any way to come to your aid, right?

NO, actually, it will because two things we always find out with these mass shootings.

The guy who did it was crazier than batshit and everyone in his life knew it.

And it was WAAAAYYY to easy for him to get a gun.

Again- simple way to do it. Make Gun manufacturers liable for the damage caused by their products. Betcha they'll start doing real background checks then.

Very dumb idea, very dumb.



Gun owners will actually do their level best to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Or pay teh consequences.

Totally awesome.

Poor Joe didn't learn much in school about definitions


Guy, the gun industry has been marketting to bad guys for years.

To get everyone else to buy their product.

Come on, you look at a Mack 10, who else would want that weapon OTHER than a gang-banger?

Honestly, I'd love a lawsuit to open all their e-mails and confidential files, just like they did with Big Tobacco.

Please tell me of a single law in the U.S. that has prevented gun crimes.

I won't hold my breath because there have been none.


Because Criminals don't care about laws. They are kind of strange that way, but that is why they are called Criminals.
NO, it just says it's WAAAAY too easy to get a gun.

And WAAAAYYY to hard to get health coverage.

Now, every other country.

It's damned well near impossible to get a gun, and everyone gets health coverage.

Americans...the retards of the Industrialized world.

The right would much rather destroy than heal. To them, killing is preferable to growing.

Ninnies actually believe they're gonna take on the US military - and win.

Funny part of all their posturing and chest pounding is - If they did win, they couldn't survive.

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